Is it normal that dog lovers care more for their pet than a child?

I am an avid crowd-funder, I visit sites like kikstarter and patreon regularly to see which promising product of the future deserves some of my hard-earned money, but I found some unsettling ads, and pieced them together to find a terrible and somewhat disgusting truth behind dog lovers, owners and cultists...

A child had his face mauled off by a dog, the owner of the dog admits that their dog is a loving and kind dog and would have only attacked if provoked, yet video proof of the situation shows otherwise, the child was happily sitting on the veranda with the mother watching carefully from the garage when the neighbourhood bully 'the dog' decides to just randomly approach the child and attack.
Despite all of this, the family needed the medical bills so they put up a fair price for their son, a few thousand should do it they thought.

One month through and they didn't even reach half of the funds they required, I happily supported them in their cause as I am empathetic of their son.

Around the same time as the child's funding was uploaded, another ad was uploaded, it was a fundraising petition for a dog lovers pet dog who had a small cut on it's leg, the information provided basically admitted that the dog was in no current bad shape, and definitely wouldn't die. They even provided videos with time signatures *which cannot be altered* which said that it was only recently recorded where the dog was running around happily on it's apparent 'bad' leg.
The ad was put up for twice as much as the childs family's ad a few ten thousand should do it, the dog owner thought.

Just within a week, the funding for the dog surpassed it's goal to well over $50,000, whereas the childs ad which only asked for around $6,000 only made around 300 bucks...

What I'm asking, is that if this is normal, that people are proving to the world that they care more about dogs than they do their own kind?

Voting Results
37% Normal
Based on 46 votes (17 yes)
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Comments ( 21 )
  • It isn't normal at all...I admit it depends on situation and how the advertisement was set up, but bottom line is humans are the main priority because they actually serve a purpose and have an understanding for things just remember that human children are the future of our planets and dogs are just a future commodity to be used by humans as they so wish I think dogs are obsolete for sniffing out stuff and finding people too because we have technology for all that anyway. I don't love dogs but I would donate to the dog leg if I had money and if it wasn't so obviously an advertisement appealing to these audience just to make money *50,000 is WAY too much for a scratch on the leg* but I would donate more on the child.

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  • Short4Words

    It's whacked and it's not normal.

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  • Faggots_should_die

    If you lined up 10 people and 1 dog in front of a firing squad, my first question would be "what did the dog do?"

    I don't blindly think all dogs are inherently better than all people, but I do think certain dogs are better than certain people and more deserving of life.

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    • I can't agree with you there, whilst there are some shit people who undertake shit actions, such as rape, or murder etc. They would have at least done something more productive than most dogs on the planet in their lifetime, humans are the most productive creatures on this planet, whilst they're also a huge factor to it's destruction all animals contribute to the destruction of the planet, whether it be destroying a shrub, shitting on the lawn or simply by driving cars which give out bad gasses for the ozone layer...

      Humans are the most capable of emotion, they can show it, they can understand it and they can describe it, even the worst person on this planet deserves just as much or more than any animal that ever existed. But that's the problem isn't in, most dogs on this planet are loved, and cared for more than most homeless men and women and children on this Earth, an average dog lover would change the channel which is featuring an ad about a child in Nigeria fearing of life and death, for a channel about dogs doing basic tricks as a competition.

      Another thing, there is no dog that has ever lived that is smarter than any human, unless that human being referred to is only a baby. Humans and dogs have equal intelligence, they also have as much intelligence as an ant, the true meaning of intelligence is having the capacity to learn something. Dogs will chase a car, get run over, get fixed up, and chase another car, they only understand very few things, but only if they're taught, there is no true story of a dog/canine learning from it's mistake, whereas humans, and apes, and even pigs can learn from mistakes and undertake much more than just basic action. No human can be smarter at another human, because whilst he may be better than her at maths, she is better than him at English, and so on but dogs have no knowledge of anything besides, sleep here, sit there, eat this and little else...humans think for themselves, again proving why humans are more deserving than any other animal, especially dogs who don't come close to the smartest animal.

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      • Niggers_on_powertrips

        My response below somehow went to rose, it was meant for you. She basically explained how I feel. Random people out in the world wouldn't be more important than my individual pet.

        If you feel all humans are more important than all animals, that is your opinion that you are entitled to.

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        • RoseIsabella

          I've never had a dog or cat screw me over the way more people in my life than I can count have.

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      • Ellenna

        Dogs were smart enough to adapt enough to human's wishes to become domesticated and (mostly) looked after by humans, so who's stupid?

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        • Anything can 'adapt' to domestication, besides insects I would assume, it's not being smart which determines whether something adapts to an environment or a new lifestyle, so who's smart now?

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          • Ellenna

            I was being ironic

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    • Jess1010

      Well one of the dogs in the story above tried to eat an innocent child's face...... Just because dogs aren't smart enough to commit crimes doesn't mean they are better than humans. People want to insist that animals have feelings and emotions like humans but they don't want to admit that animals all have distinct personalities as well. Some animals are nice and some are jerks, just like people.

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  • Millybyh

    I care about my pets more than any human. I'd rather find a dead human on a walk and I would feel nothing rather than a dead animal and cry for days.

