Is it normal that everyone who plays warframe is an illiterate child?

There's this guy at my school who introduced me to Warframe, and I quickly noticed that his spelling skills were about as advanced as a mentally challenged 4 year old. Doing some more research, it seems like most Warframe players are like that to some extent, now I'm scared that I'll become one of them if i continue playing it.

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69% Normal
Based on 26 votes (18 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • Anonnet

    Yes, that is absolutely normal. Is Warframe your first online game? Because it's not just that game, it's every game.

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    • Huh? I've played many other MMOs and only like 2/3 of them are full of illiterate children. Warframe seems particularly bad though

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      • Anonnet

        The only MMOs I've played that weren't full of illiterate children were strategy games, and even then you just took the word "illiterate" out. In faster paced games, people tend to get more illiterate since they're using the action as an excuse to type in shorthand.

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        • By illiterate I just mean stupid little kids

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          • Anonnet

            Yeah, like I said, every game.

            Hey, there was no punctuation in that last post. I think you might be becoming one of them!

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