Is it normal romeo & juliet obsession??

As a child I was obsessed with Romeo & Juliet, in particular the '60s version. I wanted to change my name to Juliet. I loved the clothes she wore (I've a couple of dresses like this) loved the idea of an obsessive love like theirs; the fact they got married secretly and did it – IT!! I wanted a balcony off my parents house, I wanted a nurse like she had (maybe I need a real one). I have memories of me “committing suicide” with various play knives. We did study it at school, but I'm told that all the different books with summaries and explanations of R&J in, were due to me loving the play so much and not because of study. You'd think I'd hate it now but I don't; I do think about it quite differently. is it normal ??

Voting Results
43% Normal
Based on 30 votes (13 yes)
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Comments ( 3 )
  • jethro

    What do you think of West Side Story?

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  • Miezekatz

    thats not quite normal...well, I wanted a romance like Romeo and Juliet....well, but dying in the end is not that attractive....

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  • dirtybirdy

    A plague on both your houses!!!

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