Is it normal that highly religious people scare me?
I don't like to judge people without getting to know them but some overly religious people scare me. The ones who come after you with their pamphlets or are very pushy just make me want to run and I get really uncomfortable. If I see missionaries coming down the street I will literally hide in the basement for an hour until I am sure they are gone. One time at school my Mormon friend started talking about how she doesn't like homosexuals and I wanted to just run down the hallway and just keep running all day(well also obviously I was angry because homophobes are icky). I just get so freaked out by the way they get so defensive of their beliefs and they talk really fast and interrupt you and they just keep talking and they refuse to listen to a word you say like they have been brainwashed and I try not to hate them because I know they were raised that way but they are so forceful sometimes it freaks me out! Does anyone else feel like this?!