Is it normal that i acknowledge the inferiority of black people?

I'll just keep this short:

1. Black people all over the world consistently score lower on all manner of academic tests.

2. The cultures that have spawned black people have always been primitive, and devoid of the level of human ingenuity that has been a hallmark of Caucasian society since the iron age.

3. Black people are notorious for criminal behavior. The proportion of black vs white people in U.S. prisons is completely disproportionate to their respective populations within society as a whole.

There are volumes of things that I'm too lazy to mention here, but these are the most glaring deficiencies to me. I believe black people are a genetic mistake, mutants, that occurred early on in human history, and somehow survived. It is very possible that this may have occurred, therefore, it is possible that certain ethnic groups that exist today fall short of human potential.

You may proceed with your non-constructive insults and irrelevant, childish remarks.

Voting Results
41% Normal
Based on 96 votes (39 yes)
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Comments ( 69 )
  • dappled

    Why are non-black people setting tests and then judging people from other cultures who approach them differently? If IQ tests were set by Australian aboriginal women, most white men would fail them. Different doesn't mean inferior. And a test set by certain people for certain people only proves something for certain people. Not everyone.

    Second, we all have primitive origins. And, again, you're judging black people by non-black perceptions of ingenuity. If you lived in Western Sahara, how long would you survive? Yet people do survive there. Are they the stupid ones for knowing how to live? Or are you because without your support structure of a house that someone else built, food that someone else produced, water that someone else piped to you, you are effectively unable to even live? To someone being self-sufficient in Africa, I think you'd be seen as very backwards because you can't (or won't) even do these things for yourself.

    Third, you're talking about black people in a society peopled by you. You're treating black people as second class citizens and you're not alone. So many do it. Including the justice system. The problem isn't black people. The problem is you. And until you experience the other side of the coin, you'll do nothing to change this selfish and ugly attitude that you're peddling as "the truth".

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    • First off, the academic standards he is talking about are set up by whites, black, and Europeans. You have missed the point of OP argument all together. Black people, as a fact, are less intelligent and have shitty societies ever since the dawn of time. He isn't talking about him living in the Sahara, he is talking about our society as a whole. And don't even start with the "the system is racist!" crap. That's total bullshit. Commit the crime, do the time.

      But keep scraping for excuses to defend a clearly inferior race.

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      • dappled

        The point I was making is that we set standards which play to our own strengths. Of course we're going to come out superior. My point about living in Western Sahara is that the people there would set standards which play to their own strengths. And then we come out as inferior.

        You see the point, I hope. You're seeing this as a white person, not as just a person.

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        • How do they play to our strengths? It's an academic test, not a "History of European people" test. A black guy can solve a math problem just as well as a white guy right?.....right?

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          • dappled

            You're just asking the same question but narrowing the parameters from being intelligence to just maths. My answer is obviously the same as last time. I'll try and phrase it as the same thing but the opposing case, as that may make it clearer:

            Let us say, hypothetically, that any science, culture, contribution to society that have come from white people are wiped. Development in these areas instead comes from people not of your skin colour. Intelligence tests in this new world are formulated (the test aren't created by white people and don't test what we saw as "intelligence" based on how things were). Would your score in this scenario vary by even an iota? If so, the tests are biased (just as our current tests are biased). If you don't believe your score would change at all, I'd love to hear you demonstrate a proof of that.

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    • MissClaire

      You said it wonderfully.

      In addition, I do not belive that his data is accurate as no IQ test would ever make the tester identify their origin/nationality on the test itself (human rights etc....).

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    • flutterhigh

      Proselytizing isn't going to change an opinion. This person is making the very common logical fallacy of observing statistics and attributing them as innate behavior - concluding that high concentrations of black people in prisons must imply some sort of shared genetic problem as opposed to the societal issues that put them in prison in the first place. But this person clearly isn't open to discussion, so what's the use of discussing?

      Leave these things to putrefy in their own hatred. There's really no sense in letting it spread into you.

