Is it normal sometimes i want to tell you my name?
Sometimes I feel like I want to tell everyone here my name and have you guys call me by my real name instead of my username. I'll almost do it but then I always change my mind.
Is it normal?
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Sometimes I feel like I want to tell everyone here my name and have you guys call me by my real name instead of my username. I'll almost do it but then I always change my mind.
Is it normal?
In some ways, I think we'd be nicer to each other if we used real names. Our usernames depersonalise us to an extent. I mean, what is a "dappled"? It doesn't mean anything much. But I have a real name too. I'm a real person.
I didn't want my first name known here but it kind of slipped out and got around. Eighteen months later, I don't mind it being known. It hasn't done me any harm. I've mentioned my name at least half a dozen times in posts. I was talking to an IINer recently (Hello Amanda!) about what I'd call her if I ever bumped into her in the chat. I've known her a couple of years and I'm not sure I've ever called her by her username. We just use real names. People whose real names I know seem more real to me somehow.
Maybe more people should do this. If everyone used my real name, I'd be more myself here. I usually am but sometimes it seems like there's a bit of baggage that comes with my username (when I came back with a different username, things felt different).
However, a note of caution. I know a fair few people's first names but that doesn't mean they want me, or anyone else, using them publicly. Maybe, if people want their name used here, they could put it in their profile. No name in profile means nobody should use it. Perhaps you could be the first; start a bit of an IIN revolution where we refer to each other how people in the real world refer to us by being the first to put it in your profile for this reason.
I'm Simon, by the way.
Hello Simon, I'm Charlotte!:D Hehe, I feel weird calling you by your first name. Although you might have already known mine, not sure:S.
OP: I'm exactly the same. I've thought about it a few times in posts where it was sort of relevant, but decided not to, although for sort of weird reasons, maybe. I sometimes wonder what name people imagine I have (if they do), just like how I get curious about stuff other people don't talk about. Oh well! If you do want to share your name, then I guess this is the best post to do it on.:P
Idk, some people call me Ian, but Charlotte is just pretty enough to be ur name, love it
Is it weird or creepy that I remembered you were Charlotte from when you mentioned it before, quite a long time ago? I forget where you mentioned it, but I definitely knew from somewhere :L I've never actually met a Charlotte before though ^_^ Hi, Charlotte :D You have a nice name :)
Aww, of course not! I remember all sorts of crap about people which probably makes me sound like a creep, even though I obviously don't deliberately memorise it:P. I can't believe you knew my name, though!
I'm pretty sure I mentioned it once on a post. Funnily enough, it was when TerryVie called dappled Charlotte, and I said something along the lines of "Hey! But that's my name:O." Heh, not quite that, but something similar anyway. I deleted it though, after it bit. Maybe that was it?
Ha, you've really never met a Charlotte? We're so common, I'm surprised you haven't met one before! But then again, I've never met a Dom. You have a nice name too, I like it a lot:). Is it short for Dominic or are you just Dom?
Ah, I do the same. My brain seems to store up little bits of information like that too. It happens in real life as well - I can be tuning in to random conversations in class and end up accidentally eavesdropping and knowing all sorts of innocuous stuff about them without having ever properly spoken to them :P I read almost everything on IIN even if I only comment on about 10% of it, so I end up being weirdly tuned in to people. It's funny how much you can learn about IINers if you piece together all of their comments. It's like a jigsaw puzzle, and every comment is another piece. So long as you don't forget the memories, or mix up different people, you can build up personalities really clearly. My brain makes weird connections like that. Example: you've described your appearance vaguely here a couple of times and I remember that as well (I hope that isn't creepy - I think it probably is :/). The same goes for some of the other regulars. I sometimes play dumb about it to avoid seeming stalker-ish :/ I can be quite blaze about my own personal information because I figure if someone took the time to piece together my comments they could work it all out anyway without too much effort.
Wow, that was a seriously long paragraph :S
Thank you :) And yes, it's short for Dominic :) All my friends call me Dom though, apart from my primary school friend who I've known since I was 4 - she still calls me Dominic sometimes :P
EDIT: Speaking of TerryVie, has she left for good? :( I've not seen her comment for weeks.
I don't know if she has. I got the impression she was just taking a break, although maybe not.:/ I hope she comes back, she was one of my very favourite users here. I thought she was fantastic.
And we sound very similar (shocker!:P). If you're a creep, then I'm one too. I don't think we really are, though, especially because it's hardly deliberate. It happens for me in real life also. I tend to remember stuff that other people have completely forgotten about. I don't read most of the stuff on IIN (usually because I tend to be one of the first to comment on it, so if I don't find it interesting, I don't usually return and therefore don't get to read other people's comments). I do read quite a bit, though. I sort of play a bit dumb sometimes too.
