Is it normal people are shocked by this?
My daughter used to get upset when I said I didn't need a funeral to just put my body in the compost, so I stopped making that joke and took out funeral insurance.
Recently I've shocked some people by telling them that when I get close to end stage emphysema, hopefully some years off I keep managing the disease, I will be really thin, and that I'm holding on to a few clothes which haven't fitted me for years so that at least I'll be able to wear them before I die.
They seem to be shocked not only that I'm talking about my own death but making jokes about it: what am I suppose to do, pretend it's not going to happen, shut up about it or go into depression and despair?
I've gone through all those stages and I think accepting it, postponing it as much as possible with exercise, diet & medication, living as well as I can and making jokes is healthy. What do you think?