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      • dappled

        I agree completely. My reply wasn't strictly for the OP (who was probably trolling anyway). My reply was for the people who'd read the post and consider it may be true. And then go on to act on it. No offence to people in general but they put a lot of stock in what they read. If I hadn't have said something, there could be one more racist in the world. Or, in other cases, one more sexist, or one more person having sex with their dog, their mother, their cousin. One more person plotting murder. Or one more person who is angry and is directing hate for the most random of reasons rather than realising they're just angry at things they may perhaps be able to change.

        I know it comes off as preachy and annoying but I don't do it to be popular. I don't do it to annoy people either. I do it because I honestly believe it's the right thing to do and that saying nothing would make the world a little worse.

        Plus, I kind of like getting on my soapbox.

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    • Ignorantdouche


      Based on the op's comment regarding the ratio of those incarcerated, I believe his arguments gravitate towards blacks in the United States. Although there is no global standard of superiority and inferiority, I feel that a certain amount of conformity is not an unreasonable request by any region to ask of its inhabitants. That being said, I feel that there is nothing inaccurate or unfair about a standardized test of intelligence to measure the type of ingenuity that may amplify or harm one's success in a specific region.

      It is certainly true that our origin is primitive (perhaps even the same). I would also agree that biological evolution seems to correlate with the surrounding environment. However, I will refer back to my initial argument. Survival of the fittest (or sufficient) does not exactly hold the same level of prevalence as it does in the past or within the animal kingdom. How many US citizens can be seen honing their survival instincts and reverting back to a hunter/gatherer lifestyle today? If the OP does not reside in Africa, South America, etc, then his concept of black inferiority has merit.

      I personally feel that black people are given far too many excuses in contemporary society. It is wearisome listening to the same socioeconomic defenses. If black unemployment soars, it must be flaws in our equal opportunity laws. If dropout rates increase in the black community, it must be the impoverished neighborhoods creating schools with little funding and employing teachers who simply don't care. If blacks fill the prison system, it must be crooked cops and a legal system that is purposely engineered to fail them. If blacks turn to drugs, it must be the "man" engineering crack to destroy the ghettos.

      I am not refuting that such problems exist. I am simply pointing out the possibility that race may be a factor in one's capabilities. For example, our country seems to have no problem stereotyping black males as athletic. This most likely stems from the disproportionate ratio of blacks in some of our national sports teams. This ultimately means that the use of quantifiable data CAN be used to gain some kind of understanding of a racial group. However, why are such statistics met with abhorrence when you say "black people do not work?" If society can acknowledge unique typologies of physical attributes, is it such an impossible leap to acknowledge the possibility of intellectual or psychological differences as well?

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  • me999

    Your an ignorant idiot. The fact that you would say something as stupid as this post shows that you have no right to call anyone a mistake. You bitch are a mistake , you wasted 1 min. of my life reading this bullshit. Goo die in a hole.

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    • So where is your argument? You said nothing to support and opposing evidence and his point still stands.

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      • Well what else would you expect from a brain-dead egalitarian retard? They're all emotion and no logic.

        Now YES, race and intelligence do indeed have some very striking parallels. Harsh but true.

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        • True

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  • lovelychanel2

    go play in traffic.

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  • DannyKanes

    Here we go, another troll post. Yawn.

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    • How is it a Troll post? Because you happen to not like the subject?

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      • sega31098

        Because the OP said it was a troll.

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  • -WhySoSerious-

    Okay here's the thing....

    Although I think it's so easy to call someone like you ignorant.. I think it's much more complex than that.

    You could be a smart kid, therefore, I can't blame you for having these thoughts..

    Let's look at the things I've learned about America during my time here as an expat..