Ha, seriously don't worry, I don't find it creepy that you remember stuff I've mentioned about my appearance. If I've made that comment, then I can't act like it's some outrageous thing that someone has read it and took it into account, like it's some sort of invasion of my privacy. It's not, *I've* revealed it and made it public, so to speak:P. I don't appreciate major tactless behaviour and stalking (which I don't consider you as doing). Either way, I've done what you mentioned with other users, yourself included, hehe:P. Although, you posted a picture, so you're not as vague as I am! Oh well, creeps unite!:P
Umm, yes, this is a bit weird. When people sent me their voice posts for the big IIN voice experiment, I assumed people made up their names on their email addresses (not that I'd ever have told anyone anyway). I do remember you were a Charlotte but I kind of imagined you might be a fake Charlotte and your real name was Dave or Bob. The whole reason I'm on IIN is because of a girl called Charlotte. I love the name, loved it even before I met her and she didn't manage to ruin it for me and I still love it. Although she went for a shortened version and was never Charlotte unless she'd done a bad thing. Mind you, I loved the short version too.
Eek! You're really Charlotte? Really really? I had a name for you in my head (and an image). I think I've become wrong on both counts. :/
Eek, I feel a bit embarrassed now:S. I would have never thought about using another name! I did create another email, so that I didn't have to share my name, but then I accidentally put my name in while setting one up anyway, because I'm dopey like that.
But yes, I'm *really* a Charlotte:P. A couple of people have used shortened versions, like Charlie and Lottie, but I don't really get called those anymore, mainly just Charlotte now. What was the name you had for me in your head?
Heh! My Charlotte wanted everyone to call her Charls (which nobody ever did). But here's the weird thing. I used to call her Apple (because of Apple Charlotte) and now here's me an apple and another Charlotte a fruit too. Weird. I wonder if any of it was subconscious.
As for your name, I realise I've either completely mixed you up with someone else from when you were first on IIN or I've invented things you've said (or I've dreamed them). I had you down as a Claire, a Joanne, or a possible Anna. Also, I had a vague idea when your birthday was and something you said on IIN made me see that I was completely wrong on that too. Finally, I had your hair colour wrong. It's weird but just this calling you by your name thing has turned you into an entirely new bananaface. :P
Entirely new bananaface?!:O Eek, when I made the comment I thought that you probably already knew my name anyway. Oh well. Ha, I wish I was called Anna! That's one of my favourite names. I love Claire too, but I wouldn't want to be called Joanne since it's one letter away from being my sisters name.:P Heh, Charls? The only time I got people to call me a different name was when I was a kid, when I'd only answer to Mary Star. No idea why!
Haha, apple:D! I remember when I was first on the site and I said I should have been called appleface because I prefer apples. Thinking about it now, maybe potatoface, because of Charlotte Potatoes. I do love a good spud! Now I'm stuck with icky bananas.>:(
I pictured you as 'Tracy'.
I'm not sure if I'm going to tell my name yet. I have to see how this thread goes, I need help deciding!! :)
Simon, you just blew my mind. I would not have guessed that in a million years. I did however think it was a biblical name because you once said your mother was religious... I think.
Hey Simon :) I have to tell you I love reading your comments, your input is always interesting :) Never pictured you as a Simon though :D you're still dappled :P
Simon! It's kind of a relief that you posted this. I've been so scared of letting it slip.
Well darn it. When I signed up for IIN many moons ago I was having brain farts and couldn't think of a good user name. So, I used my real life name. I feel left out!
I've never been tempted to tell anybody my real name here.
For me, IIN is an entertaining distraction where we can remain anonymous under a pseudonym whilst expressing our true thoughts and feelings. I feel far more comfortable with this arrangement :)
I made my username a different name because I didn't want to put too much of myself into IIN at first. That changed. Hah.
I'm Mel. People have called me Mel in chat for so long I don't even remember. It weirds me out the few times I've seen people firstname me on site, but I don't have a problem with it.
I know...ugh too many to think...quite a few first names. I tend not to ask details of people, even though I would like to know, because I just don't know if I'm overstepping something. The whole anonymous aspect of the site kinda looms over me. Silly, cos if people don't want to know, they'd just say.
Now I'm curious, not only as to what your name is OP, but also your username :P
I know some people know my real name. I have said it before, I doubt anyone remembers.
I sooooooo loooooove this thread! :D Read most of the comments here :) I don't know..for me, it's not just about names..sometimes I keep wondering how's everyone like in real life..I really like this site and enjoy being here, love how everyone tries to help people they don't even know. yet we all come from from different places, backgrounds, have different sometimes I just wonder how's everyone like :) I would love to meet you all btw :D :D
Oh and my name, it's quite unique :P
Aww, you're so cute!:D I like users like you. I really like this post too, I like finding out stuff like this about the users. I sort of like sharing it too, if it makes me seem more real, which I'd like to hope is a good thing, although I'm not sure now:S.
