Is it normal that after you die your facebook continues?

Like, if you die, does your Facebook delete itself, or does it continue for all eternity?

Voting Results
68% Normal
Based on 28 votes (19 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • Couman

    They actually have something called "memorial mode" specifically for that eventuality. Not sure exactly what it involves, but I guess your facebook friends can post remembrances on your wall and stuff, but otherwise the account is inactive. Facebook won't automatically know when you die though, I guess your family would have to tell them.

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  • Tobyrh

    I'm sure they remove inactive accounts after a couple years.

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  • motherfuckersbrother

    It continues fuck face

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  • arandomperson9999

    How would it know you died?

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  • Datboi

    It continues until the police pronounces you dead then it goes to there database and then using your email used for your credit card they cancel any thing using that email

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