Is it normal not to fear basically anything?

I am a pretty adventurous bloke, however when you stumble upon something dangerous normally you are careful and try to back away right?

Well I don't really know how to measure danger and I tend to make all these foolish things very often. Thanks to a divine luck I am still alive but here it is not a metaphor that if I had a dollar every time i had almost died i would be rich.

I just wanted to know if it happens to only me or is there anyone else that hasn't felt fear?

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38% Normal
Based on 47 votes (18 yes)
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Comments ( 15 )
  • blackalica

    you said "not" to fear basically "anything", and don't say that the "basically" part of it will assure it.

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  • blackalica

    Let me take a golf club, wack you with it until your face turns blue.... shove a knife in your bellybutton then pour lemon juice on it... take my glock; shoot you in the knee caps, elbows, feet.....take another knife and scalp you, then stick the glock in your now you would be shitting and pissing in your pants and crying like a bitch. trust me, your not impervious to fear, and your luck in this scenario just ran out.

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    • you got fear and pain mixed up there a little mate.

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  • InvadingPotatoLeader

    I don't fear much either, the reason I dislike bugs is because they are nasty and they leave dirty blood stains when you kill them.
    I could fear extreme heights though, or facing a dangerous animal without a weapon like a bear.
    Not much else I think..
    Could you fear a dangerous animal? One who wants to eat you and you have no way out and you know they are physically much stronger than you.
    Ask the zoo staff if they could let you go into the lion cage, death match ;p

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    • its not much about getting myself in danger on purpose, but when a dangerous event comes up i dont really react the way many would

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    You've obviously never woken up in a house fire or had an angry clown take a machete to your testicles.

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    • maybe not the fire but the machete thing, well, does fighting off an angry farmer with a machete count?

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      • NeuroNeptunian


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  • Rebar

    no fear. that is an option only saints and those who walk with God have privy to. it is possible...but, a measure of fear is handy when you are trying to protect 'someone else' besides yourself. i say don't let it go to your head and be a man.

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    • the funny thing is that i am no religious man

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      • Rebar

        i hear you.

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  • Energy

    Isn't that some psychological disorder?

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    • i certainly hope not…

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  • suckonthis9

    No, it's not normal.
    Most people have a fight or flight response to danger.
    It is not 'divine' luck that you are still alive. Just plain lucky.

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    • i said divine as sarcastic but it sure is one helluva luck

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