Is it normal that highly religious people scare me?

I don't like to judge people without getting to know them but some overly religious people scare me. The ones who come after you with their pamphlets or are very pushy just make me want to run and I get really uncomfortable. If I see missionaries coming down the street I will literally hide in the basement for an hour until I am sure they are gone. One time at school my Mormon friend started talking about how she doesn't like homosexuals and I wanted to just run down the hallway and just keep running all day(well also obviously I was angry because homophobes are icky). I just get so freaked out by the way they get so defensive of their beliefs and they talk really fast and interrupt you and they just keep talking and they refuse to listen to a word you say like they have been brainwashed and I try not to hate them because I know they were raised that way but they are so forceful sometimes it freaks me out! Does anyone else feel like this?!

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79% Normal
Based on 141 votes (111 yes)
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Comments ( 64 )
  • howaminotmyself

    I am uncomfortable around anyone with an aggressive opinion.

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    • When infact it's someone with no strong opinions that is the one to watch out for, because you never know where they stand.

      They also tend to be really boring.

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      • howaminotmyself

        Perhaps, but some become violent with their opinions. I'd like to avoid those people. And boring people are pretty easy to ignore.

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        • But most religions are against violence, so it's all kind of silly, a crazy christian isn't going to attack you out of fear of god. It's an atheist you've got to watch out for because they don't believe they have to answer to anyone or anything (they may obey "man made" laws but on the inside they feel that way).

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          • howaminotmyself

            That didn't stop the countless religious wars from happening...

            But I think it is safe to say that religion does not prevent people from becoming violent. And sometimes it drives it.

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            • Yeah way back in history, involving other christians, ect, ect. Not exactly relevant to everyday people in western society. The people YOU need to watch out for are Atheist in mind. Evil lives next door to you, not in some church.

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  • disthing

    Anybody who has views extremely different from your own can be a little intimidating, it's perfectly normal. It makes you question how to communicate with them, how they will view you, what common-ground you have with them.

    I don't think it's reserved to "highly religious people" either. You get the same thing with overzealous fans of tv shows, celebrities, bands etc. You get the same thing with a lot of atheists, in fact.

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    • suckonthis9

      Please do not use -ists or -isms.

      Thank you.

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      • lufa

        Please do not post "Please do not use -ists or -isms."

        Thank you

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        • suckonthis9

          For which reason(s)?

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          • lufa

            because it creates divisionisms

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            • suckonthis9

              Incorrect and backwards.

              Refraining from using -ists and -isms helps to heal divisions in society.

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      • disthing

        Oh you.

        You're not welcome.

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      • sisterlover

        why u being like that, man? don't be a square daddyo

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        • suckonthis9

          Please do not use textese, where it does not belong.

          "Daddyo", is not a word. "Daddy", is a word, however, I am not your father.

          Please rephrase your comment in English.

          Thank you.

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  • lufa

    OP, I agree with you, but Mormons and other non-muslim faiths are fairly harmless, they just pester you a lot till you want to shoot them in the face.

    However some Evangelical Christians are very arrogant, pushy and will probably drive you either to insanity or want to drop a grand piano on their heads.

    I was trying to have a civilized debate once with this Christian fundie and he was dripping with arrogance, trying to claim I was arrogant merely for questioning his childish god-beliefs. Anyways by the end of it I nearly punched him out, but didn't want to get kicked out of university so I walked away. :P

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    • suckonthis9

      You have, four times, used terms which create divisions among people who ALL believe in the teachings of Abraham. These terms also divide these people from people who have other religious beliefs, as well as dividing them from people who are not religious. The use of these terms might be offensive to some people, whether they are religious, or whether they are not religious.

      Why are you creating divisions in society?

      Also, which deity are you referring to, that the divided person purportedly had 'childish beliefs', towards?
      What if I told you that he might have been partially correct in his beliefs?

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      • lufa

        in order to end divisions please impale yourself on a flag-pole in Porkistan

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        • robbieforgotpw

          Porkistan lol

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          • lufa


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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    Yeah this is totally normal. I am part of a religion and this kind of bothers me as well. Especially when you tell them you already have a religion very similar to their own and give you THEIR book.

