Is it normal that am i afraid of failure?

I have always been afraid of not being good enough and failing.I feel like everyone has it together and I am the crazy one that's so messed up.

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93% Normal
Based on 27 votes (25 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • The only way to fail is to not try.

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  • handsignals

    I'm afraid of balloons.

    Lets get a list going people!

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  • 2tfx

    I am afraid of becoming homeless

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  • Aliceee93

    You cant live your life in fear.. everyone's crazy in their own way :D..

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  • TwoThumbs

    Fear can do one of two things. It can debilitate you or drive you. You get to decide which one. I let fear drive me. Most people never notice that I'm anxious....and they never realize that I question myself...yet I do. That's because the fear of failure make me set goals and focus on them instead of the failure. Figure out what you're afraid of and don't plan to do the opposite. Plan a way that's end goal is success and strive for that.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I used to be deathly afraid of cockroaches.

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  • I am afraid of never being really happy.

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  • I am terrified of getting gas (I should clarify, gas for my vehicle) I feel like I am going to royally screw it up somehow, like the machine will break, and then I will be awkward out there by myself.

    It's really normal to fear failure of all kinds. My biggest fear is failing my dreams and becoming nothing in life, but if I do nothing because I am scared, then I am failing.

    Remember! If you want to have dodgeball (or life) victory, you have to grab it by its haunches and you gotta hump it into submission! That quote randomly popped into my head. That's probably a sign I should go to bed...

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  • Youngstud45

    I'm afraid of failing my self and it holds be back from trying new things I hate it

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