Is it normal not to want to be an atheist ?

I'm an atheist and I'm SICK OF IT !
I wasn't taught anything religious when I was young, so spontaneously I became an atheist. I never understood faith, and the concept of God always sounded ridiculous to me.

But I'm not smug and contemptuous anymore. I'm not happy to be rational and free-spirited and blablabla.
I'm simply tired of holding beliefs that systematically drag me in despair. I want to believe in lovely and hopeful things like God, faith and heaven. I don't want to think that the world is chaotic and meaningless and that we're just flesh, flesh that's already rotting altough we're still living.

I want to believe.
But I can't.
And it's depressing.

Also, the fact that I've always been an atheist really disturbs me, because it means I'm acting the same way as lambda believers.
I can't think in an other way than the way I've always been thinking. I think that I'm right and that there's nothing more to say. And it doesn't really matter if I'm supposedly being rational. It doesn't give me the right to be a bitchy know-it-all.
But I act as if it did.

The bottom line is...
I feel too closed-minded to be a christian. (Or a jew, or a muslim, or whatever, but I have christian background so... voilà.)
How could that be normal?

Voting Results
86% Normal
Based on 214 votes (185 yes)
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Comments ( 37 )
  • scottman586

    You can be an atheist without being smug. I'm and atheist because I find it impossible to believe in anything, but I do wish I could. It just seems like it would make life easier. But, however you choose to live your life there's going to be a struggle that come along with it. I don't shout my beleifs from the rooftops or rub them in peoples faces, and I certainly don't try to believe in something that I know deep down I can't. So your struggle is normal for an atheist, I would's about learning to be at peace with your decisions.

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  • being an atheist is depressing. nothing to believe in. I am an atheist... What I do is try to make others lives happier. they believe in god so maybe you can assist them in their goals.

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    • diabolic_mushroom

      To answer your posting question, I think all people at certain times in their life question their religion/faith/ideals. Yes, it is perfectly normal. My humble advice is this....

      Read. Study. Contemplate. Think. Dream. DO NOT box yourself in with dogmas and religion.

      If you want a feeling of community or belonging, go to a church. Any church.

      If you want reassurance of the afterlife that will give you hope for the present and a meaning to life....

      good luck!

      It's that sort of humanistic goal that keeps preachers, popes, philosophers, and cult leaders in the green. Basically it's the unanswerable question.And it will stay that way.

      My beliefs stem from my life experiences. If it makes you feel any better, There is some other than this life. Do I know what it is? Not really. I can only guess.
      Sometimes I think the thirst, and subsequent search for spirituality is the the only proof needed for it's existence. Like Frost said.

      We dance around a circle and suppose,
      But the secret sits in the middle and knows.

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  • sgbslp

    Read accounts of people that have had near death experiences. It helps you believe. I run into people all the time that have had these experiences. We are more than our physical bodies and minds. Hospice nurses say that invariably people that are near death will see dead relatives standing by their beds. They also report enormous beautiful angels in their rooms. This happens in all cultures, in people of all ages and very intelligent people. It happened to my father in law when he was about 3 and to my brother in law as an adult. I really hate hate religious people that have all the answers and no one else's ideas have credence. They are actually afraid that there may be more than we can understand.

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  • aubrie77

    Try finding a great church nearby and go there at least once to see if you like it. I'm a Christian and probably wouldn't be alive right now if it weren't for my faith. I recently became depressed and attempted to commit suicide. Just as I was about to cut my wrist so deep that I would bleed out, I thought of God. Committing suicide is like murder. And murderers go to He'll. Do I asked God to forgive me for even considering suicide, and to give me the strength to find happiness. Now, a month layer, I'm barely depressed. My faith in the Lord made my whole life seem worth living. God has a plan for everyone, each person (even atheists) will achieve great things, if you just trust in the Lord. After all, he dis save my soul.

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  • geopoop

    It's the non belonging that's the clincher. Theists have a special social gathering, networks of people, shared philosophy .... Atheists don't really have that, put thirteen of us in a room and you get thirteen different arguments and a few sour faces.

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  • Renamon

    There's no need to be so depressive about your worldview. Be a happy atheist. You don't need to believe in God to be happy. Admire the beauty and complexity of this universe, find a hobby, enjoy music, love those around you, be open and let others befriend you. Don't be a know-it-all bigot like Richard Dawkins, be the friendly atheist everyone wishes to meet.

    But you should consider getting some sort of therapy. Talk to someone about it. Trust me, it helps.

    I'm a deist by the way :)

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  • oiroif

    It's nice to have some kind of spirituality or faith, it doesn't necessarily need to be a religion of some sort. Just knowing that there is more to life than just the here and now is good enough. I am Catholic but I don't consider myself hard core...there are aspects of my faith that help me to try and be a better person and there are some aspects that can keep someone closed I try to avoid that.