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    • RoseIsabella

      I hate that! When I was in college these "missionaries" came to my door. I wasn't really rude to them but they tried to give me some flyer. And so I asked them if they cared about the environment. They said yes whereupon I told them to keep the flyer because as soon as they leave I'll be throwing it in the trash so why not keep it for someone else who actually wants it since a tree died for the paper and all that.

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  • squeallikeasacofpigs

    I think religion is basically the definition of indoctrination. Starts from a very early age, ingrained into a child's mind. Obey this or you'll go to a place of eternal pain and punishment. Sounds real nice.

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    • Lunamoon

      yes I think that's what scares me.

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  • AppleMind

    Im not sure how I feel about proselytizers. On one hand I do get a creepy cult-like feeling from them but on the other hand they sincerely believe I'm going to hell if they don't "save" me.

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    • sisterlover

      wow u know uh yea lol i think sometime you just gotta be like oooh yea and shes all like no way and my dad is so mad cause i was playing videogames instead of taking care of my son

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    I'm religious myself and they even scare me. I'm a pretty laid back Mormon and so are most of my Mormon friends (your friend might have gotten clocked by one of them, by the way) and even we are a tad disturbed by the ones who have super hard-ons about the church.

    I've known some of my fellow church friends to be so disturbed with how thick the more dedicated Mormons lay on the "omg I wish you could come to the temple with me 5 times a week oh I hope someday you can see the true light of Jesus" etc. That they've literally said "You're boring me" and walked out on an entire group!

    Trust me. You're not alone. Even as much as some of us love our religion, even the Bishops and other leaders understand that there's more to life than being a Mormon (and for all others, religious).

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    • Lunamoon

      ya well I have several mormon friends and only the one gets super weird about it even her sisters are not as extreme as her and she even tricked me into going to her seminary after lunch because it was my spare but I just don't want to stop talking to her because I've known her since grade one and she is a good friend.

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      • RoseIsabella

        She tricked you? It was your spare?

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    • suckonthis9

      You have, four times, used a term which divides yourself and others, from other people who also believe in the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. This term also divides yourself and others from people who have different religious beliefs, as well as dividing yourself and others from people who are not religious. The use of this term might be offensive to some people, whether they are religious, or whether they are not religious.

      Why are you creating division in society?

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  • RoseIsabella

    I am most uncomfortable with Jehovah Witnesses, Scientologists and Mormons!

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    • NeuroNeptunian


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      • RoseIsabella


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    • lufa

      They're crazy, but at least they won't kill you for insulting (telling the truth) about their pedophile-terrorist, mass murdering psychopathic prophet Mohammad, like the muslims would.

      Any muslim that denies this is a liar and practising taqqiya (deception to advance Islam).

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      • RoseIsabella

        Oh hell yeah, I couldn't agree more! I can't believe I forgot about those filthy bastards.

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        • lufa

          Glad to know-ya too bad history ignored the worst group of fascists after the Nazis, the Muslims. Unfortunately it'll fall on our shoulders to deal with these violent crazy savages.

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          • RoseIsabella

            Saddam Hussein was a fan of Adolf Hitler.

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            • lufa

              Indeed and Hitler loved Islam.

              Nazism and Islam are evil twins.

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    • suckonthis9

      You have used three terms which divide people of differing religious beliefs, from other people who have other religious beliefs, as well as dividing them from people who are not religious. The use of these terms might be offensive to some people, whether they are religious, or whether they are not religious.

      Why are you creating divisions in society?

      Please do not use -ists or -isms, as these help to support and / or reinforce divisions in society.

      Thank you.

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      • lufa

        You need a wake-up call. I'd like to suggest that you go to a mosque-any mosque and lecture them about creating divisions in society.

        I am dead serious on this suggestion. Do it and come back and report on how well the muslims treated you.

        Don't forget to tell them to remove all the violent passages in the Quran that teach violence, hatred, genocide and warfare of non-muslims.

        Also tell them that their prophet is a bad role model to follow because he was a pedophile and mass murderer.

        Let's see how you fare and maybe you'll learn something about ideologies. This is assuming you're not a big pussy and that you believe muslims think exactly as you do.

