Is it normal not to get annoyed at speech
I can talk to anyone. It's not a big deal to me. They're people like you and how you say a word doesn't define you. I care about the message, not how it's said. My best friend is from the deep south and has an intense accent and I get pissed when people make fun of him. They sound ridiculous to him! And my wife has an accent to herself. It sounds like a mix between a British accent and a southern accent. Oh, and she's a lawyer. I wish people would quit being arrogant assholes and learn some manners. Why don't you just try to be positive with people? Life isn't a fucking English class, and you are no better than anyone else unless they have a bad CHARACTER. Even if someone is unintelligent, you're no better than that person. Character matters. Everyone has something they're good at. I'd rather be around someone with an IQ of 80 that is a good, honest, and kind person than most of the self-professed smart people on the Internet. I was watching The People's Court on YouTube. There was a woman who had been beat up by her husband and wronged. She seemed like a great person. She had been taking care of her sick mother. And she would say aks. So everyone in the comments made it out like she was the reincarnation of Hitler. The ironic thing about the sentence I just typed was that people were saying she should have been sterilized. I know this is a wall of text, but I'm writing this on a pre-paid cell phone and it won't make pragraph breaks for some reason.