Is it normal not to feel sorry for fat people?

I can`t help but feel irritated at all these super morbidly obese people that you see on tv who whine that they can`t stop eating & they must have bariatric surgery to lose wieght or else they`ll die. I think wev`e gotten much too soft as a society to pander to these people. Why can`t they just stop stuffing their faces & get some exercise!, I mean the NHS is going bankrupt providing special ambulances to transport them to hospital, & supersize beds for them, & all they can do is blame fast food retailers for making them fat! Whatever happened to self discipline? I have been told that I lack compassion, but I`ll say that if I can control my weight, why can`t they?

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71% Normal
Based on 112 votes (80 yes)
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Comments ( 28 )
  • Terence_the_viking

    Well it depends how they got fat in the first place.

    if it is due to laziness it's self inflicted so no i don't show them pity just like a person who shows up to work with a hangover.

    If it can't be helped then yeah i feel sorry for them.

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  • howaminotmyself

    Fat people bashing, wonderful. Your assessment of the situation is amazing. How astute of you.

    You're right, you don't seem to have much compassion. And I'm glad you can control your weight. But can you control your mouth? or fingers in this case?

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    • MissClaire

      Truely excellent response Sir.

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    • VioletTrees


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    • justsomekidfromcanada

      All an obese person has to do is stop eating so much(unless they have a disease in which case none of this applies). It's ridiculous how anyone could feel sorry for them because a morbidly obese person can tear apart a family just as much as a drug addict. If a person is fat but okay with being fat than I have no problem with that. But if a person is fat and they act like it's some affliction they've been cursed with than they deserve no sympathy. The truth is it's their fault and only their fault. If they don't want to be fat they should do something about it. Yeah their stomach is going to hurt when loosing weight but seriously, man up. If they didn't want to deal with weight loss than they should of been more careful about what they ate. I never insult fat people and I have nothing against them until they start putting the blame on everyone but themselves. Don't take the obese people's side just because it makes you look good.

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  • calibound590

    Fat people are people and people aren't perfect. If someones and emotional eater or has a weight problem its the same thing as having depression, anxiety, drug addiction. eating disorder, phobias, ect. ITS A FLAW. While I agree you don't HAVE to pity them, you must have a lot of issues to hate someone for a flaw. If everyone could be skinny and fit as easily as you put it than no one would be fat. Or if everyone could choose to be happy and confident in themselves than it wouldn't even matter and we'd never have to deal with people like you.

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  • Justsomejerk

    My emotional state has a massive effect on my eating habits. If all is well I prepare healthy meals, if I'm struggling I will eat Pringles. Luckily I have a good metabolism but if I didn't I would probably be a fat cunt and that would upset me more and I would eat worse and people should feel sorry for me.

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  • neuroticmofo

    I used to not feel sorry for them. I was young and I could eat all I wanted and never get fat, so I thought fat people must just eat all the time, even when they're stuffed, and I thought they were lazy and never got any exercise. Then one day I noticed I was getting a little flabby around the middle! And now, about 16 years later, I still haven't been able to lose the spare tire, in spite of some lengthy periods of excellent discipline with diet and exercise. I'm only about 20 pounds overweight, but when I see someone who is 100 pounds overweight I just think they will NEVER lose that much weight, and I feel very sorry for them.

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  • Mando

    People have their own problems and so do you as in why you think anyone else wants your pity. That is called arrogance and is no virtue.

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  • CheyChey

    These people have much larger problems at their core it's more than than the sheer the love for a giant cheese burger that got them where they are. What's sad is they pass on their bad eating habits to their children and it becomes this cycle. They need to deal with their issues first then the rest will come naturally some though cry and moan about being fat but they don't put the cake down what do they expect will happen. Ok if they have issues their trying to bury with food they surely could find another outlet that is less fatal

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  • KatieLiz

    Well done, you're a dietary psychologist now. Ignorant twat.
    I don't want your pity, I just want your fucking leftovers, ok??

