Is it normal that i always want to cuddle with someone?

Every single time I pass by someone, whether at school or on the street, Young or old, boy or girl, Human or animal, I want to cuddle or touch or hug or do SOMETHING!

I love being next to other living creatures. I have 3 rescue dogs for that reason alone, that I love very much. I live alone, do not have a boyfriend or husband, and my family literally lives right next door to me(I moved because they didn't like pets).

On the street, on my way somewhere, I have this urge to hug a random person, and so, it happens. I hug at least 2 random people every week, and their reaction vary from happy, to weird, to angry. I hugged a depressed elderly person and he smiled and said 'bless you'. I hugged a guy about my age and he said 'I'm guessing you're a prostitue or something.' I hugged a little girl and her mom told me to stay away, I hugged my mother in the street while we were just passing by and she freaked out and said 'THERE ARE PEOPLE LOOKING AT US!'.

I am constantly petting my 3 dogs, hugging, giving them belly rubs, grooming them, etc. All of them are big (German shephard, Gold lab, border collie) but I still let them sit on my lap just for the sake of being close to them.


Voting Results
65% Normal
Based on 83 votes (54 yes)
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Comments ( 18 )
  • EverythingIsNormal

    It sounds nice to me, like you have a lot of love and warmth to share with people and creatures, and I think that's great! If that is your true intention that is.
    If it is just performing the action of giving a hug, or you do it because it gives YOU gratification, or because you NEED to, then perhaps that is not so good. If that is the case, you should ask yourself why you need to do it? What is it giving you, that you can't get from yourself or somewhere else?

    People today, arguably through necessity, have built walls between each other. They fear each other, and take comfort in their isolation and their 'personal space'. If you are offering your hugs through love, then I think it is good that you have such an open heart and can share this with people. Perhaps it will help them to also be open to it.

    That being said, of course you can't go around hugging random strangers! You must be careful too. If you feel like hugging a stranger or someone you don't know that well, I think it would be best to ask them first if you can. If they don't want to, you must respect that.

    If you really feel the urge to hug a random, try and hold off till you can hug your dogs or your family.

    Hugzzz to u :)

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  • CoLLie94

    I've never heard of someone hugging strangers but I have a guy friend who is constantly touching everyone in our group of friend when we hang out he holds hands, hugs, cuddles, gives massages. He's a very comforting person to have around he doesn't make it feel awkward. (Unless your like me and had a crush on him forever and it was torture to have him touching you when he only wanted to be friends)

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  • 69

    reading your story made me feel warm inside, like i cuddled and hugged while reading it

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  • RoseIsabella

    Honestly, I think I'd rather hug your three dogs than any of the people you've described.

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  • shuggy-chan

    Idk, but u can rub my belly in public if u want

    Lol jk but yeah I understand the urge, but don't hug too many strangers. Show some control girl

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  • MIssingBacon

    I like cuddles too :D

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  • Avant-Garde

    No. Whether you intend to or not, you could get into serious trouble from hugging certain people, especially children. If you aren't careful, you could end up being accused of being a sexual predator.

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    • I don't see the sexual predator thing as a pig problem. Everyone who lives in my area knows me and knows that I like to hug/cuddle/poke etc. It's only a problem when I go outside of my area, which I rarely do.

      The depressed old man is my neighbor who would invite me over for tea at times.

      The guy lives across the street from me and calls me a cuddle-bug, so he was joking around with the prostitue comment.

      The only person who didn't know me was the lady with the girl because she only recently moved in to a vacant house in the neighborhood and is still in the process of getting to know everyone. I don't think I gave her a good first impression. :x She sure won't be happy when she meets my parents and sees me in the house.

      So, as I said before, I don't consider it a problem unless my family moves elsewhere, because if they move, I also have to move.

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      • Avant-Garde

        But, it is still a risk that you need to be cautious of. For all you know, this lady could have gone and warned all her friends about you and more...

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        • I get what you're saying, and I really should be more cautious. It's really hard though. If I go out to do something, I feel like I absolutely have to hug or at least poke someone, or else I'll go nuts.

          And about the lady, my parents said she will be coming over tonight, so I really want to straighten things out with her.

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  • DiamondGirl

    Maybe u have tourettes syndrome. I had a friend with that and she kept touching everything.

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    • I doubt it's Tourette's syndrome. it's more like an obsession. OCD maybe? Not sure, I haven't gone to see anyone about it yet. And I don't touch 'everything', just other living things. It's comforting.

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      • DiamondGirl

        Whoa. Just saying my friend used to touch other people, not inanimate objects, I guess I wasn't clear. With OCD. that sounds different than what u have. I have OCD and when im stressed out I notice it gets much worse, does yours?

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        • Yeah. When I'm even slightly stressed out, the urge grows and that makes me stay next to my dogs for a good portion of the day.

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          • DiamondGirl

            U should c, one day I kept sticking my head in the oven to make sure it was off, I think I did it about 30 times. I know that's ridiculous! But Petting my cat does have a calming effect.

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  • ???:-p

    if you would like the puppy you can have it, being serious lol

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  • ???:-p

    Nothing better than a cuddle after a day at work! Also Iv got a 6month old puppy if you want it :)

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    • Can I have the puppy? :o

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