Is it normal that every day i search for a way to be alone?

So I know I'm an introvert. I've known it since I was young 11-12 yrs old. I had 2 sisters that lived with me and both seemed to do nothing but argue and fight. I tended to stay out of their issues, simply because I was a bit older then either of them and didn't have to share my clothes or anything (Clothes was always the biggest argument). I've gotten older and since then stuck to my 'stay out of it' routine, unfortunately to stay out of drama the only effective thing to do is to keep your friends at a distance. I was never one to take my friends home or make plans outside of the house. It all seemed pointless to me. I was awkward and frankly I never trusted friendship too deeply. I was a loner, preferred to live inwardly and observe the goings on around me. It was where I felt most comfortable and most protected, no one could bother or hurt me if I lived from within because no one could know what I was thinking. It felt like I held something over everyone. Of course later I realized, or came to the assumption no one actually cared and thus I treated the world as such. It became a daily routine for me to avoid people. It comes so much easier for me than to stumble over words and try to talk to some stranger who just wanted to get on with their day. And sure the loneliness is harsh at times but I chose it and I knew it was my conscious decision to be alone and I always treated it as such.

And then there is family. Family always manages to rejuvenate my desire to be alone, it's literally the only thing they are good for as a whole. Sure I respect my mother and father for all the things they've done for me, they are good good people with the grace to take on lives they didn't even bring into the world. I love my parents and to some extent I love my sisters but god damn it every single one of them are thick! They are loud, demanding, controlling, and rude people. They assume that as family the best thing to happen in all of our lives is a get together. As family we have a duty to be present and HAPPY at each and every one of said get togethers and as family we must immediately understand this. Also regardless of your age or how you normally do things if someone of significant age tells you to do something we expect you to do it. I vote NO to every single one of those things. I hate get togethers, I hate having so many people cramped in one home, I hate having company of any kind! Any happiness forged from being around family is literally just to keep them off my back. And excuse me but no one tells me what to do but my mother and father and the one in charge of the house we're in at the moment. I don't care how many kids you have I am not one of them.

Anyways, slightly off topic ranting aside, regardless of the occasion my only desire ever is to be home in my room where I can be alone. Or even better, in an empty house, alone. I feel like I can finally drop the facades and be myself then, no more humoring people to fit their requirements. And I know it is normal to be an introvert, I spent time looking it up. And everything I read is about introverts trying to be normal, able to be around others but only just for an unspecified amount of time. But is there another introvert out there who is willing to pretend to be sleeping for 24 hours straight just to be alone? Is there anyone else out there who feels as alone as I do yet still fights for private time on a daily basis, who struggles just spending one day out and about then without warning shuts up like an emergency bunker and locks their door to be alone? I just want to know, is this normal?

Voting Results
78% Normal
Based on 58 votes (45 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • college

    To be honest, I skimmed through this post...but I can relate to being an introvert and consciously choosing to be alone. Sure, your upbringing could have something to do with you're wanting to be constantly alone, but it sounds like it's mainly due to your personality. You just like to be alone. One thing I do want to mention, however, is social anxiety. I suffer from it, and it's the one thing that would make me pretend to be asleep for 24 hours just to avoid people.

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  • Avant-Garde

    You sound like me. There is a place that is good for being alone and that is nature. Are there any nature parks around where you live? You could visit one whenever you feel the need for solitude and peaceful reflection. In fact, I might just go and try that.

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  • hairyfairy

    I hate the way the world is so crowded now, I relish the times that I`m alone. I can`t stand the way wer`e expected to live in each other`s pockets these days.

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  • jmac5977

    Yes, it's normal.

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  • lemoncity


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  • peterr

    For a fucking guy who wants to be alone you sure as fuck had a lot to I think you are full of shit you cocksucker!!!

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