Anyway, are you going to share this unique name of yours or just tease us:P?
hahahahaha :D Thanks *ehm* Charlotte :D You know I DO feel we are real, actually maybe more real than the people that we know in our "real" lives, and our friends on Facebook..we don't have to pretend anything :) And here we're also not afraid to share our dark secrets :D :D That's why I would love to know you all in real life :) This site really has a bunch of amazing people :D It's not just about names I guess :)
Oh and about my name, well I don't know :D It IS unique since it's not even English :D Don't know if I should say it :D :P
My name is Oliver which I used to have written on my profile. The nickname Darkoil came from it because people used to call me Ol then Oil then loads of different variants arose and one day I needed to create a new email and Darkoil was free and I've used it as an online name ever since.
I like my username.
If people want to know my real name they must guess because I'll never tell.
I've thought about coming clean on my first name for a while now, but every time I think about doing it, I chicken out:/ It would make things more personal which can be both a good thing as well as a bad one. It depends on how you look at it.
I'm dumper pleased to correspond with you via iin. Maybe we can take a dump together
The name I use is not the name I was assigned at birth. I changed it because I hate it.
My original name is a name very popular in the English speaking world, despite being of another origin. I changed to one that, although a genuine name, is more common to Nordic culture. I renamed myself after someone I admire. I don't mind revealing it but I will never disclose my birthname.
There's a special word that means starting off by telling your name... If I could only remember it...
I'm Shay by the way. Hahahah
Noone will ever read this so my name is sadam, who sayn? Wait what? Thats wrong youll never know
If i told you my name it would shatter your ear drums. I keep it secret to keep you all safe.
OP... you don't have to tell us your name, but I'm wondering at least about the username. I think I might know who you are.
I would never have guessed. You don't look like a Marcus to me, although I think it suits your personality on here :) It's a good name, too.
Marcus has always struck me as a very macho, muscular, boisterous sort of name - a very physically-focused person, not the name of someone smart who thinks deeply the way you do. Your face shape strikes me as slightly androgynous but leaning towards male (in a good way, don't worry), whereas a Marcusface makes me think of very strongly masculine face, a gruff face. It's your eyes more than anything - in the photo you have at the moment your eyes are an especially bright blue, whereas I think of Marcus as a brown-eyed name. It's a superficial connotation, I know :P
We already have a Simon, of course, but I think Simon would have fitted you too. I know that's a bit weird :P
Haha, get in! I almost guessed your name right. I thought you were either Mark or possibly Anthony.:D Yippeeeee! You suit your name very much, by the way.:)
In a shocking turn of events, my name is Dom.
I don't really have an interest in hiding my name. My "real name" is no more related to my "real personality" than the moniker dom180 is. Telling you my name is Dom tells you no more about me than telling you my eyes are blue, my bedroom walls are painted a sandy-white colour and that my clock is broken. Names aren't "real"; I'd be the same person regardless of what name my parents decided to give me. The only reason to bother with names at all is to have an easy way to alert each other; just shout their name and they'll turn to you. If anything, I like IIN names more because those really CAN be an extension of our personality because we choose them, as opposed to "real" names which are crudely thrust upon us my our parents. I'm playing devil's advocate with myself a bit, but yeah.
Maybe my views on this are weird because I don't bother separating my IIN name from my "real" name :P
Hi OP, I'm a Kelly. My best friend is a Kelly too. And so is my assistant at work...
Call me what you want, but I can't guarantee I'll know you're talking to me.
Yes, even though I have a username, I will, occasionally have my real name attached to something I have on the internet. Why? I don't like having music or reviews I have made having "pseudonyms" attached to them (Firstname LI is ok).
A lot of people here know my name and it if wasn't because I was given the nickname "Floydzie" I'd change my username to my name... which is Nomie. Nice to meet you, OP!
Yes it's much more personal. And you can make a more real connection that way.
Holy jumping jesus motherfucking motherfuck! JAUNITA????? Seriously?!!!
Damn you, dappy. Now I have to tell my real name so noone ever thinks that horrid Jaunita is me.
My name is Milania. Take that, bitches. Hell of a lot better than Jaunita. My day is fucking ruined.
I've never officially said it but if you search IIN, my name is floating around out there.
It's not a bad name but I'm not for sharing personal details.
Out of all the IINers, Byron is the only one that ever saw what I looked like and that was purely by accident. I was mucking around on a ghost account and put up for a picture for God knows why, and he picked up on my writing style.
Oh and Angela saw a picture of a smaller Valkeer (still can't believe I ever put up that photo!)
And Sarah knows my name.