Is it normal that growing up scares me?

I'm 17 years old and the thought of growing up scares me. A lot of people are excited to grow up but I feel like they are clueless on what it's really like.. I feel like there's just to much responsibility to be happy... Maybe I'm just clueless. It scares me because people ask me what do I really want to do when I'm older? What are my passions? Well the truth is I see that most adults never achieved there passions.. They don't have a career they enjoy and how can someone that wakes up every morning go do something they don't like all day and be happy? Plus all the other responsibilities that The adult life adds on to it

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Comments ( 7 )
  • Justs0meguy

    I feel the exact same way(also 17). I literally have no clue what I want to do when I grow up

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  • bananaface

    It's understandable, leaving your comfort zone is scary. You do sound pretty pessimistic, though. What about the good things? There are certain things which you just can't do at 17. For example, I plan on travelling, moving out of the north east, meeting new people at uni, learning new things:D! but I can't do that until I'm a bit older, etc.

    God, do things like that really not excite you? I'm getting excited just thinking about it! Although, I do worry that I'll be less happy when I'm older. Just try not to live in the future too much, it's a waste of time.

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  • That's because you're a TOY'S R US KID!

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  • intellectuallychallengedmaybe

    One of the most difficult things for an adult to do is to let go of fears that hold them back, stop doubting themselves, believe in their dreams, and take action. if you can accomplish this now, you'll be ahead of the game. its normal to feel this way at your age. good luck.

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  • jessicababy33

    I understand where your coming from :) It Is a scary phase. I believe it's what you make of it ! You can see the cup half empty or half full either way be happy about what your accomplishing:) you never know maybe you will a big shot soon :)

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  • Mellifluous

    I'm 17 too! 18 next month :-) And I agree with you. It's not really a gradual transition. As soon as you hit 18, you're expected to behave like someone you've never been before. But you're not alone. Try to think of it positively. You're more free and independent. You don't have to get a parent's permission to do anything, and you probably have friends who are in the same boat!

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  • NotFloydzie

    Sadly, it's one of those things we all have to do sooner or later. I don't want to grow up, either. But it's like we have no other choice.

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