Is it normal that i almost blacked out when i approached a girl?
Yea. So i'm in boarding school (secondary/high) in some obscure african country. And i fear girls. 'Lyk they'll cut off my balls and eat them' fear. So i stayed without speaking to a girl since primary school coz i went to a boy school (no relationships outside of school btw). Recently, however, there was a function (a function is an event where students from different secondary schools interact with each other) that i was forced to attend by my classmates so as to end my 'drought'. It was at a neighbouring girl school. I almost shit my pants coz then they threatened that i had to get evidence showing i had talked to a girl i.e get a girl's number on my arm. So i'm at this function, girls all around me, rectum threatening to explode, not havin a clue of how to accomplish my mission. However, i remembered the threats and decide that i have to do this. I spot this chick with a nice ass (i knw it's inappropriate but wat tha hell) and decide 'that shall be my prey', she had a friend by her side. I decide to follow them, gathering courage for what i thought of as a kamikaze mission. I tried to confront her several tymz but i wussed out severally. But when she and her friend entered the canteen, i decided i would wait for her outside. She got out and i thought 'fuk it, let's do this', and walked towards her. When she looked at me, i felt blood rushing to my head, my heart screaming bloody murder so i could hear it and my vision started dimming from the edges. Thank God i didn't black out. I said, 'hi, you're called?' she said,'khendi'. I said,'what?' She spells it out. Awkward silence. I say its my first funkie (function. It's sheng for function) She laughs and says i look too old for it to be my first. Conversation continued. She left with her friend.
I had asked for her number.
She didn't give it to me.
(this by a fat boy listening to 'I AM'. All hail house btw)