Is it normal not to fear death?

I am 21, plan on joining the Army here soon! Anyways I don't fear death.. I once hanged from my legs on a cell phone tower, I once tried and failed to jump over my friends car.. I don't fear death. I fear death for others the people I care about.. but not myself.. Normal?

Voting Results
73% Normal
Based on 56 votes (41 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • Paradiddle

    Honestly I try not to think about these things that much but its certainly best for someone not to worry about it. I do think there is a difference between not fearing it and testing it however as I personally wouldn't try to stare it in the face, I'm fairly certain that eventually I'd lose and be all out of quarters. Maybe you are the long lost cousin of Akuma which would definitely explain this trait in a cool way.

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    • Joseph2211

      I find you brainless than fearless.

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  • SvenTheBold

    I'm the same way. I have not yet discovered a situation that can make me fear death. I do value my life, but only because I know there's a lot I can do to serve the world as something other than a dead body. I do, however, fear physical pain. It's just unpleasant, and can hurt the soul, can hurt one's ability to serve the world.

    I will admit, I should say that I'm also a Christian; belief that death is not the end of existence is as natural to me as breathing. The notion of an end to existence seems sad, but unrealistic. I guess I don't know whether that's normal or not; but my answer anyway to your question is that yes, you're normal.

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  • Tommythecat.

    You sound more stupid than fearless.

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    • **Blows slimy yellow load**

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      • Tommythecat.

        *Powerdumps in pants

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  • Aliceee93

    People do worry but there's not much point, death happens to us all at some point :(

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