Is it normal that degeneracy is normalized?

Degeneracy is so normalized, it's sad. Being nothing more than a piece of filth is seen as "normal" and if you aren't a degenerate, you're seen as weird. That makes no sense whatsoever. Not only that, people take a weird pride in being a degenerate. It's like people think that being a degenerate somehow makes them important. "oooh look at me! look at me! I'm worthless filth!". I will gladly give a few examples that shows how degeneracy is normalized. Having sex is an act of degeneracy. You're using someone else's body for your own perverse pleasure. Sex is nothing more than a violative, sometimes manipulative, perverted, and disgusting act. Spending your days doing nothing more than spreading your legs for a bunch of pigs is another example of how degeneracy is normalized. That's seen as something fine and dandy. No, you morons, it's animalistic. Speaking of animalistic, engaging in animalistic acts is seen as something "normal". Oh, and if you don't engage in animalistic acts, you're weird, at least that's what society says. We all know society is right about everything. They just know it all! I'm getting tired of writing, so to sum it up, the majority of people are degenerate sick fucks and that's seen as normal. Being perverse is normal. Time for all of you to take pride in being sickos!

Edit: I also forgot to mention the millions of weird fetishizes that exist. I also forgot to mention how people sexualize everything that exists. So yeah, there's that.

Voting Results
33% Normal
Based on 9 votes (3 yes)
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Comments ( 59 )
  • my_life_my_way

    Sex has always been normalised (because it’s natural), prostitution was extremely common in the Victorian age

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    • Shit is "natural" too. And what's your point? Prostitution may have been common, but that doesn't make it a less degenerate act.

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      • Talktomebro28

        And all the retards in thie world fall for it and become part of the disgusting scum low life that the social media indoctrination promotes.
        What vile creatures humans have become! No morals, no respect for each other, sex is over rated and turned into a degenerate act.
        No wonder Gates is trying to cull the population!

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        • If you aren't trolling, yes, I agree.

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          • Talktomebro28

            Why would I be trolling?
            I thought u stole my previous posts haha

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            • Well, It isn't common for me to see someone agree with this opinion.

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      • Talktomebro28

        Tbh all of society has been BRAINWASHED by the GVT satanic cults with their fucked up degenerate piece of shit sex rituals and so on 🤮

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      • Tinybird

        pretty sure you also shit so you must be a degenerate too

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        • I never said shitting makes you a degenerate.

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    • Somenormie

      Normalised for years way before the Victorian age also.

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  • Tommythecaty

    Sex is the reason humans and animals continue to exist, to call nature degenerate is....unnatural.

    The only degeneracy is the leftover remnants of religious of brainwashing towards sexual attitudes that’s been coded into your tiny brain over a millennia.

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    • That's irrelevant. Plus, I am aware that sex is how people reproduced, which was the only sole purpose of it. But that doesn't matter now, considering how overpopulated the world is right now. Also, going by your logic, it would be unnatural for a kid who was abused by their parents to view their parents as degenerate abusers because their parents are the reason why they exist.

      Also, what's unnatural is how you idiots automatically claim this unpopular opinion is due to religion. My family and I never were religious. We wouldn't even discuss anything that would be regarded as "religious". So yeah, you're wrong there.

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      • Tommythecaty

        The world isn’t overpopulated at all, what could possibly be your basis for comparison to claim that.

        Sexual abuse has nothing to do with sex, it’s singularly about trying to gain power off of the weaker victim because the perpetrator is so pathetically weak.

        Having sex is not in itself an act of degeneracy.

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        • Even if it isn't overpopulated right now, with people constantly screwing 24/7, it will soon. But spoil alert, it is. CURRENTLY.

          You're so ignorant it's not even funny. Usually, it is about power, but not all the time. Pedophiles sexually abuse kids because of their sick sexual attraction towards children. Sure, there could be a lot of pedophiles that ALSO do it for power, but it always involves their weird preference for children. So, sorry to break it to you, but i'm pretty sure sexual abuse has something to do with sex. Plus, these things wouldn't exist if it weren't for the pointless existence of sex, buddy.

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          • Tommythecaty

            There’d be no existence in the first place without it 🤣

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  • Sanara

    As soon as I saw the sex comment, I wonder if this is "hookerfall" again?. But seriously sex between two consenting adults, is a normal natural act that both could be wanting and enjoying at the same time. Its natural to have the urge to do it (even if you are an outlier for being asexual), and its literally how we survived as a species for as long as our species have even existed, up until very recently where people can get artificially fertilized. Nobody should be forced and people should be smart about it (like dont have unsafe sex if you dont want kids, and overall consider consequences and risks on a personal level). But viewing it negative as a whole only shows the person who posted it has some issues

    Humans are "animalistic" because we literally are animals, and have animal instincts.

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    • To answer your question, no. I am not hookerfall. Of course, you're going to try to say I have "issues" because I don't like sex. Just goes to show how much of an ignorant person you are. No, sex isn't normal. And yes, it might considered "natural" but that doesn't make it any less gross. It doesn't hide the truth about how degenerate and perverse it is. Shit and piss is natural too, but do you go and eat shit and drink piss? If not, don't pull the "it's natural" card. Yes, the only sole purpose of sex was to reproduce, but that doesn't matter anymore because this world is really overpopulated right now. Of course, you're probably going to try to deny that, but it's true. None of this is normal. It might be "normal" as in it's common, but not "normal" as in it's disgusting.