    I learned that people think in racist ways, but they keep those thoughts to themselves, but you could see it happen when a black person shouts out an outrageous opinion in public, vs a white man shouting out an outrageous opinion.. The white man could face many ppl to argue, but not the black man, just for the race differences. It's a subconscious reaction I think.

    but if you look at neighborhoods with black people, the crime rate is high, because a lot of people argue that local governments want to keep them in poverty so that they could keep those who are different outside of the general society.
    The good schools are only in the rich neighborhoods, which would lead the kids to go to good colleges, which leads to well-payed jobs; however, if you go to a shitty school, you might not get to good college because your parents can't afford it, it's why you live in the ghetto in the first place...

    so, all in all, it's a circle of poverty, and some say black neighborhoods were strategically put in areas so that they wouldn't mix with the rest of the ppl.

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  • I can't believe this actually got approved.

    The OP is black, and is the troll of trolls.

    I'm not even going to argue with anyone this time... too tired.

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    • It's nice you won't argue with yourself.

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  • JuliusE


    That has been proven to be BS. The fact that East Asians (Koreans, Japanese, and some Northern Chinese) *consistently* score higher on IQ tests presumably written by white people, from another culture no less, disproves your argument completely.

    Blacks are physically superior (in strength at least). Whites are mentally and creatively superior. Asians are superior in discipline and memory recall. Blacks have the highest level of testosterone, whites have a medium amount, east Asians the lowest. The same relationship holds for fertility. These are facts. Fuck your irrational, establishment approved and engineered "feelings."

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    • dappled

      I was careful throughout my post to say "non-black" rather than white, Korean, Japanese, or Chinese. Can you explain why it would be irrational to like people, or why it'd need establishment approval to like them? Or why my feelings are engineered? Why are you so angry about Asians?

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    • Darkoil

      Your second paragraph is a load of bullshit.

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    • LCD

      I disagree with "Blacks have the highest level of testosterone". There are so many black nations that some of them has even lower level than asians. As for tostesterone, nations from caucasia and then arabic nations have the highest testosterone level in the world, then whites (i hate using incorrect word caucsian, let's name things by its real names) and then blacks, then latin-americans, then asians. (It doesn't mean anything bad). These are scientific facts.
      The level of tostesterone is easy to judge by hairiness of face & body. The more hair - the higher the level.

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    • Valetion


      High testosterone to go chase down some KFC.

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  • bryson_willis

    Because this is 'Is It Normal', the answer to his question is yes, it's normal to think so. The OP is not one in a million, in fact I believe that a lot of people feel this way about black people deep inside but just wouldn't say it because they will be shunned for it.

    Is the OP and other racists right? NO. Am I going to waste time trying to show him that he's wrong about black people? NO (probably a troll). It's up to him to educate himself.

    It's not up to black people to waste their time trying to prove their worth, it's up to you to open your eyes and look at what stares you in the face when you turn on the television or turn the pages of a book and come across Wangari Maathai, Nelson Mandela, Michelle Obama, Bob Marley. Yes there is one I included that you probably haven't heard of. Start learning.

    I want you to read about JTEC, firstly try and understand it ;-) then find out how it connects to this post and therefore your statements.

    educate yourself.

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    • Well said.

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  • MissClaire

    The fact is that no one person has the full amount of information to argue about this objectively. There are way to many variables to consider and this whole topic is subjective - and I dont believe that entering a discussion as to who is the superior race is constructive nor admirable.

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    • bryson_willis

      so there isn't enough information to prove that black people are not inferior ape like, criminals?

      I would argue that anyone with the time and effort to do some research could provide objective arguments to the argument. To be objective simply means to really on proven facts. You're telling me you are no facts to help argue against some one saying black people are primitive, unintelligent, criminal beings.

      what does that say?

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      • MissClaire

        There are no facts - everyone is individual. I do not believe that you can place a stereotype on any said "group" as there are always many people within that group that prove your stereotype wrong.
        You cannot stay objective because because of this - too many variables. Variables may include geographical statistics (crime rate, poverty rate, schooling sytem), the funding for the school system, etc... so on and so fourth. Most of these variables do not allow for equality.
        It is dangerous to suggest that based on simply the color of someones skin they are inferior. Because Scientifically, that is the only difference. If you were born with a different skin color would you be any different? This post is extreemly racist - and this is the last discussion I am posting as I want nothing to do with this sort of hate.

