Is it normal not to think life has meaning?
Is it normal for me to believe that there is little meaning to life?
Dont get the wrong idea, i kind of like my life, i suppose. I work hard, out of sheer boredom if anything, and to keep myself amused. But, whats the point of working your a** off for about 30 years (relax im 20) when in the end, everything you know, love and cherish, will be ripped away from you, most times without even a single goodbye? And when you do say goodbye then what? You die, i highly doubt there is an afterlife, no reincarnation, no heaven, no hell. Just blackness, that you don't realise is even black. I see no value in material possessions (amusment only) I dont see myself living past 30-40 ish, getting old, is horrible, you basically decay, wither, until you are nothing but a shadow of your former self and the joy of that? Everyone else gets to watch it happen.
I also dont view "us" as more important than other beings, i see an ants life, weighed as equally as a humans, they have as much right to live on this planet, no matter how small, weak or inferior they may seem to us, im not saying that if either a person or an ant were to be dying, i would save the ant, i would save the person almost 100% of the time. I dont degrade the value of human lives in doing so either, i still think a humans life is important, im just thinking of equality.
Is this normal? Or am i psycopath?
And if it isn't normal, am i still a good person despite my views on life?