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  • StrangeDuckDude

    If you want to believe in superstitious twaddle like life after death, why the "heaven and hell" scenario preached by Christianity? You'll never have sex again for all eternity! And you'd spend forever genuflecting in front of a throne, worshipping the selfsame god who presumably designed things like the food chain, aging, and parasitic worms, as well as ordering "his" (Does God have a penis?) followers to commit genocide and rape little girls (read the "Book of Joshua" if you don't believe me.) Now me, I'd go with reincarnation if I was in the market for an afterlife delusion, you'd eventually get to see and do EVERYTHING. (Pretty cool IMHO.)
    I hate to break this to you, but the reason you can't believe, because you're not enough of a SIMPLETON to believe. You have been blessed (or cursed?) with a sharp, critical mind. What can I say? Deal with it.
    Not to mention, if Christianity is true, all your friends and loved ones who failed to check their brains at the church door and pray "the sinner's prayer" are going to be tortured in Hell forever after they die. (Be careful what you wish for!)

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  • ashwinder

    Being an Atheist doesn't mean you have to see the world in a negative light. As an Atheists I think the world, people and my life in general is pretty beautiful.

    You can still enjoy a beautiful garden without having to believe that there are fairies behind the shed. :)

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    • SecretSidhe

      @Ashwinder, I believe a better expression would be "you can still live in a garden and not believe in a possible gardener who maintains and even created the garden." A better analogy, especially considering a lot of people have no problem believing in fairies. ;)

      lol but seriously, back to the OP, I'm sorry you are presently battling nihilism. It can be the worst and while I agree with Ashwinder, I think there are ALL kinds of atheism... so you can't really label it with certainty.

      For example: There are atheists who are STRICTLY nihilistic. (Hardcore atheism?) Then there are those who reject the concept but leave room for the "possibility" of there being more to life (Agnostic-atheist?)... The varieties are so diverse we could go on (like atheists who follow philosophies like Buddhism, etc). So, you can be an atheist and "still believe" in a chance (if you so choose, without the interference of chaotic dogma) OR you can live your life happily by fulfilling that desire (without feeling guilty.)

      I have myths I believe in. I'm aware that a lot of "religious" people HATE to call their legends and stories "myths," but that is what they are (respectfully so) since they're not exactly SCIENTIFIC fact. *shrug* So yeah.

      The way I see it is this: Nature gave you TWO brains to work as one. The left (logical) side and the right (whimsical) hemisphere. I use the legends to identify myself with whilst stimulating my imagination/right brain to breathe life into my passions. :)

      I don't think there's ANYTHING wrong with belief unless it's fogging your rational thinking, causing you to claim "IT IS THE ONE AND ONLY WAYYYYYY!!!," disrupting humanity from progressing, or anything destructive like that to either yourself or anyone else.

      And guess what? If there really is "nothing" out there.. at least you lived fulfilled and happy right? Unless you're more happier as an atheist, in which case, the consistency is still there... go for it!

      A happier you inspires you to live your life and be productive to society. It's all about individuality.

      Good luck! (I hope you're doing great by now) :)

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      • Tellidall

        Out of curiosity, what myths do you believe in?

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  • mygreenbicycle

    I feel pretty much the same way. I can't believe but wish i could. More than anything, I wish that I will be reunited with my beloved pets and a few other family members in a beautiful and perfect afterlife. But how can all that be possible in a way that makes sense to me without a body and brain? Have you solved your dilemma yet?

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  • BoredGuy

    dude, chill

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  • piranha

    Learn about islam from the right books , not the people , it answers all , logic and science.

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  • BoredGuy

    I understand what you say.

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  • petpluto

    Honestly, I think the best thing for you is to talk to some close christian friends, perhaps find a church, maybe ask someone to pray for you, and just try to keep an open mind and make sure you're doing this because you genuinely want to believe.

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  • JewFish

    Circo you are incorrect. While Noah's Arc is not proven Historical scholors of no religios affiliation have documented that Jesus of Nasaric (sp) did exist and was a missionary. The argument is if Jesus was in fact the son of God. They also documented numouros sighting from large crowds of him after his burial.

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  • BelieverofJesus

    I think that's you wanting to become apart of special group of people who will have a blessed life in God and with him. Just go to your local church it won't hurt just get saved once it happens you life will be changed you notice things that a atheist will never be able to see unless they convert from their ways. God and Jesus will change your life in so many ways and happiness will come along with being saved and once you accepted Jesus into your life you will experience a happiness that some people will never know just go to church and open the word of God (bible). I love you my sibiling in Christ. :)

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  • elasticband

    I am an atheist, I get non-religious amazing feelings of awe and comfort when I read about how the universe works. It is possible.

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    • Tellidall

      For you, given where you are, perhaps. There's a whole lot of variability in human experience. Tell someone who's daughter just died that there's beauty in the universe, and you'd better hope it's over the internet.

