Is it normal people have gotten angry at me for being scared?
I have a phobia of flying cockroaches.
I know that they don't really "Fly",
but I have seen them flutter their wings
and it just scares me to no end because
I don't know rather they're going to try to land on me,
if one did, I would probably scream and cry,
quite possibly even have a panic-attack.
Anyway, due to this fear, I have had people get angry and frustrated at me, one person even got so angry
that they literally smashed a cockroach with her hand
and said,
" There, I killed! It's guts are all over my hands!"
I was only 13 at the time and I remember crying for most of the night, mainly because she had always been such a good friend to me and it just broke my heart that she mocked my phobia.
Another person has also called me an " Idiot"
for being afraid of cockroaches.
Look, I know that they don't really harm anyone,
but I can't just turn off my fear like a button.
Anyway, is it all right for people to mock others for their phobias?
No, phobias are serious and can not be helped. | 20 | |
No, that's mean. | 10 | |
I wouldn't do it. | 9 | |
It's only all right if the phobia is funny. | 4 | |
I don't care, I can make fun of others if I want. | 1 |