Is it normal that female privilage isn't talked about?

Is it normal that Female Privilage isn't talked about?
Some people are sick off bio men being treated like they are doing something wrong just by being alive and having the audacity to breathe.
God bless a Caucasian biological male he's gonna be treated worse than a female axe murderer. Because they suffer from having white privilege and male privilege.

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70% Normal
Based on 23 votes (16 yes)
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Comments ( 53 )
  • KholatKhult

    “We used to have all the money and land, and we still do but it’s not as fun now”

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    • Thanks for highlighting the fact that female privilege isn't discussed. By not discussing it but attacking me passive aggressively.

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      • KholatKhult

        There is no such thing as female privilege.
        The only thing I could think of that women have an “easier” time with is winning custody of children. Why? Because men are more likely to suck shit as parents.

        Why would anyone need to discuss some random made up bullshit that is countering real issues? If you’re a dude and you truly think that you have cards stacked against you more so than women, you’re an idiot.

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        • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

          "There is no such thing as female privilege. If you’re a dude and you truly think that you have cards stacked against you more so than women, you’re an idiot."

          What would you call the guy who has to pay his girlfriend who never had a kid with him, never married him & never even lived with him 53K a month for 10 years.

          Or the man who had to pay his ex wife 300,000$ 20 years after their divorce.

          Or the man who was tried, found guilty & was severing a 50 year sentence for "raping an underage girl & killing her dog" only to find out she gave her dog away & lied about it all.

          Or the woman who was so but-hurt that a solder rejected her that she made a false rape campaign against him going as far as to go after his family turning them against him & leading him to be arrested multiple times.

          Or how about the time a woman made 4 false rape claims against 15 different men over the course of 3 years damaging all of their reputations & sending one of the men to prison before she was finally caught.

          "Because men are more likely to suck shit as parents."

          I guarantee my dad would have raised me better then my lying, thieving, drug addict mother who dropped me & my 2 brothers (who have a different dad then me) off at her parents the second things got tough (though I don't think he would have raised me better then my grandparents did).
          I also say a handful of my female cousins who left their kids fathers (most for other men) shouldn't have custody of their kids either judging by how horrible their cunt monkeys act with them compared to when they are with their fathers.

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          • KholatKhult

            You can give these articles all you want, but the statistics will always rein supreme in the big picture. There’s always going to be insane outlying situations - that’s why whenever they happen they make the news, because they are so rare and outrageous.

            I have hardly any English articles so I can not give as many links, but I will state truths.
            Reminder. I am Russian. My numbers are in connection to Russia.

            Women are 6x more likely to be murdered by their spouses than men are.
            Only 5% of all rape allegations are proven false.
            70% of all human trafficking victims are women.
            20% of all human trafficking victims are female children.
            Men make up 92% of the criminal population.
            70% of women have experienced domestic abuse.
            80% of all victims in domestic abuse cases are women.
            In 2017, Russian courts voted to decriminalize certain forms of domestic violence. Meaning first time domestic abuses that do not result in hospitalization can only be fined up to 30,000 rubles (for context, that’s nothing)

            I will add too, as I have close relation with Chinese citizens, there is NO benefit to being born a female in China. I will not accept ANY form of claiming there is “female privilege” in China.

            The entirety of the world does not revolve around Americans. And I know American women suffer greatly as well in all of these instances. I see the way the American men here talk about women.

            Men, by genetics, are more capable of harming women physically. It doesn’t take a genius to know that that would cause reasonable fear, or at least caution, among women.

            Only recently have women been able to hold certain positions and have certain rights in certain countries that men have held for a long time, women just won the right to drive a few years ago in some Middle East country. Feminism actually has a very different position in Russia - as the Soviet Union made record breaking strides in equality between our men and women.

            Russian feminism has been a powerhouse for women to invite more expression and individuality to themselves. Russian feminism works on making it “ok” for women to hold some more feminine rights.

            So no, female privilege does not exist. Look at the world, not just your neighborhood, where women still struggle from discrimination and violence by the hand of men. And remember, for everyone of those women who left their children for a man, was a man who was happy and willing to take a mother away from the children.

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            • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

              "You can give these articles all you want, but the statistics will always rein supreme in the big picture"

              You're right & the USA/Canada/UK statistics all say that men rarely win in court against women & get fuck over much more often in custody battles then women do, there for privilage.

              "The entirety of the world does not revolve around Americans."

              Straw man. No one (definitely not me) claimed that.

              "I have hardly any English articles so I can not give as many links, but I will state truths.
              Reminder. I am Russian. My numbers are in connection to Russia."