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        • bryson_willis

          "there are no facts"
          "to many variables"

          so for now we'll have to concede they are criminal apes!

          Martin Luther King Jr decided he wanted something to do with this sort of hate, and so did Rosa Parks, Ella Baker and Nelson Mandela. Because this sort of hate was not only wrong, but unacceptable.

          you choose to leave the matter citing 'variables' and lack of 'fact', so the askers statements still stand, ...unchallenged.

          All I'm trying to do is emphasise to you the importance of doing the right thing, over doing things right. Sitting on the fence may sound the right way you but deep down...

          "This post is extreemly racist" - turns out you know what the right thing is.

          Don't play it safe all your life or you'll never accomplish the greater things. ;)

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          • MissClaire

            Okay, just because there are no facts doesn't automatically justify the opinion you had noted.
            I am challenging this, I will challenge the crap out of it. I guess I don't see this sort of racism day to day so it just disturbs me so much - on one hand I want to challenge the fuck out of it, and on the other hand I dont want to be a part of it because of what emotional impact it has on myself. I do not like to get emotionally involved as I feel that I am no longer acting or speaking from a balanced state of mind; I do not want to say something out of haste.

            Based on your last comment I would think you knew me or something - you defineately got me there. Thanks for that as it is something I needed to hear.

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  • GuessWho

    A lot of hate is headed you way for posting that (and probably also my way for what I'm about to add), but...

    Everything you said is true. Some black people even admit it.

    Everything they know was taught to them by the whites at some or other stage. Without the intervention of other races, they would probably still be living in wild without any written language or technology, existing only to eat, fuck and kill. In a way, even after all the help they got from the rest of the world, they're still a step behind.

    As for how they "somehow survived..."
    That's because we helped them.
    Some of them may still play the slavery or "previously disadvantaged" card, but had the other races not seen the potential for them to serve us, we would have never taken the initiative to educate them in the first place.
    Without our "boost" in their mental evolution, they may well have died out already.

    I don't know why they can't just be grateful for what we've done for the progression of their race and accept that they're nothing without us.

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  • alv1592

    Race has nothing to do with intelligence, crime or any of that. You're just some ignorant racist.

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    • Prove it.

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      • MissClaire

        and you cant prove your BS

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        • I could, but it would take alot of link-posting, and I'm far too lazy. You can research the assertions I made yourself.

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          • MissClaire

            I'll get right on that - BTW If your so fucken justified show your name you spineless asshole

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            • Valetion

              You mad bro?

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      • alv1592

        There are good and bad people of every race, religion, both genders, discriminating against groups is ignorant. I'm sure you've met at least SOME coloured people in your lifetime who weren't bad.

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      • ^^You're right you can't prove it!

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  • AmvEditor

    4. Black people are excellent athletes
    5. They can't get a sun burn
    6. Most of them can kick your ass
    7. They are pretty cool and funny
    8. I am not even black and you are an ass :)

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    • ...5. is just plain wrong... they can but it's harder and you don't see it... but they can^^ the other points are right!

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  • 53739

    This is only not racist if you're black, thanks to PC culture.

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  • lbntuk

    Yeah, it's're just another racist.

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  • Ono

    Uhh black people can get sunburnt. I have an Ethiopian friend who got burnt pretty good over summer.

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    • I can't.

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  • doomiedoom

    what the hell is going on with all these post dissing black people lately??

