Is it normal that at age 19 i have accomplished nothing?

I'm a 19 year old boy and I feel like I have wasted my life. I've spent my youth being bullied, playing videogames and without hobbies. My 'dark days' are now long gone, but at age 19 I now feel like I'm empty. All the people I know have things to show, I don't. They do theatre, joined sports competitions, won cups, play instruments, have travelled, done summercamps,...

At this time I'm learning Spanish and Chinese, breakdance, Parkour, CG & Design, Tai Jutsu and a lot more. I make my days as packed as possible so that I can make up for lost years. Right now, at age 19, that is my one and only dream. People have told me to take it more slowly and easily, but I cannot. My competitive spirit has just kicked in at this age and it's killing me to see how other people always have way more to show and tell than me.

I want to do theatre, sing, create things, play the guitar and piano, play soccer, go on summer camps and sneak out at night, do sleepovers, .... I want to have those beautiful memories and stories that everyone has but that I don't.

At this point, that is my one and only dream. I cannot think clearly of the future since I have no good memories to back me up. I have no fear of the future since I want to be a businessman, but now I want to live happily without responsibilities. I'm getting the impression that I am too old. The idea that I will always be one step behind is something I can't live with.

Do you think my situation is normal, and do you have any advice? It would be appreciated more than you could imagine.

Many thanks, and have a great day!

Voting Results
78% Normal
Based on 27 votes (21 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • DoctorAngelDust

    19? You're just a baby. I have met countless patients who were well past their 30's who had done as close to nothing as you can possibly do. A part time job at McDonald's living in a crowded trailer smoking someone else's weed all day and watching someone else's TV. I spent 8 years in prison with men who had been in and out all of their lives and all they did while they were out was sling dope, smoke dope and run from cops.

    There is an enourmous number of people out there living empty, meaningless lives. They care little to learn, grow or progress. This is why they never find their passion or potential.

    You are 19. You have no children or commitments and until you do, it is not only natural but fantastically acceptable to take as much time as you need to to discover who you are and who you want to become. Some people get lucky and find it earlier, you're lucky to have started the process at your age.

    Keep learning, keep growing, develop at your own pace and build a life you can enjoy.

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    • Why do you keep referring to people as "patients" in your comments? You don't come across as anyone who is actually working in any type of medical field. Are these "patients" the people you used to sell drugs to? I mean your user name is Doctor"angel Dust" after all..

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      • DoctorAngelDust

        I don't work in the medical field. I used to be a counselor.

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  • Tommythecat.

    Accomplishments are a made up thing. By the laws of the universe they mean nothing and are only there to support the weak esteem of the accomplishee. Don't be weak, don't care, don't buy into the human rat race as it is for rats.

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  • 123fakestreet

    Colonel Sanders was in his 60s when he founded KFC.

    Stephen Hillenburg was in his 30s when he left his marine biologist career behind to go to animation school and create Spongebob Squarepants.

    Heston Blumenthal dropped out of a cooking apprenticeship after one week first thing after high school, and taught himself how to cook for ten years whilst doing menial jobs.

    I'll say you're making pretty good time. The fact that you have the drive you are making out is a very good start.

    But in any case, accomplishments are a relative, arbitrary and by logic, meaningless human construct. When the sun dies and has its supernova, destroying earth, all human history will be obliterated, which includes our "accomplishments" and all mementos of them. Literally nothing is permanent in our universe.

    But if "accomplishing" things makes you feel good, I sure as fuck won't stop you!

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  • IIN2?uestionlife

    How long have you been breakdancing for??

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  • NotHumanAtAll

    The worst thing you can do is compare yourself to others. You're NINETEEN and you have the DESIRE to do all these things. That is all that matters.

    Imagine if you were much older, had "wasted your life," and had no desire to do anything new... what would you get accomplished then? Nothing.. you would continue dwelling on how much time you wasted until your death. At least now you haven't even hit your prime years, you have the desire to do things, and you've started to be very active.

    If you keep it up, you'll have gained lots of experience by the time you're thirty!

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  • thegypsysailor

    OMG, really? Well, you are such a loser. 19 and you are obviously DONE! Finished! A failure! What could you possibly have hoped to accomplish by 19?
    Get a grip, child, you are barely out of diapers. You aren't even old enough to drink. You just barely know how to walk.
    If you can post the same post at 50, then you might actually be on to something.

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