Is it normal that i always have to retrace my letters/numbers?

Is it normal that I always have to retrace over my letters and numbers when I write? I have been doing it since I was a kid, I'm 35 now and I still do it. I also have an issue with picking at my skin and fingernails. could I have OCD?

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Comments ( 5 )
  • drbellcurve

    Hello Retracer: For you to be asking if something is normal may suggest that your behavior is bothering you. Diagnostically, if a behavior is distressing to you, is time consuming, and/or causes you problems interpersonally, vocationally, academically, etc...then it isn't "normal". Skin picking that is not controllable and causes lesions is called Excoriation, and is an OCD related disorder per the DSM -V. Excessive retracing is also an OCD-like trait but it doesn't necessarily mean it is significant enough to diagnose...but...if you are worried, there are resources out there to help you curb your frustrations. Good luck to you. drbellcurve

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  • GlassDarkly31

    I chew the skin on my knuckle on my middle finger, twist my lower lip. Habits that have followed you from childhood are difficult to get rid of. I'm 31, and had done since I was 8.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I used to retrace them, but I think it helped me to remember them more. Skin picking is called

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  • tbiM20

    Habit. Not bad, but I'm guessing it takes you twice as long to write a letter.

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  • flufffluff

    It is slightly odd but I have heard of people doing this before, I guess you could call it a habit. Not a bad one since it doesn't really hurt you or anyone in that case

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