Is it normal religious family won't let my friend date her boyfriend?
My friend's family are extremely extremely religious. She's 31, her boyfriend is 25 they're only 6 years apart but her parents keep telling her he's too young for her and they don't even want to meet him. Her parents are 12 years apart.. her dad is 12 years older than the mom but they say the man has to be older than the woman and that she can't date a younger man. They even said it's how a man and a woman should be and it's "what god wants" even though God obviously doesn't say that lol
They even keep urging her to date their friend's son who is 49 almost 20 years older than her and she isn't interested but they aren't supporting her dating her current 25 year old boyfriend.
I met her boyfriend and he's very mature, he also carries himself much older than his age and he even has a better job than the 49 year old man her parents want her to date. Her boyfriend is a Nurse Anesthetist and earns six figures and the 49 year old works at a small retail store as an associate he's also less mature than the 25 year old so yeah what do you think. Is it normal they're strongly against her dating a younger man?