Is it normal reddit is so toxic now?

Gone are the days where people could speak their opinions without being attacked or immediately banned.

You say you don't agree with non binary, banned on a subreddit not even about non binary. You say you don't think prostitution should be legal in a rant subreddit, banned. You say you don't like Biden, banned. You say anything and you're banned. Any opinion of yours gets you immediately banned.

Without it even staying up more than 2 minutes. Seriously. And I say it as politely as possible. You aren't allowed any opinion on Reddit anymore.

Years ago I was never banned once but now I'm banned from over 30 subreddits. I also got death threats on reddit especially after my one comment "I don't believe in non binary I'm sorry" I got two lunatics telling me to die in my messages. 🤦🏻‍♂️

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31% Normal
Based on 16 votes (5 yes)
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Comments ( 16 )
  • Yea, censorship be like that. Time to ditch that site.

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  • TheOneMysteriousAccount_303657

    I said Cardi B wasn't pretty, and some retarded motherfucker messaged me telling me she was going to slit my throat lol. All over that bitch Cardi B lmao.

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    • Lol that's been similar to my experience. They're incredibly reactive on there it's quite disturbing.

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  • Hookerfall

    Yes reddit is full of retarded snowflakes who can't handle the truth

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  • LloydAsher

    As soon as reddit started to kick opinions is when they started to suck.

    4chan might be the internet's garbage can but it's also the origin of most memes.

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    • hauntedbysandwiches

      So very true

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  • bigbudchonger

    Just join based subreddits. A good tip is to follow AHS and join the subs they hate.

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  • RoseIsabella

    What you're describing is quite common nowadays, but it's certainly not normal.

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  • cumlordvegeta

    Cry about it bitch

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    • Lol

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Bitchute and brave search engine is where its at now. You can find all the things they dont want you to see.

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  • Somenormie

    Reddit still sucks dick.

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  • Correction

    Honestly, Reddit’s always been like that. The internet’s always been like that. When you were allowed to say whatever you wanted with no consequences, what do you think happened to somebody who said they are trans? Or they’re a prostitute? Or they don’t like Trump? You guessed it, the same thing that still happens to them now in a lot of places. Attacked, attacked, attacked. Banned, banned, banned.

    Now, think about what the difference is. You’re getting a negative reaction for being factually incorrect in a way that hurts other people. For denying people’s rights, or denying that people exist entirely. As you should, since those “opinions” are objectively wrong. People have the right to be prostitutes and, obviously, non binary people have the right to exist. Whereas people on the other side were getting attacked and banned for simply existing. For exercising their rights and freedoms to be who and what they want to be without impacting anybody else, which is exactly what you’re allowed to do, at least in America and all the other countries that have as much or more freedom as America.

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    • You're toxic as hell. You're saying it's good I'm banned for having opinions? No it has never been like that I've been on Reddit for over 10 years. It was never this toxic where you can't have any opinion. Please grow up and take a good look in the mirror, being toxic and hateful like yourself is useless.

      And no it's not a fact I'm wrong. Non binary is not something that exists and I am allowed to have an opinion of it saying I don't believe in it as politely as possible. I'm also allowed to say prostitution should stay illegal (it's illegal for a reason) and I'm allowed to say I don't like Biden without being banned- mind you none of what I wrote were on subreddits devoted to those topics, they were all general subreddits. Reddit was never ever that toxic. I am not allowed to have any opinion that's not okay nor has it ever been. Go away troll. You're clearly mentally ill.

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      • Correction

        That’s like saying blue eyed people don’t exist and churches should be illegal and then getting offended when people call you out on it. Most sites don’t let blatant trolling like your “opinions” go unchecked. They either get rid of the people responding to the trolls or they get rid of the trolls themselves. Reddit used to universally do the former, now they’ve made the right decision and started doing the latter.

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  • bbrown95

    Many subs on there are definitely very intolerant of opposing views, and more of echo chambers than anything else. I have yet to be banned on there (knock on wood), but then again I also rarely post anymore and have even really scaled back on lurking. I guess it's just mostly lost its appeal for me.

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