Is it normal that degeneracy is normalized?
Degeneracy is so normalized, it's sad. Being nothing more than a piece of filth is seen as "normal" and if you aren't a degenerate, you're seen as weird. That makes no sense whatsoever. Not only that, people take a weird pride in being a degenerate. It's like people think that being a degenerate somehow makes them important. "oooh look at me! look at me! I'm worthless filth!". I will gladly give a few examples that shows how degeneracy is normalized. Having sex is an act of degeneracy. You're using someone else's body for your own perverse pleasure. Sex is nothing more than a violative, sometimes manipulative, perverted, and disgusting act. Spending your days doing nothing more than spreading your legs for a bunch of pigs is another example of how degeneracy is normalized. That's seen as something fine and dandy. No, you morons, it's animalistic. Speaking of animalistic, engaging in animalistic acts is seen as something "normal". Oh, and if you don't engage in animalistic acts, you're weird, at least that's what society says. We all know society is right about everything. They just know it all! I'm getting tired of writing, so to sum it up, the majority of people are degenerate sick fucks and that's seen as normal. Being perverse is normal. Time for all of you to take pride in being sickos!
Edit: I also forgot to mention the millions of weird fetishizes that exist. I also forgot to mention how people sexualize everything that exists. So yeah, there's that.