Is it normal not to think of 9/11 as that much of a tragedy?

i mean, it's been 10 years and the war that followed killed way more people, including civilians. i mean it must have been terrifying to watch 2 buildings fall killing 2000 people but this has been the reality of people in iraq, japan, and Israel / Palestine for much longer. i don't see all the TV networks with tributes to all the people who died in those conflicts / attacks.

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77% Normal
Based on 552 votes (427 yes)
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Comments ( 70 )
  • Who_Fan4Life

    I will actually argue for your point. The tragedies of the tsunami and earthquake in Japan, the TWO wars in the Middle East, and things like the earthquake in Haiti (which killed HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS) are just as much of a tragedy as 9/11 was. But we don't think of them as such because they didn't happen in our country. It's just as much of a ''big deal'' as 9/11 is here.

    I don't think the poster of this story meant to say that it's not a big deal or downplay what happened on that day September 11th.

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  • I can see where you're coming from. Like there's a lot of disasters in the world, so why is this one so special? It's probably special cause it gives Americans the sense that they aren't the most powerful country in the world and we can be hurt. I think 9/11 was just a wake up call. But ya i see what you mean.

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  • AngAnders112

    There's nothing wrong a group of people remembering a tragedy that affected them more directly than other tragedies. That's like saying Jewish people should build memorials for native americans who were persecuted for their land, instead only for people who perished during the Holocaust. Or my friend whose mother passed away due to breast cancer should not only run in a marathon to raise money for breast cancer research, but she should also raise awareness for every single disease in existence. That's just not plausible.

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    • dappled

      It's a mystery to me why certain posts get voted down. I thought you made a valid point. I'd love to know what goes through people's minds.

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  • AyyDee.

    All you comparing 9-11 to natural disasters.... Really? This was a personal attack, aimed at the hearts of every person living in this country. Not something that just happened by chance half a world away. This was our home, and hundreds of thousands of people sat and watched the news, wondering if their family was lucky enough to make it outside before the collapse. My dad was scheduled to land his helicopter minutes before the plane hit, and many of his close friends lost their lives instantly. This was out of the blue, and terrified countless people for years afterwards. It took away our sense of safety, and made us realize how much some people out their hate us. You sound young, maybe you weren't old enough to see first hand how devastating this was. I agree it wasn't the WORST thing to happen in the entire existence of the world, but it was by far the worst thing to happen in MY country, in MY lifetime, so I will remember it, and remember the lives lost, for the rest of my life.

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    • dontpissmeoff

      there are people all over the world where this is their everyday situation. in iraq where your soldiers shot first and asked questions later, the atomic bombs dropped on hiroshima and nagasaki, the holocaust, the battle between isreal and palestine, and more recently the shooting in norway. all i meant was this is happening everywhere, why do you act like yours was so special

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      • Jen118584

        He just explained to you why it is special to him. You're just asking the same question over and over. If you want to obsess over every tragedy and loss of human life that has ever happened in the history of humanity that is your business. Most people try not to think about these things on a daily basis so as to not drive themselves insane. 9/11 hit close to home for Americans...obviously. That's how we feel and that's our business. If you were really so empathetic as you imagine yourself to be you would understand that. You think Americans shouldn't memorialize and honor the people that we lost on 9/11, because in other parts of the world....other people die too. More people, perhaps. Is that a greater tragedy? Last I checked the loss of a human life is the same regardless of where you're from, how you died, and in...what you seemed to be so concerned large a number. So what's your point here? Should we be more empathetic or less...? Do you want Americans to apologize for feeling sad that 2,752 innocent people died on 9/11? Not a chance. Should we all get our calculators out, figure out what the greatest loss of human life in history was, numerically speaking, and just focus on that as the ultimate monolith of human tragedy? Until something worse happens? Explain to me what you want, without quoting numbers that you read on Wikipedia.