              By your same logic, The entirety of the world does not revolve around Russia.

              "I will add too, as I have close relation with Chinese citizens, there is NO benefit to being born a female in China. I will not accept ANY form of claiming there is “female privilege” in China."

              Straw man. It is fairly obvious he is speaking of the western first world 'USA/Canada/UK' (though he could have specified that in his post to be clearer).

              "I know American women suffer greatly as well in all of these instances. I see the way the American men here talk about women."

              Since infidelity & divorce (or at least it was marriage rates are at a all time low here now) is through the roof here & both being instigated by women (at least in divorce, infidelity depends on which city/state) those women deserve the shit talk they get.

              "Men, by genetics, are more capable of harming women physically. It doesn’t take a genius to know that that would cause reasonable fear, or at least caution, among women."


              "Only recently have women been able to hold certain positions and have certain rights that men have held for a long time."


              "Russian feminism works on making it “ok” for women to hold some more feminine rights."

              Straw man. This has nothing to do with feminism, it's about female privilage.

              "So no, female privilege does not exist."

              Yes, it dose. Especially in the western first world & you will never convince me it doesn't as of this post (though I hope that will change in the future)

              "Look at the world, not just your neighborhood, where women still struggle from discrimination and violence by the hand of men."

              Again, Straw man. It is fairly obvious he is speaking of the western first world 'USA/Canada/UK'.

              "And remember, for everyone of those women who left their children for a man, was a man who was happy and willing to take a mother away from the children."

              Most women keep their children when they leave for another man. My mother is an example, so are my formerly mentioned cousins & a lot of my male friends have girlfriends who left their children's non abusive father's.

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            • You say you hard hardly any English articles? Try Google ;)

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          • Well written and reseached post. I notice the toxic feminists aren't replying.
            I hope your life os good nowadays.

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            • KholatKhult

              My response to ThatOneGuy could interest you as well

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        • bigbudchonger

          You live in Russia, dude, you obviously don't understand how it is in the west.

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          • KholatKhult

            Oopsie daisies, I forgot I can only have opinions, read articles, see news, here about, and know facts and statistics, about my own country, my bad.

            You know, for a people who have damn near everything to say about every other country on the planet, you lot get awfully bitchy when an outsider has something to say about you.

            But sure, keep dividing yourself up by race, gender, religion, fuckin eye color, whatever, while your predatory fat cats get richer and richer and your cities burn quicker and quicker.
            Divided States of America baby, yeehaw !

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            • bigbudchonger

              That's not what I'm saying at all. If you had any sense then you wouldn't jump to conclusions. I'm not even American for fuck sake. Just you in particular, from your comments, seem to have no inclination about how this issue affects the west.

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      • Oh ,the down votes are making me cry. So theres a fair fex TF's on here then......

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    I'm a white, heterosexual, cis male and people treat me better than all the female axe murderers I know.

    I'm yet to experience this mistreatment as I'm very clearly not sexist, racist, homophobic, or transphobic. Perhaps the same can't be said for you.

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    • allialli

      thank you so much for not being stupid

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    • You're clearly what? Just because you discribed yourself on a forum counts for nothing. The way your post reads would suggest that you are at most one of the above.
      If not you are what you say but don't live an active, varied life mixing and working with different types of people? Face to face or online. That's what you sound like. Or maybe you're just oblivious to the growing number of toxic feminists(first world atleast) our to destroy men. Open your eyes.

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      • S0UNDS_WEIRD

        "Tyler, my eyes are open."

        The way _your_ post reads suggests that you are these things, albeit likely genuinely of the belief that you aren't. The fact that you feel like I'm virtue signaling with a badge is very telling. Guess what else? I'm not a rapist. I know; sounds kind of hard to believe, right? You can't just _say_ you're not a rapist. The fact that you're insinuating that very basic qualities are going above and beyond is telling.

        The reality is that the people you're describing don't have a problem with heterosexual, white, cis males; they don't like straight people who are unfair to gay people, they don't like white people who are unfair to minorities, they don't like cis people who are unfair to trans people, and they don't like men who are unfair to women. I'm not part of the problem so I'm not treated like I am.

        Not being any of these things isn't a lot to expect at all, like not being a rapist. I could be as I am and still a shitty person even. These are very basic aspects of decency, a starting point, nothing to brag about.

        To suggest I'd have to live beneath a rock so as not to experience these accusations is absurd. You're clearly doing something to set people off. Maybe it's the things you say, like the "please mista officer" on the Floyd thread. I live a busy life interacting with what I'd maybe even describe as remarkable diversity, and I don't get accused of this stuff.

