Is it normal that i absolutely despise the sounds people make?

I don't know if I'm just a really anger fuelled person, but I absolutely cannot stand to hear people make ''people noises''. Simple things like, breathing, coughing, clearing throats, sniffing and chewing- I feel bad for getting so wound up and stroppy with people sometimes, cause it's not like they have a choice whether to breathe or not haha :/ It just bugs me to the point where, if I'm in a bad enough mood, it makes my eyes water to hear.

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60% Normal
Based on 78 votes (47 yes)
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Comments ( 33 )
  • BlueJeansWhiteShirt

    I agree it's annoying but it should not get to the point where it annoys you that much you have to write a post on it. That's just slightly irrational.

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    • disthing

      I thumbed you up, don't tell anyone!

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      • BlueJeansWhiteShirt

        :O shhhh it'll be our little secret then ;)

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    • MessyLittleFreak

      Shit, I'm irrational !

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  • chole

    God forbid, you don't have a child.

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    • MessyLittleFreak

      Ha, to be honest I don't really notice it so much when it's kids, they're safe. :)

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      • chole

        Too distracted by their whimsical motions and shimmering eyes gleaming with the innocence of clean water (or maybe they're just crying).

        The stench and drool takes the magic away from that though.

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      • Short&2thepoint

        Amen. My mother was like this, we got hit a lot, haha...

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  • Santa'sUlcer

    It's normal to me, because I feel the same way about some things. I cannot STAND the sound of people chewing/eating. If it's in a crowded restaurant, it's not so bad because the sound is drowned out, if it's at a quiet table - I get a little disgusted by the sounds some people make. Slurping, sipping, squeeking, chewing.... ughhhh....

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    • MessyLittleFreak

      Yeah, and when with a friend or something, it's so hard to tell them without shouting at them like you're their mum or something :') I do it anyway aha :)

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  • RapidlyRotatingPanda

    I find it most annoying when people talk, unless there is ambiance in the background. For example, when I'm having breakfast in the morning and people feel an UNSUPPRESSIBLE desire to spoil the beautiful silence that the morning brings by nattering on about inane, irrelevant thing and using far more words than are necessary to do isn't what they're saying, it's the piercing affect it has on my ears..

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  • LittleBearCub

    What really bugs me is the gulping noise when someone is drinking. It seems like people I hate make the loudest noise. I'm like dude go outside if you want to drink a cup of juice so loudly.

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    • Santa'sUlcer

      Lol - I know how you feel. I hate that sound too...

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  • Avant-Garde

    Same here... Apparently it's a neurological condition. I can't remember the name of it right now.

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    • Acerbic

      Misophonia, perhaps?
      "People who have misophonia are most commonly annoyed, or even enraged, by such ordinary sounds as other people eating, breathing, sniffing, or coughing; certain consonants; or repetitive sounds.. Though a few sufferers are bothered by sounds they make themselves, most are not. The reactions are completely involuntary."
      I have it as well. If I hear "mouth noises" I literally feel like ripping throats out just to make it stop. I usually just try to avoid eating around other people in very quiet areas.
      I had no idea it was so common, though!

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      • Failedcasanova


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        • MessyLittleFreak

          Aha I know ! I can't believe there's actually a name for it.. and It's not just me who's over reactive to things like this ! I try and explain it to my mum alot, but I don't think she really get's it. But at least she understands why i have to like, take myself out of a room some times and stuff :)

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          • Failedcasanova


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      • Avant-Garde

        Yes, that's it!

        I also have this.

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      • MessyLittleFreak

        Ha, yeah that sounds JUST like me ! :D LOL !

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  • OswaldCobblepot

    I absolutely HATE listening to people eat.

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    • Anime7

      Right there with you.

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  • LesserKnownCharacter

    Yes, it's very annoying. I have certain times I am used to being alone and only having the sounds of the forest around me so if some drooling idiot is around and spoiling it I get very pissed. When I am outdoors I like to hear all the inhuman sounds and to have even someone's breathing interrupt it is very disturbing to me.

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    i would venture to say it's ... perhaps not anger-fueled but... poor anger management perhaps.

    sometimes one has to put up with the fact that other people make sounds.

    the fact that it's worse when you're already upset shows that it's... on you rather than something that's their fault

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    • MessyLittleFreak

      Yeah, true.. Aha you've worded that a lot better than me !
      People do tell me I'm not too good with anger management sometimes :S
      I don't blame the person though, I know it's my fault for getting annoyed by it, they're just.. well, being human. Apart from those people who do just eat/drink like animals.. that's part their fault too.

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      • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

        Perhaps the solution is learning? IIRC there are classes and sessions available for that kind of thing.

        or ear plugs if you want to be cheap

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  • coolio75650932

    how does this fit with pet peeves?

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  • it's_all_too_much

    Do you get annoyed by hearing yourself breathe or cough, or is it only by hearing other people do it?

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    • MessyLittleFreak

      Nope, only other people. That's why I feel bad about getting annoyed, cause It's not like I don't breathe aha, nobody can help it :/ lol

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      • robbieforgotpw

        Just avoid people altogether if it gets too bad? Then you can get on yourself for your noises. ...Be quiet stomach, I don't care if you're hungry!

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      • it's_all_too_much

        Oh ok just wondered. I have some pet peeves about noises people make too, I don't really like hearing people that eat loud, like make a lot of gurgling and burp noises, thats kinda gross.

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        • robbieforgotpw

          What about loud flatulence if they politely say "A thousand pardons madam" when a woman is present.

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          • it's_all_too_much

            Lol! Actually farts and burps don't bother me at all, ironically. Can't explain it!

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