      Okay, maybe it was a wrong choice of words, but still.

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      • Sanara

        EATING shit and drinking piss is not natural to humans anyway, so that argument just doesnt fit. You must be extremely anti nature to be against people as a whole having sex, the thing that almost every living being does to survive as a species. If you on a personal level dont want it, that's perfectly fine. Sex being gross is entirely subjective and emotional (you can think so, but not demand the entire world should too). Some may connect it with other emotions, like fun, romantic, pleasure etc. Their emotions are as valid as yours.

        Not denying the world is overpopulated, and making fewer kids would be ideal right now, but that doesnt make it ideal that absolutely nobody should make kids, just fewer people should.

        Even people who dont want to reproduce (and there are many contraceptives), sex can be good for bonding and enjoying time together in a relationship, even quite important to many people. Besides (in most cases) people still have the instinct and urge to have sex, and since that instinct will be there regardless why not make the best out of it and live with it in a way that actually gives contentment? (which is not just suppressing it and pretending its not there, unless its actually not). Of course it needs to be consensual as all have the right to decide over their own body, and if you cant have consensual sex you with someone else you should not (but may masturbate instead, and that's harmless). The way you talk about it clearly shows you have some issues with it, or you would just not care much about OTHER people having sex that doesn't affect you.

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        • But it's natural to piss and shit, which going by your logic, neither one of those is disgusting since it's natural. YOUR argument doesn't fit. I'm not demanding other people believe what I believe, I'm just pointing out the degeneracy and the ignorance. Seeing sex as more than a disgusting, degenerate, violative act where your body is being used is ignorant.

          Sex is not for "bonding". Just going to make that clear. It's only for people's filthy pleasure. And of course people are going to see it as "important" because in society's eyes, life is all about sex. Oh, really? Okay, so going by your shit logic, if I have the urge to rape someone, I should be allowed to because i'm always going to have the urge to do it, so I might as well make the best out of it. No, I currently do not have any issues I'm dealing with, but you believe what you wanna believe. It isn't that I care about other people having sex, I'm just, you know, pointing out the perversion and degeneracy that's ignored by society. I also like how your kind will tell someone like me how we have issues because we "care so much about other people having sex", yet there is never any mention about how society cares so much about how often someone has sex, or what kind of sex people have. Nobody bats an eye when society clearly shows they view people that have little to no sex as inferior, or people that have sex they view as "boring" as weird. But when I point out the degeneracy and perversion that fills the world, then people wanna pay attention. Hilarious.

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          • Sanara

            Yes, but I do not actively think it's disgusting every time I go to the toilet and we acknowledge that something people need to do.

            Your argument for your body being "used" makes you seem like it cant possibly go two ways where two people enjoy it together, and that actually happens... Its only violent if you make it so, and even then it could be consentual (BDSM). Rape is bad. But consentual (and safe if you dont want pregnancy) sex is not.

            But seriously you need to just stop caring what other people do and mind your own business. The whole world is not gonna adjust to you and shouldn't. Why care so much how others live their life? So what if you find it gross, thats like complaining when people eat a food you dont like. Maybe youre right about the point society care too much, but caring too much in the opposite direction dont improve that. And people shouldnt be seen as inferior for having little to no sex. THAT thing I actually agree with.

            But being the positive change here would be minding your own business, let people different than you live their lives as well, and if anything encourage others to do the same

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            • But shit is still gross, right?

              You're body is being used. You have someone that is using YOUR body so they can get off. It is not rocket science. And don't try to switch things now that I've pointed out your shitty logic.

              Like I said, I do not care what other people do and I most definitely do mind my own business. I wouldn't even care if someone were going on a rampage. But believe what you wanna believe. Also, very hypocritical coming from you, assuming you're part of the majority of people who try to dictate what someone else does in their life, based off what you think is "normal" or not.

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      • Talktomebro28

        You , me and Hookerfall only ones left who have morality!
        Let's hope other animalistic pigs Re culled

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    • Talktomebro28

      Hookerfall states facts, u better suck it up chump and get over yourself

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  • EnglishLad

    I bet your idea of spicing up your love life is undoing your fucking fleece.

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    • "Spicing up your love life". Who said I was in love with anyone? And if I were to be able to fall in love with anyone, I wouldn't be with anyone who expected that perverse degenerate act in the relationship. But I have no love life.

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      • EnglishLad

        Why am i not surprised?

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        • Because you shouldn't be. I made it obvious.

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          • EnglishLad

            Yes, no-one in their right mind would touch you with a bargepole, with those views

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            • Thank you for telling me something I already know. Also, I prefer it that way :)

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  • Talktomebro28





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  • You stick up for pedophiles. You also don't know the difference between Romantic attraction and sexual attraction. You don't sound like the brightest to me.

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  • Tinybird

    You just called your own parents disgusting degenerates and worthless filth. You better be a virgin

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    • Ah yes, the good ole "Haha you just called out your own parents lulz". And yes, my sperm donor is a disgusting degenerate. Oh, and yes, I am a virgin. Duh.

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      • Talktomebro28

        Dam u are like my twin or brother from another mother?? Every word is on point to the point im feeling a little dazed because I didn't know I had a twin who would think and write exactly like moi

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        • Who knows, I could be your long lost twin.

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          • Talktomebro28


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