Is it normal that a demon or "shadow person" follows me?

Alright, ever since I was in about the 3rd grade a demon or "shadow person" has been following me. It started after a friend of mine told me about it in detail, and everybody else who's been given details on it have started to see it as well. As a favor to everyone I'm not going to describe it. Anyway, this thing torments everyone who knows more than the fact that it exists. It doesn't just appear and vanish like most peoples stories say, it actually harms us physically. At one point it had progressively scratched my arms until they were blood red and bleeding in a few spots. Me and my friends who see it call it the "black thing." During one occasion it actually shook the axe in a friend of mines room. This happened after a period of time when it was appearing so frequently it was getting quite annoying, the black thing had actually knocked me into the counter and knocked out one of my teeth. Alright, i know this isn't normal, but does anyone know what we should do? And has anyone had a similar situation? By the way, I do NOT drink or use drugs of any kind. So please be nice and help. me out

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19% Normal
Based on 99 votes (19 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • crass

    If it's violent then I probably wouldn't leave an axe around my room...

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  • q1w2e3

    It's called jinn. If you have a Mosque nearby go and meet up with the imam and tell your story. He should be able to help. You may also read Jinns in Islam on the web, google it.

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    • Supersplintr

      Will do. Thanks!

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      • 8-Evil-Waffles

        Or... Maybe it's just random coincidence. Your brain can't understand these phenomena so it uses a scapegoat in your mind, for whom to push blame on...

        I'm just spitballin' here

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  • Rebel18

    I know how you feel. PM me if you have IIN gold. We can chat about it if your comfortable.

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  • Avant-Garde

    Contact a psychic and see if they can get rid of it. There are also ancient practices that are supposed to get rid of bad spirits. Have you ever tried talking to it? If none of the aforementioned works ask a priest if they can exorcise it.

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  • SplinterWingz

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  • noid

    What are your religious beliefs? Is anyone in your family involved in the occult/spiritualism?

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    • Supersplintr

      I'm an atheist. And everyone in my family is christian.

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      • noid

        What do they think about this thing harrassing you? Surely your parents would have worried when this started when you were so young! Or did you tell them?

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