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    • MissClaire

      Im starting to think this site is largely populated by the KKK - no wonder no one will advertize on this thing

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  • LCD

    i don't know why but many whites who live from the very birth in countries with black population (USA, UK) secretly admit "they don't feel comfortable around blacks" for them it's a "gut feeling" probably genetically inherent.
    It's human nature not ot like what's radically different from them.
    What many label as "racism" is intrinsic to any race. Blacks hate whites, latins hate asians etc.
    The question is how one can cope with it and live in the world of differences. Though it's challenging but it's solvable.
    When ppl mature they start seeing a person behind these seeming barriers like race, nation, class, and the like.

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  • Dad

    Wait there is a president who is presently black isn't there?

    I agree there are differences in cultures in our world.
    I mean why do some lower class asians put their entire family on a motorbike? At the same time! Even if you honestly had to take your whole family somewhere wouldn't you just take 2 or 3 trips?
    But then again asians are far better at working hard and this is not just because of poverty or no other option, they are highly dedicated and respected people, I take it everyone has seen a asian girls excel in school.

    Yes there are differences in cultures. 'Blacks' are generally better at sports and singing/dancing, lets face it Michael Jackson was born black and he never could have been that good white (originally).

    So the issue is not they are inferior, they are different, no question about it, plain as day, this is just black and white to me.

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    • Valetion

      The only damn reason that Obama was elected in the first place is because black people wanted to "prove their worth" or LACK THERE OF. I'll bet that 60% of black people voted for Obama without listening to any of the debates/advertising/campaigns etc. They only voted for him because he was black. They wanted "liberation"

      In my opinion, Obama IS worsh than Bush.Jr

      He wanted to cut off ALL trading between the US and Canada and Mexico. He didn't even give a justifiable answer.

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      • Valetion


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        • Dad

          Well you could say that no one really knows the true intentions of these electives. I mean war seems to break out, or some other national threat, each time someone is elected president, thus placing all of their 'promises' on hold (or even abandoned!).

          The other point about blacks voting for blacks (and excuse any racial slur as I've NEVER known how to label 'black' skin people 'politically correct'! ie I'm quite happy being called white). Anyway, then just place 2 black candidates together only, and then we'll get the true divide within the BLACK community, plus they would have to listen to their debates or go crazy being torn in two at the voting booths.

          I have no issue if the president is black, white or Chinese (Lol) with American citizenship of course. But I would like to see the better man (or woman) win. Yes yes all for societies diplomacy but any intelligent computer would tell you that only ONE is the best for the job and therefore 'voting' may just be there to keep the people 'thinking' they have some say, when in actual fact the inevitable 'war' would have happened either way.

          I wonder sometimes that America has gone too far with hero worshiping when the world is calling for change. Seems to me that in a hundred years with over population black 'presidents' won't be worth a dime. (Nor white!)

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    • The president sucks.

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      • Wuhuu Obama... well compare that with Bush -.- and other than that it's a pretty hard job and I think he's not doing that bad job!

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  • Darkoil

    What a load of shit this is. Skin colour has nothing to do with intelligence. Anyone who thinks this doesn't grasp simple genetic concepts.

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    • White187

      You're saying our differences arnt in genetics?


      I think humans have adapted to different environments and are very different.

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  • Noonesperfect

    They have a bigger dick than yours plus we all came from Africa 100,000 years ago from small population of homo Sapians but non black people have 1-4% neathanderthal blood

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  • michelle13

    im sorry but im black, and 13, how did they approve u rstory, i dont know. but what i do know is that your not wrong for feeling this. im guessing your caucasion male/female.... just get over really frustrated at this story because our president is black ,and its 2011, cant we get over the really offended YOU ASSHOLE!!

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    • If you are 13, you ought to not be on this site.

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      • michelle13

        i dont care

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    • No, I'm black.

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      • michelle13

        wow insulting yhur own ppl

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        • sega31098

          No, he was trolling.

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    • He is not really a racist and you better stop insulting people on here and if your 13 get outta here!
      He's just saying that they are mentally inferior and if he is black than it'd proof why he created such a question!

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      • I'm so fucking awesome.

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      • michelle13

        shut the fuck upppppppppppppp

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        • Valetion

          Consider yourself reported


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