Is it normal that i always think about dying?

Is it normal that I quite frequently think of death and the act of dying? Like when I drive I see visions of accidents happening to me. Or I have thoughts on a big road trip "will I make it home alive" nobody that I have personally known has even been tragically killed. Also i tend to catch myself to "be careful doing things because he could die". Like crossing traffic etc. Maybe it is the media and seeing all of the bad news these days? I fear that I am passing my fears onto my son!

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73% Normal
Based on 66 votes (48 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • Tank777

    FEARS are made by the mind tricking you into thinking its a fear. when really you have no fears. peace. hoped this helped

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  • dirtybirdy

    "Some will die in hot pursuit in fiery auto crashes. Some will die in hot pursuit while sifting through my ashes. Some will fall in love with life and drink it from a fountain, that is pourin like an avalanche comin down the mountain."

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    • NotStrangeBird

      I don't mind the sun sometimes, the images it tethers.

      I can taste you on my beak and smell you in my feathers.

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  • me1993

    it's normal to think about death, i think about me death quite a lot, usually about how i want to happen, and to happen now

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  • cathyt112

    Yes it's very normal.EVERYONE is afraid to die. The ones that claim they aren't are just playing mind games and are lying.

    You should check out "The Present" on Truth Contest site.

    Google Truth Contest to see it.

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    • laylany

      i think we r afraid of what happens after death especially if u r religious.where will we go,will we b judged heaven /hell. the not knowing the fear of lost of control the not knowing is the scary part not excisting and what will happen to ur love and death r part of living we cant stop it and all will go threw it so try not 2 worry about things we dont control. just live the best u can try 2 b happy

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  • me1993

    I think about it as well

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  • agentchaos

    death anxiety is pretty common

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  • johnathan

    you okay

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  • thegypsysailor

    Quite often when someone becomes a parent they get a bit overcautious because they don't want to leave their child parentless.
    My second wife quit skydiving when her baby was born, for instance.
    But you must not pass it on to your child, you must not.
    Try putting things in perspective and stop obsessing about death or you are not going to have much of a life.
    There is no after-life so you'd damn well better enjoy the one you do have. Grow a pair!

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  • Ixu

    yes you are getting these images and fears from media, and yes you are also likely to be subconsciously passing these fears onto your son. It's in our nature to be cautious, especially after hearing or seeing that it's bad, it increases your chances of surviving. It's just unfortunate that these things mentally effect us negatively. I go through the same thing and although I can't give you any advice on how to not let it affect you, I can say that it's pretty normal.

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