Is it normal that clear skies make me feel claustrophobic?

Clear skies make me feel ill and trapped. The way I see it the sky represents to me everything, I know all the world, but everything else is sort of in the sky, I like to look up and see clouds or rain, or anything so I am ignorant of what is behind it, therefore there is a possibility for something to be behind it. But with a clear sky there is nothing but blue and as the sky signifies anything that isn't the world, everything else is nothingness and there is no escape from it, nothing to achieve, the way I see it there might as well just be a brick wall, I feel so trapped by it. I know there's solar systems and planets and other stuff all up there, but even so when I'm looking up at the sky it feels like there's nothing ever to achieve and that scares the shit out of me. Is that normal?

Voting Results
31% Normal
Based on 77 votes (24 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • Avant-Garde

    Clear skies make me very uncomfortable like there's a some form of pressure on me. It makes me dizzy and I can't help to think that I'm going to fall through the sky:/

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  • com999

    I don't like clear skies and love the rain.

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    • Ilovethearcticmonkeys

      Yeah, rain makes me feel weirdly safe.

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  • Anime7

    I don't know if it's normal but I feel that way sometimes. Whenever I look up at the sky when it's blue and bright I just think that I'm trapped as well. Sometimes when I look up I see the sky curved, like we're in a dome. When that effect happens it just adds on to the feeling that I'm in a giant ball and won't ever get out. Although, due to this curving I also feel like the sky is fake. If I focus on the clouds in the sky when it is partially clear outside they look drawn in. Sometimes, I just don't like to look up.

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  • Phrooght_loop

    I sort of agree but for me it's more of rain that makes me extremely claustrophobic

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  • RoseIsabella

    Whenever I see clear blue skies I think of this old song by Chris Isaak "Big Blue Spanish Sky" off the Heart Shaped World CD.

    It's a big blue spanish sky,
    Lay on my back and watch clouds roll by.
    I've got the time to wonder why,
    She left me.
    It's a slow sad spanish song,
    I knew the words but I sang them wrong.
    The one I love has left and gone,
    Without me.
    Now she's gone, our world has changed.
    Watchin a blue sky, thinkin of rain.
    It's a slow sad spanish song,
    I knew the words but I sang them wrong.
    The one that I love has left and gone,
    Without me.
    It's a big blue spanish sky,
    I lay on my back and watch clouds roll by.
    I only wish I could make you cry,
    Like I do.
    Like I do.
    Like I do.

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  • Tazwiz

    Yeah I'm not sure it's normal but I also feel the same. The sky is like an unreal blanket in my eyes sometimes , and theres nothing else there. It scares the hell out of me. It's like looking at nothingness.

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  • imlikeatherapistbutbetter22

    it certainly is unique, if you like i could give you my facebook or e-mail and we can discuss it

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  • squirrellvr

    I agree. I cant lay on my back and look up at the clear sky, makes me feel that same way. Even at night looking up at the stars. Just freaks me out

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