        And honestly if the muslims kick your ass, that'll be the one time I'll cheer them on because you annoy me more than they do.

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  • nelly96

    When I was growing up, I lived with my grandmother and she was a Jehovah's Witness. It has to be the scariest religion ever. I believe in God but I haven't decided on a religion because I believe religion is false. It's hard to explain but you have every right to be afraid. Highly religious people are often that way because they're missing something in their lives and need to fill it with god, so they make it a mission to tell everyone about it, you know? They force beliefs on you because they feel like it's their duty. You are normal.

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    • lufa

      no the scariest religion in the world is Islam, hands down.

      Islam has killed more people than Nazism, Communism, Christianity and any other isms, combined.

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      • nelly96

        Very true. Especially the Islamic depiction of armageddon (no idea if I've spelt armageddon properly).

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        • RoseIsabella

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        • lufa

          and they're trying to make it happen. Shia Muslims believe that the '12th hidden Imam' will only come out once there is a massive war and genocide. Then he'll wipe out all non-muslims and establish peace on Earth.

          Which is why the Iranian regime (composed of an apocalyptic genocidal cult) is trying to get a nuclear weapon to cause this to happen. They really believe this crazy shit. They intend to nuke Israel and know Israel will retaliate with nukes, killing tens of millions of Iranians (which will cause the Imam to emerge). Sunni muslims are no better than the Shias.

          Ironically this is much like the Christian Armageddon, those 'peaceful loving' Christians secretly hope for the day that Jesus will rapture them to heaven and unleash the demons of hell on the rest of us. Once we're wiped out, there will be peace where Jesus will rule over his flock of mindless gimps forever.

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          • RoseIsabella

            I'm Catholic, I don't believe in the rapture. I can't stand those fundamentalist weirdos always asking people if they're saved. It's a downright imposition when they do that shit!

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            • lufa

              Indeed, and quite arrogant of them to do that also. If they believe in this god, they should know it's none of their business-but god's to judge others.

              Same thing with the dumbass muslims-they think they have to establish their god's rule on earth, hence all the rioting, terrorism, warfare and bloodshed.

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      • suckonthis9


        Five divisions, two -isms.

        You are the problem, not anyone else.
        YOU are the person responsible for killing others, through your careless and reckless use of divisive language.

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        • lufa

          You're a deranged lunatic and you belong in a padded room. Please go away, you offer nothing but stupidity and repetition of the same stupidity.

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    • RoseIsabella

      I have never met a Jehovah's Witness or someone raised in that religion who wasn't all fucked up in the head. If anyone doesn't believe me just remember Michael Jackson!

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  • sisterlover

    I hate religious people. They judge me because i feed my child candy for breakfast and let him hang out until 3 am.

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    • robbieforgotpw

      That's good parenting

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  • suckonthis9

    You have used a term which divides a sect of people who believe in the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, from other people who also believe in the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. This term also divides these people from people who have other religious beliefs, as well as dividing them from people who are not religious. The use of this term might be offensive to some people, whether they are religious, or whether they are not religious.

    Why are you creating division in society?

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    • Charmo

      You are describing people who believe in the teachings of Jesus and dividing them from people who don't believe in those teachings. Your description might be offensive to some people, whether they are religious, or whether they are not religious.

      Why are you creating division in society?

      And more importantly, why are you spamming this message every chance you get?

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      • sisterlover


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      • lufa

        that dude is fucking mental or an annoying troll.

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      • suckonthis9

        I am not 'creating division in society'; I am attempting to heal the many divisions which currently (formerly) exist(ed).
        Should everything go according to plan, ALL citizens of Planet Earth will describe themselves or others simply as either 'religious' or 'not religious'.

        This will solve much of the worlds problems, such as religiously-based war, terror, hatred, distrust, etc.

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        • Lunamoon

          dude just stop spamming your crap on my question because if you hadn't already noticed no one actually cares :)

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          • lufa

            just delete his posts, if you're the OP you have that power.

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        • Charmo

          So basically, you want to create a division in society between the religious and non-religious.

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          • robbieforgotpw

            Good point!

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