Is it normal people give to charity but are jerks?

Ok am I the only one who hates it when fake people help charity? They will do something messed up or are big bullys and treat eveeryone like trash than donate to kids in Africa or the poor little orphans. So you can beat kids, steal a car, crash a car since you drove drunk or high but giving to charity makes it ok? It is ok steal,cheat,lie but give a few bucks to kindergaden program and you are a hero? I know they are helping but do they get to treat the restof us krappy and do what they want? Yet if you do anything about it are indirectly hurting that cuase but you may not be bad just sick of this fake person? If a bad person pertends to do good are they good?

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Comments ( 29 )
  • dappled

    People do things for selfish reasons (even giving to charity). I'm kind of glad that people pumping up their self-image has a positive outcome, though. Most often it doesn't.

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  • Anime7

    I don't think donating to charity can make up for stealing a car.

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  • Its_Called_Love

    Those "jerks" are using charity as a way to clear a guilty mind.

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    • I know but it is not a way out of hurting the rest of us.

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  • hmm interesting

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  • Lynxikat

    This instantly reminded me of Celebrity Apprentice.

    Half of the people on CA are complete and utter dicks. They are the worst kinds of people. They make the human race look bad.

    But they still give thousands upon thousands of money to the charity that they represent.

    You can be a total dick and still donate money to charity.

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    • Thank you. You understands my point and yes I have to agree.

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  • VioletTrees

    I'm pretty sure they'd still act like assholes if they didn't donate to charity. I'm sort of confused that you seem to think that the fact that they donate to charity is making them act shittier? I just… I don't understand why you would think that.

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    • No I do not. Im saying shitty people give to charity when they act like shit to us ordinary people. I knew a boy once. He hated me and I am female. I was always polite to him but he was rude to everyone. He worked for a charity club. I did not do any of that. One day he got upset and went off on me. 6 people had to pull him away. He was about to punch me yet I did not feel I could say anything since he did more than me.

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      • Dad

        Oh, I see what you mean.

        They are seemingly 'good' (through the eyes of others) for giving to charity. But at other times (or even mostly otherwise) jerks.

        Hmm, people can be good in one area and bad in another.
        So there is no significance if they are ALSO a bully at other times. They are STILL good at giving to charity.

        Unless you are saying that even the giving part is just their bad personality (like arrogance or jealousy or popularity etc etc)
        In this case, yes I agree, but at least its in a positive way. They are useful jerks.

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      • VioletTrees

        If you don't think it makes them act shittier, why are you pissed off about them giving to charity? That's completely backwards.

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        • So before he convicted will say"but I gave to charity, do not send me away for killing my wife".

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        • You are completely backwards. You miss the part of being a jerk.

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        • You missed what I was saying. They give to charity to act like they are better. If you give to charity but bully kids your age since you think charity takes away all crimes how will that make the rest of us feel. So he can beat his wife till she dies but he gave to charity so it is ok. That is just dandy.

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          • VioletTrees

            No, I understand what you're saying. I just don't think that giving to charity actually has anything to do with the guy beating his wife. I don't think that giving to charity makes him think that that's ok, and I'm not sure why you think that. I think you're making a connection between two unrelated actions. If somebody beats his wife and donates to charity, you should be angry at him for beating his wife, not for donating to charity. It just seems really strange to me that you're focussing on the charity part.

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  • dirtybirdy

    I can be a bit of a jerky turkey from time to time but I spare what I can here and there. So. What.

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  • Dad

    Homer: What do you mean by "suggested donation"?
    Clerk: Pay any amount you wish, sir.
    Homer: And uh, what if I wish to pay... zero?
    Clerk: That is up to you.
    Homer: Ooh, so it's up to me, is it?
    Clerk: Yes.
    Homer: I see. And you think that people are going to pay you $4.50 even though they don't have to? Just out of the goodness of their... (laughs) Well, anything you say! Good luck, lady, you're gonna need it!

    Wait charity is not mandatory isn't it? Except when you declare that you paid at tax time of course.

    I give to please. Now love me.

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  • They still get the money, even if the person is doing it for the wrong reason. So who cares!

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  • Wambo37

    normal and common

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  • Mando

    Well - hypocrisy also comes in all sizes. And charities aren't the end all by any means- they are limited in what they can do and some are pretty suspect. Anyway I say tax these people and put the money to public good (education, health, infrastructure, income security etc.). Pay your freaking taxes - thats what creates the common good - "charity" begins at home.

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    • Tax whom? the hypocrites?

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      • Mando

        Yes - all of those who think charity can do more than it can while they themselves have no obligation to be decent and civilized - which includes the "jerks" you refer to, but obviously is many more people.

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        • So make nondecent people get taxed more. I would love if we could do that! People would be alot nicer.

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          • VioletTrees

            Isn't the whole point of your post that people are completely willing to give money so that they can act like assholes? If that's true, how would taxing people for being jerks make them nicer?

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          • Mando

            Its the price we pay for civilization.

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  • Justsomejerk

    I'm a jerk and I don't give money to charity, but I don't pretend to be a hero. I do adopt stray pets though.

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  • Andrew256

    Yes. I'm a total piece of shit and I give more to charity than anyone I know. Just trying to keep the universe ballanced...

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    Donating to charity is not pretending to do good unless you are giving them pretend money, but that is besides the point.

    If you live your life without consideration of others then although the act of charity is still an act of charity, it reflects little on your character in terms of whether or not it redeems you.

    It's easy to donate a couple of bucks to a homeless shelter, it's much more difficult to live your life with enough respect for others to not put them in positions in which they themselves would need charity.

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    • VioletTrees

      This. The idea that donating money to charity doesn't count if you're a jerk seems bizarre to me.

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