Is it normal that ever since i was little i have a fear of pipes?

When I was little the place we lived in had a basement, of course a completely unfinished basement. Not only were there massive spider webs and spiders, but loud pipes, water heater, well water pipes, etc. I don't freak out (in front of people) I hold in my fear so I appear normal. I think something must of happened when I was little. I know the well water pumps would leak and make sounds that scared the hell out of me, the water heater would make noise, there would always be condensation of the pipes dripping down on me when I walked down there (along with spiders) and there must of been a pipe that burst before or something. I think I have a fear of pipes because they're rumbly and scary sounding and they go into the ground. The things that scare me most are the things hooked to the pipes like the water heater, well water pumps (one small pump hooked to a large pump with a mirror on it for some reason) and the loud sounds they make etc. Anyone else like me when it comes to this? lol

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44% Normal
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Comments ( 2 )
  • mikafor

    Try to conquer your fear. I suggest you start by playing a lot of super mario bros.

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  • bunnypuffcereal

    omg!omg!omg! you are so not alone!!! I am afraid of pipes, pumps, certain ac units, electrical substations, sprinkler systems, meters, pool filters, certain bathrooms (mainly the ones with exposed piping), some fans, hot water heaters, and the list goes on and on lol. Im just happy to hear I'm not the only one! I've been trying to figure out why I have this fear for years now.

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