        I don't even know why I'm dignifying the conspiracy theorists on this thread people seriously think the American government has the gumption to stage its own terrorist attack....against itself....launching several costly, dangerous, and neverending wars, to justify declaring war against several countries just so we could have access to....this is what you believe right....?....oil that we could have had (relatively)easy access to...WITHOUT launching a decades-spanning war costing trillions of dollars and shredding the faith and trust that many Americans had in the government. Honestly, I'm not jumping to the government's defense but that's just moronic. "Educate yourselves." Getting high and watching Loose Change on Netflix isn't educating yourself.

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        • dontpissmeoff

          i never said you shouldn't be sad, just that you guys are so loud about it. i don't see why i have to constantly hear about something that didn't happen in my country when things that are closer to home are happening too.

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          • Jen118584

            I'm pretty sure you don't constantly hear about it. I don't constantly hear about it. We certainly don't constantly talk about it. You're only hearing about it now because it was the 10 year anniversary. Stop looking for reasons to get pissed off, it's ridiculous.

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            • dontpissmeoff

              2 weeks before, and 2 weeks after.

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  • Antir0b0t

    9/11 was an inside job. The buildings fell at a rate so fast, only explosives could have brought them down under 10 seconds. They built the Twin Towers with a seriously strong core, designed to withstand damage from the exact same types of planes that were flown into the buildings. How do you explain that? Research has shown us that it wasn't simply a terrorist attack. Why hasn't the public been in the loop? Of Course the government won't openly dispense that information. We have to seek it out ourselves. Our liberties are constantly being stripped away, and somehow Americans refuse to do some research.

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  • kismetie

    im going to be completely honest right now. The ONLY time i truly felt bad about 9/11 was after i watched the movie Remember Me. But besides that no.

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  • dancergirl

    one it's a big deal cause it's the US we just don't have things like that happen two it's because it was that many people in just one day in like a couple hours not over a long period of time like a war or something three it's cause it wasn't just a natural disaster that no one has any control over it was that 9/11 was an act of terrorism against us and that they meant and wanted to kill that many people if not more four it's only the second thing like that ever to happen to the US so overall yes it is a HUGE deal and many people are still suffering from it so no it is not normal and not to be mean or anything but ur kinda a retard for thinking that it's not important

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    • XxMrWoottonxX

      Yes because only Americans are capable of feeling grief.

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    • dontpissmeoff

      i never said it wasn't important, just that stuff like this happens all the time, all over the world and you don't see that on the news at least once a month for 10 years

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  • Jweezee

    Remember the date dec. 7 1941? Aka pearl harbor. Still remembered and commemorated 70 years later. 9/11 will be the same. Both were unprovoked attacks that sent the U.S. To war. And the attack can't be compared to natural disaster which has no aggressor.

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    • dontpissmeoff

      when was the last time they had TV specials, songs, and other patriotic elitist garbage war propaganda about pearl harbour?

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      • Pussygroperwithnukes?

        1945 probably. Also it made America mad enough to go from isolationist to starting an even bigger war then the War on Terror and Iraq War put together. TV hardly existed yet. I've never heard a 9/11 song. Well I can be your hero baby was inspired by 9/11 but who's going to remember a Pearl Harbor song from 70 years ago? Especially someone who spells it harboUr?

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  • newdeath1701

    First of all this is America not Europe. If it happens to us we will commemerate it other countries can deal with there own commerations

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    • XxMrWoottonxX

      This isn't America. This is the Internet. It's not a country.

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    • dontpissmeoff

      but why do you keep using 9/11 as war propaganda?

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  • Ldizzy1234

    Do you realize how many innocent people lost their lives on that day? I don't think we should put 9/11 up to comparison with what happens in the other countries. I don't even wanna think about how horrible 9/11 was. Its just too sad.

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    • dontpissmeoff

      9/11 killed 2000 people. hiroshima killed 150,000 people, american soldiers killed hundreds of thousands of people in the iraq war (soldiers, militia, vigilantes, and CITIZENS)

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    • iintolovethissite

      i mean no offence when i say this but the japan earthquakes/ and tsunami , and other natural disasters have killed thousands of innocent people as well its equally sad when things like this happen. however i still vividly remember that day though i live in new zealand woke in the morning to see this footage of what happened i couldn't believe it.

