Is it normal that christianity is too ambiguous?

Can any Christian here explain how they are able to stay in Christianity after honest criticism of the following:

- There are too many errors in the Bible.
- Why Bible has authors? Isn't the author supposed to be God?
- Trinity, 3 in 1 is confusing. God has a son? Why? God created Adam and Eve without mother and father, why do you think they are not His children as well?
- Original sin, doesn't make sense. Why someone should be sinful because of someone else's actions?
- Jesus says he was sent to the lost sheep of Israel, in other words he was sent to specific group only. So Christianity is not for all.
- Jesus never claims he is God or Son of God or says "worship me". So why Christians make him divine deity?
- Jesus says a prophet will come after him calling to the same God, but why Christians just stick to Christianity?
- Jesus says pork is not to be eaten, but Christians enjoy it?!
- how can priest forgive you? Is he God? If not why you need to confess to him and not directly to God himself?

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68% Normal
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Comments ( 10 )
  • anti-hero

    H2O can be ice, water and steam.

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  • Short4Words

    I will say half the errors in the bible are from some things being taken to literally and somethings being taken out of context. Now I for one have mixed feelings about the old testament but there's enough truth in new testament that I can't deny it based on what I've experienced throughout my life.

    God does not literally have fingers to write but I think they were testemonies of people who witnessed the events.

    Adam and Eve were Gods creation. The son, Jesus Christ, I'm not sure if he was there then or not. I haven't studied the bible enough but the point is is that, God's son was a teacher and was there to save mankind, whereas Adam and Eve had no such responsibilities, they were the first humans, and failed to obey God, much like some of the Angels. That is where free will comes into play.

    Old testament, I cannot help you with that.

    Well it does not need to be taken so literally because he was sent to save those people first, to basically set up the church, the real church of christ, he was sent there to be with those people at that time, but was sacrificed for all.

    It says right in John 14:7-10 and I think many other times as well. There were prophets after Jesus Christ but none of them claimed to be God in the flesh until modern day and he made it clear in this time, many would say they are him, but are not.

    I need some counsel on the pork thing too. But I know why it would be wrong to eat it, it's not good for you, very acidic.

    Priests are Catholic, Pastors are Christian. I don't know the influence of a priest, but pastors basically look after there church, the ministry and their people and anyone else really. That is my problem with Catholocism, I don't see why if all men were created equal, that the priest or the pope can have more of a relationship with God. I have prayed and felt forgiven, and know when I am not, and I've never asked a priest to do so for me.

    I hope I could be of some help, they're likely much wiser Christians that can give you more information and I really don't know where to point you to as of yet. But I'll try.

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    • squirrelgirl

      Priests and the Pope don't have "more" of a relationship with God. The Pope just gives people rules and oversees the way the Church is run, and the priests just oversee Mass (church services), give last rites, induct new people into the Church, and even perform exorcisms.

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      • Short4Words

        You can pm if you want but I'd rather not have a religious debate here.

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  • noid

    I know of at least one Christian denomination that abstains from eating pork...There may be others

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  • JesusFreak93

    I'm only going 2 answer the ones I can remember, priests are from a denomination of christianity, different denominations call their religious leaders different things, Priests can't forgive u, Catholics just believe they can, if you don't kno the answer to the rest then you do not have your facts straight

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  • q1w2e3

    Thanks for the answers, I guess the faith is blind for most people.

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    • robbieforgotpw

      Faith is believing what you cannot see or prove. I personally think it takes more faith to believe we evolved from single-celled organisms than to believe in an all-powerful Creator.

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  • AvidLearner

    Hi. I've been walking as a Christian now for 12 years. I think you are confused because you have not been truely saved; you may have prayed a prayer of faith, but something in your heart is not right and you have not received the Holy Spirit. I say this because
    1. There are NO errors in the Bible, only mysteries that the Holy Spirit definitely helps you to understand as your grow as a Christian.
    2. The Bible is Inspired by God and He is the Author. He only used men to write it, just as He used Mary to carry His seed- Jesus.
    3. God is One, but since he is supernatural and able to do whatever He wants, He has decided to manifest and function in three different ways. It's still Him (the same God) just working in three different ways. Father- The almighty Judge and Creator of the Universe, Son- The Savior (flesh) that died for our sins. Holy Spirit- The comforter that helps us to make it through this very hard life on earth. He guides you to understanding of scripture and convicts you of sin.

    Furthermore, you state that Jesus Never says he is God. That is completely FALSE.
    Jesus repeats in numerous places in the bible that He is God. Look at the following verses: John 10:30 John 8:58 (Jesus calls himself the "I AM" which God calls himself in Exodus 3:14. Revelations 1:11 (Jesus calls himself the Alpha and Omega, beginning and End) These are just a few.

    I can tell by all your statements that you have either been influenced by Catholicism, not in a good church, and most likely are not sincerely converted. If you had the Holy Spirit you would not be this blind. I can help you find your way if you are sincere and not an Atheist troll. God declares in his word 2 Peter 3:9 that he doesn't want ANYONE to perish. He loves you and He wants to teach you all that you ask. But you must have a contrite and broken Spirit (Isaiah 51) that genuinely wants Jesus.

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  • Where is your proof?

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