Is it normal not to go out of your way to not fart around people?

I've always thought that farting is perfectly natural, everyone does it, there's no reason to walk out of the room just to fart. then i saw someone make the "courtesy" defense. But is it really that rude to let out your natural gas, and make people possibly (most of my farts don't even smell) have to breathe through their mouth for 10-15 seconds? or is it rude to make people go out of their way to walk all the way away and out of the room just to release their gas?
question: is it okay to fart around people?

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61% Normal
Based on 54 votes (33 yes)
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Comments ( 18 )
  • NotFloydzie

    It's so funny I read this story. Yesterday my 6-year-old sister was doing this thing where she sat on your lap and farted and then ran away. It was pretty cute. I've never farted in front of random people. My mom taught me that ladies deal with their necessities in private, but my dad always told me to never hold it back. I did either.

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    • 1000yrVampireKing

      Only a six year old could get away with this kind of behavior and it be called cute.

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  • dom180

    It's far more rude for everyone else to expect you to remove yourself from their company because of a natural bodily function you can't control.

    To be honest, if someone left a conversation with me just because they'd farted and then came back 30 seconds later, I'd be more likely to think they were being rude for leaving. You're having a conversation with me! Don't just walk off because you need to expel gas! And do you honestly think I'm that judgmental that I'd care about what gases you have, because EVERYONE has them?

    Everyone farts and when you think about it there's nothing actually gross about it - your brain is lying to you when it tells you that farts are bad, because farts can't hurt you.

    If everyone just stood around farting instead of running around the place and inconveniencing themselves in some misguided attempt at courtesy the world would be a much better place.

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    • mazgan

      sniff my farts bitch!

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    • 1000yrVampireKing


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  • dappled

    It really separates people. I have friends who revel in letting out a foul tommy squeaker and having you recoil in disgust. I have another friend who won't let them out anywhere except the bathroom, even if he is alone.

    We all think bathroom guy is a weirdo and the first guy is rude (although I do it to him too, if we're alone together).

    I suppose it depends on the company. If I was in a meeting at work, I wouldn't lift my leg and let off a loud ripper but if I knew it wasn't going to smell, I might squeeze it out bit by bit. I think it's okay, as long as it isn't bothering people.

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  • Mando

    Hey shit and piss your pants too that's perfectly natural.

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  • americanhoney

    Farting = wrong

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  • robbieforgotpw

    I don't care. If I have to I'm gonna let her rip no regrets
    *stink winds everyone**

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  • teasexoxo

    People who say shit about it ...
    You should give a leg tilt in there direction and then add one good waft lol
    Best of luck :)

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  • FriendlyAnswers

    Dannyelf is wright

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  • FriendlyAnswers

    If it stinks badly I don't like it but its ok you can fart quietly if your embarased

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  • Johnsonj006

    That's tough , see I would rather someone get up and say excuse me and moment and do their business. Instead, of them farting while we're speaking. I think it's pretty rude.

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  • Matchew

    I haven't been in company where I felt it necessary to excuse myself in quite some time, and most of the time, I don't have to fart just once. Either I'm not farting at all, or I'm having a small episode of farts, so I'm not either going to excuse myself indefinitely or leave every minute. That said, I tried holding a fart recently and not having done so in so long, found it very difficult. So difficult, in fact, I let it out anyway. I've mastered the silent fart, but unfortunately, I can't control the smell.

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  • IDiGAFi

    If there's many people, I always just go ahead and do it and to fuck with everything. Who'll know it was me? Now, if it's just me and someone else, I try not to do it, not because of politeness but because we live in an idiot world and I know what the reaction will be.

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  • robbieforgotpw

    Anyone see the double standard? I like it when I drop a sulfur bomb and someone says "you should go to the restroom". But they will gas you any chance they get, making no effort to leave the room.

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    • I've never seen anyone who openly farts, but then gets mad when other people do. If you know some, then they are hypocrites.

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    It is considered rude to fart and burp in public. You are suppose to walk to the restroom to fart. However I would say if you do need to and can not get to a bathroom try not to be so loud about it.

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