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  • The events of September 11th were an inside job designed to create animosity between The Middle East and the West in order to gain some sort of "justification" for the invasion of Iraq.

    You think Middle Eastern plastic has I higher melting point than STEEL?
    What the FUCK happened to the plain that went into the Pentagon?

    I could go on an on..
    Educate yourselves.

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  • Halele

    I don't even think it was a tragedy ever, since the United States got hurt they don't represent that World Leader they did some time ago and that's Great, because... who needs a Fucking Country to be the World Leader?

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  • jackhole1

    Wow so glad I am prepping for another trip to Afghanistan for stupid fat ass civilians. Thanks for trying to invalidate my existence. Graduate high school than post again

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    • dontpissmeoff

      wake up, you are a pawn. disposable. they don't care about you. they want you to annihilate all their people so your government can step in and take over.

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  • Someone_Pants

    First of all it was 3000 killed. We remember our dead just as I assume Japan, Iraq, and others do. Also the conflicts you named were declared wars. People die in wars and innocent lives are lost. Different from a vicious act of terrorism which is what occured on 9/11. 10 years coming next week and it still feels so fresh to NY'er like me.

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  • i get what your sayingg

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  • honeybeee

    It's been 10 years america! we get it! stop talking about it already!

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  • dc22

    I agree with you.

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    The tragedy that hasn't been mentioned, minor though it may be, is 9/11 was played upon by the government to play upon peoples fears, and now they use those fears to control us. Just google stories about the TSA and the patriot act and how many times they have been used to apprehend and detain innocent people.

    Not to mention the racial tension bred by the attitudes following the attack. I remember in my high school psychology class we did a word association game, and over half a class of advanced placement high school seniors wrote down "terrorist" when prompted by the word "Muslim". It's despicable the way these attitudes are encouraged, and that our government downplays the atrocities committed in this stupid war.

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    • dontpissmeoff

      BAMN. Right on the mark

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      • iintolovethissite

        dont forget the western world has been at war with the middle east since the 10th century. first the holy wars now just a more advanced form of it.

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  • KatieLiz

    I see where you're coming from, but the severity of 9/11 shouldn't be diminished just because it happens elsewhere.
    It does piss me off to the extremes though, when I see all these programmer about it and the '10 year anniversary' shit, when all of the other tragedies outside America never get a look in.
    All this shit just reinforces hatred.

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  • Yum_Yum_Rainbows

    This is normal. And I'm not saying that because I'm Russian. Yes, it is scary to see that America could be hit so easily, but they had it coming to them. They have dropped 2 massive nukes on Japan to get revenge from Pearl Harbor, which wasn't really much of an attack. It was way too overkill. And now they're invading the middle east and doing these terrible things to get revenge on 9/11. It's karma for being assholes.

    Compare 2,000 lost lives to the 20 million lost by the Soviet Union in World War 2, and that's not mentioning the Holocaust and maybe even the Ottoman genocide of Armenians.

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  • Mrar

    It really sucked for those affected, but American have been causing trouble all over the world and finally something happened to them. I say this as an American. This shit happens all the time all over the world. I guess it was just our turn.

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  • CS13

    9/11 was a tragedy and I won't deny that but it has been over a decade since it happened. It's time to move on and stop harping on it. The time and money that still gets spent to commemorate 9/11 could be much better used elsewhere like finding better ways to stop something like this from happening again, training response teams specifically for large scale disasters and attacks, providing firefighters and other rescue workers with better equipment to minimize loss of life, many, many things could be done with that money and have a lot more benefit to the people than building memorials and statues all over the US in honor of 9/11. Yes, it was awful that it happened but there comes a time when we must move forward and stop living in the past.

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  • SmellyCat123

    It was the worlds Deadliest terror attack in history.....yes it's going to be remembered for a LONG time.

