Is it normal that i always think of scary things right before bed?

Is it normal to think about the scariest things I've ever seen or experienced in life right before I close my eyes to go to sleep? This happens every time I try to sleep, and I end up not being able to sleep for quite a long time. I'm also afraid of the dark too, which adds to the amount of time it actually takes me to fall asleep.

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79% Normal
Based on 84 votes (66 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • derenaro

    You sound exactly like me. I don't know what to tell you because I can't get a grip on my own sleeping problems.

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  • eric5283

    That tommy guy just gave me another distraction when I am going to sleep.

    But anyways, DAMN YOU GRUDGEEEE

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  • lauxesaproc

    I do the same thing! The other night, it was completely dark in my house and I thought of that song from the "Evil Dead" remake.

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  • New boy
    Don’t let it slip away
    The green fucking day

    Pets and zoos
    And zero zips
    Aquariums and
    Circus lizards
    New boy

    It’s good to have you
    New boy
    Now get to working
    New boy
    On everything around you

    Fucking school for pizza wars
    Life is football
    Hit somebody
    New boy

    Gagged clichés for loving couples
    Life is football
    Hit somebody
    New boy

    New boy
    Don’t let it slip away
    The green fucking day

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  • Karmasbitch

    That is why I distract myself before I fall asleep by keeping the tv on and getting into a movie before I pass out.

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