Is it normal that i act out my own scenes right before i go to sleep?

Alright, I'm 18 years old, female. Well ever since i was like 6 years old, i lay down and i pretend i'm somewhere else. I pretend I'm someone else. Usually the most beautiful girl in the world or something like that. I will just lay there and move around or squirm or pretend i'm running or pointing at something, whilst laying down. Like i'm acting in a movie or something. I come up with lines i say, but i don't actually speak, i mouth the words because i don't want to wake anybody in the house up.
I like to pretend that i'm kidnapped or tied up or something, and a really handsome guy comes around and saves me, or something. And in my imagination, we usually kiss, but i pretend to kiss him, i kiss my hand or something :P
These days, i pretend i'm the hottest guy in the world, and every girl wants me, but i pretend i'm not interested in them. But eventually they find a way to make me like them and we end up..yeah :P
So does anyone else do this? I haven't found anyone anywhere that talks about anything like this. It's something i can't help, i have to. I wonder maybe it's because i want to feel wanted, or want something exciting to happen in my life.. but is it normal?

Voting Results
80% Normal
Based on 56 votes (45 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • RedditorByNature

    This is near exactly what I do. Whether or not it's normal, you're not alone(:

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  • mupurple11

    I sometimes act out scenarios in my head while I'm falling asleep but I've never physically acted them out. That's giving me a funny mental image. Haha.

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  • Comando96

    Yes I do this but with Video Games. Yup, I add myself to the game either as the main character (if a sandbox game), or as a main side character next to the main characters side.
    For example I will be the guy walking around the fallout apocyliptic wasyeland with my buddies improving the world and being a bad ass at the same time.
    But I can also be Commander Shepards left hand man (because obviously his right hand man is Garrus).

    That... and some other stuff to compensate... you know... forever alone and all that.

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    • Blargh

      Yeah me tew.

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    This is part of how I prepare to lucid dream
    i can do but I dont know how… once I realizied it because I was a vampire cow slayer

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  • thinkingaboutit

    haha i had similar fantasies and would always think up dramatic plots starring myself, as I was falling asleep. but i never acted them out in my bed. we all do weird cooky stuff like this, if this isnt adorably normal, I don't know what is...

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  • darkberry.

    LMAO SAME! but just not the same series.

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