Is it normal sounds make ma go crazy?
Ìf I hear sounds from cell phones, yelling or just different soudns that aren't regular I go crazy and want to punch everything and do anything to get rid of that noise... iin?
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Ìf I hear sounds from cell phones, yelling or just different soudns that aren't regular I go crazy and want to punch everything and do anything to get rid of that noise... iin?
This happens to me , but not with cellphones unless its a really annoying and constant sound. And when i hear screaming OMG i feel like ripping out my hair and yelling at the top of my lungs.
It's normal to an extent. You may be hypersensitive to sounds- there are conditions some people do have. Just relax though; you sound like there is stress as it makes you want to punch things. Don't get angry. Listen to the sound and try to make it into the beat of music in your head. Maybe you can trick your mind into liking the sound. If that doesn't work then you need to do some breathing exercises or remove yourself from the environment with the sounds that disturb you so you don't end up hurting yourself or others.
I hate the sound of babies. They make me wanna hit somebody and my head aches.