Is it normal that i already know i'm going to die young?
I have known for a few years that I will die before 30. Don't ask how I know but I can already see it in my head.
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I have known for a few years that I will die before 30. Don't ask how I know but I can already see it in my head.
You seem to have a fear of not being able to complete a life goal by that time which subconsciously, you don't want to deal with the anger and depression that can come with that "failure". Be very careful. As living as though you will die early can become a self fufilling prophecy. If you start smoking or smoking more, drinking with bad habits, driving etc, drugs, all things of that nature, then you're making it to where that may become true.
My advice do some great things, as enjoying life, vacations extreme sports, anything that will be fun and if you are to die young then you die with no regrets
I like that. That is well said MillaBornes. :) I'm dealing with what this poster is too. Death is all I can think about/worry about. Consumed with anxiety, pain from a hiatal hernia and it is awful. Think I am actually going to follow what you wrote. Try to make the most of things. Go camping. Get out and do stuff and try to break the thought process and stop being so scared to die all the time.
You might try taking Metamucil capsules every day. My boyfriend was having heartburn (probably not a hiatal hernia) but when he started taking Metamucil to control his elevated cholesterol, the same gelling action that traps cholesterol also seemed to stop splashing of acid. As long as he takes it, he is comfortable. Worth a try.
That is great! Glad that you're looking at the positive. Thank you for letting me know I helped someone as someone once helped me.
Atleast you know how much time you have left. Life is a invaluable thing to waste
Are you scared of dying, or do you want to die? Wanting to die isn't a healthy way to think...just saying.
I thought I would die young too but im 56 now u need to get the thoughts out of your head it will hold u back in life
You might be right and you might be wrong, so keep your options open. Have your papers in order and don't keep stuff that you wouldn't want other people to find if you die. But at the same time, keep a good job and live as if you will need to support yourself into old age. But do live a little and get more exercise and take reasonable risks to add some excitement. Don't stay inside worrying. Eat healthy food, not chemical fake, fried, and fatty food.
I'm 20, and ever since I was 7 I was 100% certain I would die at the age of 19. Yet here I am. I have tried to commit suicide half a year ago, three months before turning 20, but at the last moment I decided it wasnt how things were supposed to go, and backed out. SO, I guess, in my case atleast, thinking something like that will only get you in a dark mental state the closer you get to 30.
Anyone can turn there life around. I know someone who at 13 years old had there parents and siblings killed in front of him during the a war in thailand. Not in tv, not by natural causes but brutually in cold blood. He went to a refugee camp and escape to canada. He lost hope, i mean who wouldnt. He didnt know english very well, hes father told him he wasnt ever gonna be anything in life when he was a kid. All hope seemed lost. He stop going to school. He didnt see the point, hes parents siblings died. But hes now 54 years old found hope , very strong, and changing peoples lifes for the better as a doctor in psychology. Doctor dude. Almost 10years of study. Someone who lost almost everything now has a family and a hell of a job who is full of hope with the help of god. God gave him hope, courage purpose in life. Faith that things will change for the better and that god has a plan for him.
You must have an uncurable sickness if your so sure when your gonna die. If so than im sorry to hear that.
alot of things are possible if you believe. Believe in yourself. Believe that no matter how bad things get, it wont always be like that. Things will change.