Is it normal that every mcdonalds doesn't understand iced black coffee

for some reason every time I go to McDonald's to get iced black coffee, I get syrup in it.
I know for a fact most people like their iced coffee with stupid amount of creme and sugar but I don't.
When I order iced black coffee I make sure I emphasize that I don't want anything in it—no sugar, no syrup, no creme, just plain black coffee poured over heaping mount of ice. In the end, I always have syrup in it.
My colleagues and friends never believe me when I tell them my rant. I'm so confident that it happens all the time that I bet them a free meal if I lose ( I usually win 99.99% of the time).

Thanks for listening to my rant, and try it out at your local McDonald's—I guarantee you'll get syrup in your iced black coffee.

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42% Normal
Based on 19 votes (8 yes)
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Comments ( 17 )
  • jethro

    Stop for a minute and look at the people who actually work at McDonalds. They have to have pictures of the food on the cash register in order for the workers to ring up your food. Most are illiterate or don't even speak English. And these are the people who believe that they deserve $15.00 an hour pay. You get what you pay for. If you want your coffee done right either make it yourself or go to a place that specialized in that type of beverage, like Starbucks. You don't go to Starbucks for a hamburger, do you?

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    • TokuGawa8

      Worked at McDonalds until about 3 years ago. I worked there not because I am an imbecile or illiterate, but because I could not find a job in my field after finishing university. I can tell you that none of my co-workers at the time worked there because they were not skilled or intelligent enough for any other job but because they needed a job to pay their way through school or in positions like mine. When I worked there dealing with people that talked down to me thinking I was an idiot simply because I worked in fast food were by far the worst part of the job.

      In regards to the iced coffee, I've experienced that ordering it but at the one I worked at we all understood that black means black when it comes to coffee. I think it depends on the crew trainers and how they train people.

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      • jethro

        No. You actually are an imbecile for responding to a post that is over a year old.

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    • JackRoberts


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  • GiveMeAFuckingNameAlready!

    As a Starbucks boycotter I am a connoisseur of cheap coffees. Taco Bell will straight up give you black coffee in a cup with ice for a buck fifty. Add some Cinnabon Delights to that and you got a quick snack before work for about $2.45.

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    • RoseIsabella

      Gotta love Taco Bell!

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  • ArmusWasTheFirstTroll

    I love iced americanos black. That is the best way to gauge the quality of the coffee and to get the most out of your coffee. That being said, McDonald's coffee is shit and it needs creme and sugar to hide that fact. No one goes to McDonald's for coffee; they go to McDonald's for desert that has coffee notes.

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    • Anonam

      You're absolutely right!
      I go to McDonald's as a last resort if there are no other coffee shops but those degenerates working there don't know or have a hearing problem.

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      • ChildMolester

        Get your coffee maker in the mourning ready to hit that button and brew into a cup the night before you wake in the mourning you just hit the button and BOOM. Fresh coffee in 5 minutes. Save alotta money

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        • Definitely, but I need another pick me up during midday. I'm not sure if I want to bring my jetboiler with fresh ground coffee to make my own coffee on the road. It's much more convenient buying coffe at Tims or McDonald's because they're more in the vicinity of the small town area I work.

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          • ChildMolester

            How about buy a quality thermos for that. Save even more money.

            You make it when you want, how strong you want it, with what you want in it in the comfort of your own home and it stay hot alllll day long.

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  • gloryholeflasher

    I'm often disappointed with my McDonald's experience. Over the intercom they usually screw it up, so if I have time I go inside to order. They frequently change the sizes or the names of their products. I used to order large shakes till they started selling me a half gallon cup for about $5.00 or so, then I ordered the next size smaller, a medium, but it was at a different McD, and the medium was the size of a small water glass. I complained and said it looked like a small and i was told they don't have small shakes and that this was a medium.
    I have a similar problem with their fries, so I usually order by price. Last time I ordered "$1.79 fry" to be sure I wasn't getting the smallest one. The girl said "we don't have "a dollar fry". I said I didn't order a dollar fry, I ordered $1.79 fry, and she said that would be $1.38 (or so). I asked "how can $1.79 fry cost $1.38?
    So then she corrected herself. It's so much easier when I go inside. I ask the clerk to hold up the containers for their large shake and med fry so I know for sure what I'm getting and I ALWAYS look in the bag before I leave.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Considering the average intelligence of your normal minimum wage earner, how would you expect anything less than total incomprehension of NOT adding something free and therefore better, to your beverage?
    Get a grip!

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    • Itsnotnormal1

      You pretend to sail the world from your mother's basement.

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  • snarkygirl

    Omg I was going to post this question also, no lie!
    I order a black iced coffee with caramel and no cream or sugar and I get cream. Dunkin donuts does it too! What's so hard about black coffee with no effing cream?

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    • I honestly think it's because it's not normal to just have plain black coffee. I'm Canadian, so here 99% drink double double (2 creme, 2 sugar) or triple triple. Only a small percentage of CDN drink black coffee.

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      • snarkygirl

        I put my own non dairy creamer in cause I don't do dairy products

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