    There's no need to be comparing it to wars because those aren't terrorist attacks.

    Yes, wars play a major part in death toll, but, they are still remembered to.

    The reason 9/11 is remembered so much right now is because of the war on terrorism.

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  • sweetcheeks21

    George bush needs to F himself i agree wiv the poster and all u who agree wiv him it was a conspiracy to invade Iraq

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  • Caff

    The worst things about 9/11 are, IMHO, unrelated to human life. The loss of Roy Liechtenstein's entablature series, and the documents that would have been used to criminalize Carlos Slim (the mexican billionaire) for breaking several laws

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  • Airstream3333

    Omg thank u for saying this aloud . All this "it was a personal attack on our freedom" bullshit makes me nauseous. No doubt its a horrid tradgedy. But truly, the us government has exacted so much suffering to untold numbers of people throughout history, what can we expect? Really. Its amazing that something like this or far bigger did not happen a long time ago. It seems to have been morphed over the last ten years into some kind of right wing self righteous "patriotic" excuse to raise hell with whatever country we choose. The emporer wears no clothes, thanks for mentioning it. And i am deeply sorry for those who lost anyone. As i am for anyone in any country who loses anyone for fucked up, political, religious, or any other reason that prematurely takes a life.

    It sucks that in such a supposedly democratic country we can be nearly lynched for this opinion. I live in an incredibly open minded liberal town where its a perfectly acceptable point of view, but thatbis a rarity.

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  • thatcake

    I think it's stupid that they are still making such a big deal out of it. i mean, that was 11 years ago. I recently went on a trip to NYC, out Tour guide said "The work on the 9/11 museum is going slow because the families are still very sad and it's not something they like to talk about" WTF? these must be the weakest humans alive, 11 years later and still gripping onto the past. WTF?

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    • i like the past but not that year i had the best times in the past

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  • Masud_Rana

    NATO radical Christians are killing innocent people, women and children in Pakistan and Afghanistan. They are burning Quran in the land of Muslims. They are shooting innocent villagers and then, they are urinating their dead-bodies. Some people may not know, because, they are too far from Afghanistan and Pakistan, and their so-called "NEWS-MEDIA" do not let them know the real news, because, their armies are with NATO against Afghanis and Pakis.

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  • magical_unicorns

    I don't want to sound like a bitch, but personally it's been like 10 years. And lots of people die all of the time. I do consider it a tragedy, but it's over now. I think America should try to overcome this bump in the road...

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  • Enizzle

    ^ Palsetine, nothing about Africa. Fucking people die every day by the thousands because of diseases that have been wiped out in the US. And then some SAUDI pilots crash into the towers, kill 3000 people, and all the sudden the world has our attention.

    I'm sorry, but I can't agree with an outlook like that. I feel for the people injured by the attacks, but I feel nothing for the people that use it as an example about how righteous we are.

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  • Enizzle

    Meh. I see it like this:

    To the 9/11 families, the first responders, the people that died because of it, you all have a very valid and inarguable vision of how this may be the worst catastrophe ever to befall the nation. I hold no ill will to you and yours, and I hope you're all ok and able to move on.


    Around the world right now, there are events that make 9/11 look like a cakewalk down Lollipop Lane in Candyland. Darfur, Iraq, Afghanistan, coastal India, Haiti, pretty much all of Africa. So from my viewpoint, as someone who wasn't directly affected by 9/11, I can say that in the great scheme of things, no, it wasn't that bad of a catastrophe. What I find myself asking is this:

    For all the flag waivers that lament the great tower collapse, for all the people that joined the military to fight, all of the pro-America pundits and talking heads and supporters, why is there so much compassion for the people of 9/11, but absolutely NONE for the hundreds of thousands killed and injured in the middle east? This is what really frightens me about the world we live in. If you kill mine, I'll kill 100 times more of yours. We didn't do a goddam thing about Darfur. We did nothing about