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  • Bigheart15

    Yes there are people who love their dogs more then their own children!. I live opposite one. Ever since I have known her she shows her two dogs lots of love but I have never seen her cuddle her son. I'm a mum of three and I think it should come naturally to welcome your children when they one back home from being away by saying " hello darling, did you have a ice time" then give them a hug. She admits that she would love to own a big house and have loads of dogs. It makes me so angry because her son is lovely and should have the attention from his mum.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I think this is apples to oranges since you comparing an injury of a random dog to this poor kid. If it was some bullshit about a legal fund for the vicious dog's owner vs the poor injured child then I would be more sympathetic to whatever you're trying to push here.

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    • Niggers_on_powertrips

      You wasted alot of time writing a post that broken down is the equivalent of "people are better than animals". Dogs are just animals, like any other animal, just like we humans are an animal. Animals have been classified by humans based on their food chain utility. Humans are super predators, dogs are considered the same thing. At some point between the history of wolves and pre-historic humans, dogs evolved from domesticated wolves. This is believed to have happened because of common goals, hunting and gathering, etc. Apparently now companionship is also part of the mix.

      That is how human anthropologists would describe the homo sapien and canis lupus familiaris relationship and shared evolution.

      Your second paragraph indicates your belief that dogs shouldn't be considered at the same emotional effect for a human as that same human should consider starving children in Africa. People use money as they see fit, it is a "liquid" commodity controlled by any given individual.

      Your third paragraph is all your opinion. Which you have every right to express. Evolutionary biologists believe dogs will out survive humans on the timeline of this planet.

      Also, you're sexy.

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      • RoseIsabella

        Well, thank you!

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    • qcbugz

      I don't get what you mean miss Rose, that's a lovely name by the way.

      The point I could have explained this a number of ways, but this was the only 'truthful' one I had based on experience and web searching. I'm not trying to accuse dogs as being bad, or to allow people to think for once that maybe humans are treating dogs with too much love, because no matter what I say, I know it's not going to change anything, people are still going to choose to love animals and dogs as much, or more than they ever have.

      I just wish to see what the majority of people who come across this question think, is it normal for people to choose to spend more money on a dog with a small non-fatal cut on it's leg, than they do on a child who had it's face mauled off by a dog and is currently in hospital, in a near-death situation.

      These people aren't in particularly paying money towards the perpetrator *the dog that mauled the child's face* it is a completely different dog, however in saying this, all dogs are unpredictable and they live entirely based off instinct, no matter how well a dog is trained by it's owner, it is still capable of mauling a child's face if it feels like it. Even the tiniest of yappy pet dogs can damage humans if it so desires, this is the unpredictable nature of the canine that some of us have come to accept.

      I should mention, as apart of the story with the child, the dog that undertook the attack is a bulldog, and it is currently being defended by a group of people saying that the dog was the victim, and that the child was at fault, this information didn't get me anywhere closer to the question I was trying to ask so I didn't bother mentioning it.

      To get to the point, I don't understand what you mean by 'comparing apples and oranges' but I'm assuming you're saying that it was a bad's not when it comes around to my overall question, it's already true that the majority of people on this world are dog lovers, only about a million dislike dogs, and only a few thousand of that million wish to actually harm them. I'm not apart of that few. But it has now come to my attention that the majority of dog lovers feel that dogs deserve more love, care, money spent and so on than other humans, their own kind. This says a lot of things about the person, that they've got some problems may be one of them, but this statement too, depends.

      Either way, I appreciate you commenting.

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      • RoseIsabella

        Well, I'm certainly more interested in the welfare of my own Siamese cat and my sister's poodle than the majority of people. My interest is not so much, because I dislike people per se, but rather, because the two animals I've mentioned are dearly beloved members of my own family.

        I think people who have pets of their own will tend to notice tragic stories about animals, because that's what those people relate to so naturally that's what they gravitate towards. I don't see anything wrong with it. A person I don't know will never be more important to me than my own pet, that's just how I and many like me naturally feel. I don't naturally see other people I don't know as one of my own, and to me it's no tragedy. It is what it is.

        Having said all that I don't have a problem with vicious dogs being put down. My cat was interested in an injured desert finch, and I only had to tell him, "NO" once. He's my special little guy!

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    • Thedollcollector8==D

      I shall feed your cat a couple crushed up halcion and then wait for him to pass out so i can then have my way with him.

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  • Eegnup

    Its like this... "Eh, i just gave birth to some healthy child, BUT OMG MY DOG LOOKS SO CUTE AND FUNNY IN A BEE COSTUME DDDAAWWWW!!!!!"

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    • qcbugz

      And then people crowd around the dog, forget about the child and then drive off into the sunset, literally leaving the child behind. Meanwhile, the new family on the block, with the new furkid gets all the attention, eeeeveryone looooves the Fur-Family down the road.
      Isn't he so cute how he wears his brand new clothes, how he attempts to sit at the dinner table despite his digi-degraded legs.

      It's a fantasy I don't like to think about, but many people actually think their dog, or other pet is closely related to a real human child.
      This bedazzles me...

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  • bucho's_butt

    Humans are pieces of shit that deserve to be wiped off the face of the earth.

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