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  • techpc

    Everybody's got privilege. White trash vs. another person who gets born into a wealthier family, Black kid born into a poor area vs. another... etc.

    The male privilege thing is based on ye olde patriarchy, which in some cultures and places is still active.

    I haven't read up much so correct me if I'm wrong, but in the US at least, I think the patriarchy is done with for good.

    All that's left is general sexism which, while it does certainly exist, is much better than it was however long ago(not to say it isn't a problem just because it's gotten better).

    The only thing I know about in regards to female privilege is in family court/domestic abuse hearings, where the woman is basically believed and wins by default(from what I've heard, never abused somebody or gotten divorced). I don't know past that.

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  • EnglishLad

    And the gold medal in the oppression olympics goes to...

    I honestly wish everyone would stop moaning about how society conspires against them and grow a backbone.

    Any idiot can play a good hand of cards and win at poker. Only a strong-willed person can take the bad hand of cards they were inevitably dealt in any given round and still take the pot.

    Everyone goes through hardships in life and no-one is a special case. Being male doesn't make you immune to abuse and being female doesn't make you immune from fucking up. Grow up.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I'm from Texas where female ax murderers get the death penalty. Pope John Paul II, and Pat Robertson appealed to the state of Texas to spare the life of Karla Faye Tucker, but Texas Governor George W. Bush refused the final 11th-hour appeal to block her execution.

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    I agree, there definitely is female privilege. It doesn't matter if there isn't as much female privilege as male privilege, that's not the point, it isn't a competition. We just need to point out discrimination and injustice whenever it occurs, and to whoever it occurs, and not just when it fits into any agenda.

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  • Clunk42

    Dude, I don't think you understand what you're talking about. "Female Privilege" is a term used solely to make fun of feminists. You are massively overstating what you refer to. When people say "Female Privilege," they are referring to the slight preference towards females that is present in many American courts. It is a thing, but it's not a thing that deserves being spoken of. The only time I've heard people mention is when people are telling off feminists, which is really the only time it is relevant. There's not really anything to talk about, otherwise, since it is such a small thing that it barely makes a difference, with pretty much only one exception: custody cases. In those cases, it is a problem, but it's not something you can really fix by yakking about it.

    If you are referring to groups insulting white men, there are a lot of groups insulting every other ethnicity and gender. It's really no different. If you really want to change the government, buy a private island and make your own government.

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    • 12345678912

      i only skimmed ur post as I'm in a hurry. Read later. But i noticed last paragraph " there are a lot of groups insulting every other ethnicity and gender" Really? As far as i can see women , ethnic minorities trans people etc are not fair game for insults. Which is correct and right but why are white men fair game ?

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      • allialli

        because whenever oppressed groups mock their oppressor, it’s always a jab at how they have power over them, and a way to make the burden of cishet white male privilege feel lighter, but when the oppressor insults the oppressed, it’s about how inferior they are.

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        • 1WeirdGuy

          It just is how you look at it. You could say stay at home wifes are oppressed because she does all the cooking and cleaning and child care. Ive heard feminists imply thats degrading for a wife to do these type of "chores". But you put more context in it and you see that stay at home wifes are actually a team with their husbands. They are the ones cleaning and cooking only because they are the ones at home while the man is at work. If the man isnt home and the woman is how is it wrong that she assumes that role of house keeper? SHES ALREADY THERE. why not?

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          • allialli

            i dont know where that came from but housewives don’t bother me. they can do whatever they want. the only thing that bothers me is when husbands try to force their wives to be housewives.

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          • That's another Female Privilage actually. Because a woman can be a huoseswife and is repected for it and it is seen as a job. Which is right BUT when a man takes on the same roll and the woman is working outside the home he is treated as a layabout, useless and 'unmanly'

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  • Curiouskitten444

    Youre a fool

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    • That's a well made point ;)

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    evidence shows that lizzie borden might have been unjustly prosecuted

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  • Back to my question. Your response highlighted my question.

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  • idolomantis

    I honestly have no fucking idea, I’ve been living under a rock for a few years. Please let me know what’s going on, I’m totally serious.

    With that being said, I think that everyone feels bad when their point of view hasn’t been recognized. I’m biologically female, straight, and in my late twenties. I encounter many men who approach me in a way that I find...just a bit odd, I guess. It makes me feel as though they expect something of me that I simply can’t provide, nor do I have any desire to. It’s an odd feeling? Maybe one you can relate to. Please let me know what you think...

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