Is it normal pokemon spelling peeves me off?

The spelling of pokemon names make no sense at all. If you spell them by actual English spelling its wrong. The way these words are spelled is just wrong. Like coffing should be coughing. Which is correct but it spelled this way in the pokemon world.

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54% Normal
Based on 52 votes (28 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • Sog

    If "coffing" was spelled as "coughing", then it would be easy to get confused about what you're talking about.

    If you wrote "My Coughing is really powerful!" someone might think that you're just sick.

    But when you give them all unique names that are not actual English words, then people will know exactly what you mean when you write about your Coffing.

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  • dom180

    It's not strictly incorrect, though. "Koffing" is a proper noun; it's derived from "coughing" but it's a different word spelled in a different way.

    (I am being captious, because I know exactly what you mean and why it might annoy you. I bet it's even normal :P I just don't feel the same way)

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  • Abend_zersetzen_mich

    That's the point of Pokémon names.

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  • robokid

    It's not incorrect. They addapt spellings from real words and change them into a proper noun with dif spelling. LIike coughing to koffing

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  • 1lothi1

    its normal if your a girl or a person with grammar nazi syndrome.

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  • Pika-girl

    Like Ekans is Snake backwards. Koffing is Coughing because of the attacks it uses.

    And Pokemon is Pocket (-c, -et) and Monster (-ster) PokeMon.

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  • Apple_guy

    its fucking Pokemon -______- stick to regular spelling. obviously theyre spelled wrong.

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  • Nerdgasm

    pika pika? pikchu chu?

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  • Shrunk

    I guess you're trolling, but actually most of them are just misspelled words, it's Koffing btw, then Weezing too, and Seel, Dewgong, Farfetch'd, Drowzee, Gastly, Unown... I always thought it was kind of unoriginal, but I guess they are adapted from Japanese, and even they have different names in other languages too, some of those are also just misspelled sayings/words.

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