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  • iintolovethissite

    the western world has been at war with the middle east since the 10th century all we do is fight and peace never lasts long,it was a wake up call to american's that ur not untouchable and one person with one plan can cause so much death. i couldn't believe how happy all u idiots were when osama bin laden was killed like his death makes up for the thousands that were killed and ur all prancing around like dicks whilst osama is fuckking however many virgins there religion allows them when they die. whos winning?

    americans are ignorant assholes

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  • jameilious

    A bunch of people I don't know killing another bunch of people I don't know, it may as well have been an action movie for all I care

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  • D_revolting_enigmaaaaa

    Its normal.... espscially if you are the guy off scrubs

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  • D_revolting_enigmaaaaa

    Yes those two are bad but those were natural disasters. Ours was an attack. Somebody did this and the others couldnt be prevented. I understand ur point but its totally different. I was gonna joke on here but i disided not to . So im just gonna write it because it was funny.... YOU SIR ARE UNPATROTIC

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  • tcarr50

    First time I disagree with dappled. The us didn't go to war with Iraq they went to war with al qaeda and sadam hussein

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  • dc22

    Just kidding. That was a joke with no taste. I am deeply sorry!

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  • Jen118584

    It's all relative. 9/11 is a big deal to us because it was our innocent people who died in an unprovoked attack. Sad stuff happens every day, yeah. Any loss of innocent human life is tragic. Just because "worse" things happen around the world doesn't mean things that happen on our own soil aren't also tragic. When you start trying to be so PC about everything it just becomes exhausting. You can't always be worrying about the other side to every story, sometimes you just have to go with how you feel.

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  • dappled

    It's a tragedy that it happened. It's a tragedy that people died, regardless of their nationality. It's a tragedy that the response was to go to war with an entire "country" (as opposed to catching the "individuals" responsible). It's a tragedy that civilians died in that conflict too, regardless of their nationality.

    And it's a tragedy that politicians and policy-makers are so simple-minded that they didn't realise their foreign policy would render this inevitable at some point and that the policies haven't changed, meaning it'll happen again.

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  • KatieLiz

    It annoys me even more because this was an American tragedy or whatever you want to call it, yet Europe and Australia are still getting all these 10 year anniversary programs -.- we've had our fair share of tragedy too you know

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  • americanhoney

    Hey dipshit - it was over three thousand people, for the record. Also, please go fuck yourself. Gently. With a chainsaw.

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    • dontpissmeoff

      almost 3 thousand vs. 150 000. it's not that it's all about numbers, but there's been worse. the history channel's description of "most deadly attack in history" Is WAYYY off

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    • chewy


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  • tori

    What the hell is wrong with you? I wish people like you would stop downplaying that day. It was a big deal. Obviously you are way too young to understand anything about this.

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    • i didn't think much of it when it happened they put it on the news in the morning right before i went to school and was playing it all day and talking about it then when i got home from school it was still on every channel on TV and at that time all i wanted to do was watch sponge-bob i didn't want to watch 2 buildings fall down over and over so i couldn't watch any TV so i went to a friends house and we smoked some pot and enjoyed the time

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    • MahBoi24

      Agreed. And fuck those of you who say it wasn't a big're nothing but traitors and as far as I'm concerned, you support the filthy Muslims.

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    • dontpissmeoff

      and you have blinders on to the rest of the world

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  • i think the USA government did it sorry people but thats what i think and i didn't like the year when all that shit happened anyways it was just a bad year and all the 8 years after that bad and this years been bad,

    2004 & 2011 was a good year for me

    if i could go back to that time i would and i would have changed the shit that i did i feel that i fucked my self up from the stuff that i done in the past but sens then i have changed and i know i can't go back to that time so i live with it i just think about it

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  • Dozis

    Hiroshima and Nagasaki......
    End of comment.

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  • dom180

    Of course 9/11 was and is a big deal, but there are much bigger deals going on across the world every day, but they don't get talked about.

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  • dc22

    The Jews were the masterminds behind 9/11

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  • aussiewolf

    i agree with the poster and Who_Fan. great post Who!

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