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  • flowergirl87

    What you have to remember is that a lot of obese people have major issues and a lot of them are addicts. They eat to 'solve' and comfort- it's a coping mechanism. NOT all, but most. You can't tell someone to just get over an addiction or to get over the emotional problems that may be causing them to over eat. It does piss me off when they don't show any sign of taking a shred of responsibility, though. You're right about obesity putting a strain on the NHS and that's not on. But so do heavy drinkers and smokers (which also isn't on!) I hope you don't do either of these things to a detrimental extent. Grown up adults should take responsibility for their problems and at least attempt to face them - that includes obese people. Support is helpful, but they shouldn't expect others to pick up the pieces for them. Exceptions should be made in extreme circumstances where someone has had a really rough time of it/experienced trauma (i.e. if an obese person has major depression as a result of having a terrible time - that would need sorting first.) But the majority of obese people over-eat due to self esteem issues and minor to moderate problems in life, not because of major trauma. Perhaps you could practice a bit of empathy when it comes to this issue. It definately is an issue and it's damn selfish - as are all addictions. However, lack of sympathy from healthy, non-obese people won't help.

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  • Im an emotional eater, and the cravings are so intense it really is an addiction. I also wonder as I see bigger people if they're on meds that make them gain weight, because I understand that too.

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    • geek_god_101

      Medications that cause weight gain should have an alternative to them if it causes this issue, doctors know better than this.

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      • VioletTrees

        Sometimes they don't, though. Sometimes there's only one viable medication for a patient, either because no other safe options exist for their condition or because the patient hasn't responded well to other treatments. It's not necessarily the doctor's fault, since physicians don't have the power to make alternative medications get discovered faster. Sometimes gaining weight is a necessary sacrifice.

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        • geek_god_101

          Well it shouldn't be to an asinine amount because that puts pressure on society to tolerate such nonsense but doctors need to find alternative therapies because we lived as human beings for thousands of years without weighing over 300 pounds.

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          • VioletTrees

            What? Cures don't just present themselves in the face of intolerance.

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  • myweirdself16

    Fat people are humans too, only they're fat. So fat...

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  • Sensate

    feeling sorry for fat people is ridiculous. Doesnt mean I agree with the things you say about it being easy to break habbits. consistently losing weight for an obese person is about as hard as kicking a heroin addiction. Theres nothing easy about it.
    Feeling sorry for someone is something completely different though. Fat or not I dont need your condescending ass pitying me. Not feeling sorry for them is a measure of respect towards them.

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  • GuessWho

    I will openly agree with you here, OP.

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  • hairyfairy

    As a matter of fact, I used to have a weight problem in my teens. I wasn`t huge, but I was chubby, & I got plenty of stick for it, I can tell you! I managed to get down to a healthy weight, it wasn`t easy but wll worth it. If I hadn`t bothered & carried on eating I would most likely have died years ago from weight related issues. I`m not a naturally slim person, as my metabolism seems to be very slow, so it`s not an easy task staying slim. I don`t condemn people who are fat because of medication or glandular problems, only people who keep stuffing themselves & put the blame on other things beside greed.

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  • Canttel!

    Can you people ahut the fuck up about 'fat' people? Its called being curvy. Get a dictionary and stick your nose in it some time. This shit is sick.. Half of you act like the racist shits that thought slavery was ok. I bet if you ever said this shit to a curvy person in real life, you might as well be walking home with a broken face. If you have something to say about some ones weight, then why dont you start making REAL life speaches and telling all your listeners this? How shallow can you people possibly ever be?! Next thing is, people will be complaining about brown eyed people. "Their eyes are ugly;their unfashionable!" .....if theres one thing, theres always another.

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  • Shackleford96

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  • QuigleyQuagmire

    Don't feel sorry for them because they're fat. Don't feel "glad" that they're fat either. It's just a lifestyle choice (albeit and semi permanent one) If anything recognize that problems can affect people differently and that sometimes it creates weight problems for people.

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  • Retard73

    Me also hejt fat peopel

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  • ignorethem

    I really don't care as long as they get condescending and try to compensate for their bitterness by calling me "little" or some such thing. I explain that I am not *little* that it is all relative and if I stand next to her/him ( it is an illusion of being that way. I am slender, not *tiny* or whatever adjective these passive aggressives try to throw my way.

    They have to suffer by carrying all that excess around, not me. But, the fact that it hurts my eyes and gives me heartburn and nausea to see fat people (especially in spandex... :-p) is the reason God made sunglasses.

    Remember, they will go away eventually..into the nearest Pizza place! Count your blessings when you see these walking cartoons...and ..

    Ignore them.

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  • DameInDistress

    Yes, I hate them so much, they always go on about how they're the real size for women, and I'm like, no love, I'm a size 6-8, not 18-20, and that's because I f*cking exercise, ever heard of it?! O.O

    Sorry, went off on a bit of a rant there.

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  • americanhoney

    I'm with the OP

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