Is it normal/possible for someone to never get crushed on in their life?

I'm asking because no one has ever had a crush on me before or shown romantic interest. Only people in my gender befriend me but they're all straight so there's no chance that they're into me. My crushes either didn't know that I liked them or knew and strung me along or treated me badly once they found out. Everyone else just liked me as an acquaintance but didn't show any signs.

It's normal but impossible 0
It's abnormal but possible 6
It's abnormal and impossible 3
It's normal and possible 15
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Comments ( 12 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    i work around cranes and big heavy shit so its definitely possible for me to get crushed

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  • dietweeaboo666

    It’s possible if they’re unattractive to those around them or just not their type. Relocating and/or expanding your horizons helps.

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    • splashgame3

      Location is a big one

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  • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

    They most likely didn't tell you, I'd go as far to say most crushes don't get revealed.

    In high school I didn't realize boys had crushes on me until I got a boyfriend, then like two of my male friends were all butthurt. It's like, why did you not say anything?

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    • Cuntsiclestick

      I remember when I got my first boyfriend back in 2015 at age 26. Shortly after, men and women at work confessed that they had crushes on me and I was thinking in my head "Where
      the hell were y'all when I was single?!"

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    • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

      I also clicked "it's abnormal but possible" on accident. It's normal.

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  • splashgame3

    It’s likely that people have but have never acted on it. You also might be able to find someone is you relocate and or look in different types of places

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    It's definitely possible a few people have had a crush on you. They just never said shit because they were probably afraid of rejection, ruining the friendship, or creeping you out.

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  • GuvnorsOtherWoman

    When you look like me, it definitely is both normal and possible!

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  • kelili

    Maybe you don't look interested in anyone and the people who do have a crush on you are intimidated. People fear rejection and you may not be the most approachable person.

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  • Curiouskitten444

    Its normal and possible

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  • bbrown95

    There are some people who will keep their crushes to themselves because they are afraid of rejection. So, there's still a chance you've had someone crush on you, but they just never made it known.

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