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  • I gave heard this before despare do to lack of faith yes quite common I suggest you convert to budism it's in the middle between faith and skeptism I am a true athiest though

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    • Tellidall

      Buddhism is kinda bleak, too -- it just tries to make a reward out of the nonexistence which we naturally fear. That's pretty crap.

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  • I don't actually want to convert myself. It's not possible. Every single religion seems simply ridiculous to me.

    I'm just saying that I find atheism depressing, and I find myself wishing of being able to believe sometimes. Maybe it would make me happier. Or maybe not.
    I'll never know since I'm not able to think in an other than the one I'm using.

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    • ComboBreaker

      Lisn to scottman386, man.

      Atheist dosnt meen you have to do anything other than not belive in the super natural. Belive what ever else you want. You free

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      • Tellidall

        The natural universe ends in lifeless entropy, and your own life results in a cessation of existence. Regardless of what people say about how eternity would be boring, I rather like life until I start thinking about the big picture. And not thinking about the big picture isn't exactly easy.

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  • Keng

    The bread and butter of all God-believing religions is faith; if you don't have it, there's no sense in being a part of it. And not just any kind of faith, either--it has to be childlike and completely and wholly accepting. If you're looking for scientific reasoning like I think DuckMan is trying to tell you to do, I suggest you check out the Hollywood religion--Scientology. God and Jesus and Heaven and Hell are for those who are blessed (not cursed) with the ability to believe and have faith. You've got that gift; please try and harness it.

    And I personally recommend Catholicism, although any form of Christianity is awesome. Good luck.

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  • Polydactyl

    Why do you have this idea in your mind that you have to be an atheist? If you are longing to seek a religion, no one is holding you back. Do some research, ask other believers, find something that feels authentic to you. Honestly, even if some or all of religious beliefs are untrue, it feels so much better knowing there's a reason for life and reality as we know it.

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  • bubblicious775

    God and heaven are real, evolution is for animals. We arnt animals. Yeah we look like monkeys so what? I don't see someone wouldn't want to beileve in something good and wonderful. Heaven is what I look forward too.

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  • girl.nxt.dr_1985

    IMHO, I think you might feel like you "want to believe" because it's in human nature to find God. Different people find their god in different ways and every religion fights with the other, demanding that they found the "right" god.
    Another question is, why does everyone who is atheistic or any other religion, fight the hardest and be the most critical of Christainity or the belief of "creationism" or "intelligent design"? And how many atheists have really read the Bible?
    It's just a thought. Maybe your question is the most important question: why do you find yourself wanting to believe it? If you are curious, what would it hurt to ask a "Christian" what do they really believe and why?

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    • eulipious

      It's in human nature to ask questions but it is not in human nature to seek god For a long time it was, inasmuch as we understood the world so poorly and people even more poorly that we put god where the question mark was - today we settle for the question mark. And whoever said that Church will give you a community and a sense of belonging - phooey. It will take a very heavy toll from you and your own integrity before it gives anything. Religious people simply have to have to have people like you around so they can pray for you to give their lives meaning. In other words they use you.

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    • ComboBreaker

      Also, whats that about the bible?

      Im atheist and to be honest im more critical of the quran. Wich is only natural considering past and recent events. The reason atheists are critical of creationism and intelligent design is because we simply are and achive the tag for it. Anti-theism.

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    • ComboBreaker

      It isnt human nature. It's the surounding peoples interferance with the young minds development. It's only natural for anyone in any upbringing to belive what hey are told. Only when we are older we can realy think for ourselfs. Even then there is so much that can manipulate the human mind. If you where brought up to belive in a raping pidgon with glitter sunglasses holding the sun in the air, you would. Anyone would.

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      • deepthought33

        Sure, maybe now that is the case. But religion wasn't born yesterday. The concept of religion makes a pretty obvious case that humans search for SOMETHING.

        To poster: wow, what an interesting mindset to be in. So many people run from their close-mindedness and fight when they feel their position being threatened. But to just put yourself out there and basically say, "my logical thinking makes me biased" where so many on either side of the argument would likely never admit that to anyone. There has got to be some kind of freedom for you hidden in thoughts such as those.
        I wish you luck.

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  • prayerwarrior75

    Your depressed cause your letting Satan control your life insted of our Heavenly Father.

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  • CiroPost

    God is an illusion, there is no scientific evidence regarding Jesus and Noahs Ark. I am a athiest by choice, and obviously we are the perceptive ones. Sorry if this doesn't help.

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  • Moonlight88

    I think you should follow your heart, I'm not an atheist or a Christian but I do believe in God with all my heart and who ever says there is no God or God is dead they must be the dumbest people on this earth. Sorry but true. Calling yourself an atheist is a harsh and meanest thing to ever call yourself. Jesus Christ is so great that he died for us so don't deny him because he doesn't deny us

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