Is it normal that he behaves this way?

I have a friend who has had really bad luck with guys. All the guys she has had a relationship with turned out to be very manipulative, controlling and toxic.

Now she was seeing a new guy but even tho they hooked up from time to time they agreed on being just friends, and eventually i met him. He seemed pretty nice and decent guy. Funny and all. But it has come to my attention that he is really explosive(?) in a way. He will be all lovely and suddenly one day he gets mad and cusses at her and doesn't answer and shit.
Now, my friend told me the guy has caught feelings for her. She told him that she really doesn't feel the same way, and that if he wants to have their distance it's okay and that he can leave (they are basically fuckbuddies at this point). So she rejected him, basically, and he instead of saying okay well then I'll just leave, he just said it's okay and that they can just fuck and stuff but he keeps guilt tripping and pushing her.

She has stated that they are not a couple but whenever it's brought up he gets very angry??

I just think this guy needs to fuck off honestly bc at this point i am scared for my friend.

She has been through enough shit already. I don't want her hurting.
What should i do?

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Comments ( 4 )
  • isitnormal_1

    Thank god they are not a couple. This guy sounds dangerous and abusive. And throws a hissy fit when things don't go his way. You are RIGHT and OKAY to be concerned for your friend!! That's how friendship works. This guy sounds like a piece of shit, and I hope she can see to get out of it. She can find someone normal that doesn't yell. I wish luck to your friend. It's okay to bring it up if you're concerned, ignore these two^

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  • Millie_the_evil_saint

    Be there for your friend if she wants to talk. Other than that, there's not much you can do. Just make your friend feel appreciated, show her that she is loved. Raise your friend's self esteem. And remind your friend that she deserves better than being dissed by some guy.

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    Stay out of it. Obviously your friend keeps choosing toxic relationships. She must like the BS and drama.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Its not your business to get involved at this point. If he starts physically abusing her thats different than just yelling at her. They arent even living together or dating.

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