Is it normal that i am 18, and scared of the dark?

Yes... I am scared of the dark too! 60
No... >. > 40
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Comments ( 21 )
  • .Adolf_Hitler.

    I too am scared of the dark, that's why I never went into the chambers with the Jews.
    -A. Hitler.

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  • Short4Words

    Like sweeie has said, we have a primitive tension in the dark, perhaps a fear, but you're imagination is taking you prisoner and it needs to stop. I use to be like you, when I was younger I had a very active imagination, I also had sleep paralysis which probably made my fear of the dark worse. I had night lights and lava lamps into my early teenage years but sometime around them I realized that this was pointless, and that I needed to grow up.

    The thing is, whether ghosts are real or not, nothing can harm you. I don't advise walking around in the dark in most situations, but I challenge you to maybe, go to a basement, or turn your lights off, and sit. Challenge the darkness. There is nothing to be afraid of. That's what I did. It's about killing your fears. I went down and stood in my basement closed the door and turned the lights off, for a good few minutes, and just let all the fear out. It might take a few tries, but after that I was A LOT better.

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  • SangoNyappy

    Where is opinion "I'm not scared but it's normal" ?

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  • GuessWho

    No. I like the dark. Especially after my eyes have adjusted and I can lurk around and see and not be seen.

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    • Normy

      Maybe people are scared of the dark because they feel they are being seen by something lurking around in the dark that cannot be seen...

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      • GuessWho

        YAY! Maybe I can turn this into a plot for world domination.

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        • Normy

          Can I help? Im sure my creeping skills are as good as your lurking skills

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          • GuessWho

            Only if I run into you along the way.
            I prefer to work alone.

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            • GeneralFelix

              Lol keyboard ninjas XD

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  • SeverusFan23

    I'm 19 and i'm scared of the dark.

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    It's weird. Darkness is just absence of light. Nothing that scares me.

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  • 800imawesome

    I once made someone cry by making him hallucinate after being in the dark for a while, and sofly singing "One, two, Freddies comin for you..." in a high pitched voice.

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    • imagirldealwithit123

      I would have went mucho man on ya

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  • bellasky56

    Fear of the unknown... very normal

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  • At a certain age I was terrified of the dark. It endured for much longer than it should have.

    So yes, normal.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    I'm afraid of the dark too, but the strange thing about it is I'm so attracted to and inspired by the dark, so while I love the dark I also fear it.

    "Oh, what dangers lay beneath shadows, and for it we hold such distaste. That evil is a friend of darkness is reason for man to take heed. But he who strays from the darkness is forever contained by his own fear, but he who dares step into it has indeed triumphed."
    -Lance Young

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  • Ihadtomakeyetanotheraccountffs

    People are scared of the dark because they don't know what's in it. Seems reasonable.

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  • AbnormallyAwesome

    I was afraid of the dark and the night until I saw it's calm and beauty. I don't know how it happend, but I was about you're age. Now the dark feels nice.

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  • sweeie

    I'm not afraid of the dark, none are. It's a self difence-mechanism - every human has it.

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    • asuran

      thats because of the vashta nerada.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    I am very much afraid of the dark, simply because, I can't see if something is coming towards me or even there.

    I have a very active imagination and when it is dark, everything likes to start up in my imagination. I'll "see" ghosts of dead people that I have offended walking into my room or animals or things that I might see when I am in that state just between REM sleep where I am half awake but still experiencing a vestige of a nightmare...

    I work at night, though so I don't have to sleep at night, usually. On the night I do sleep at night and my husband is at work, I sleep on the futon with the TV set on "sleep" and a movie that is either really boring or that I have seen before on. Either "The Joneses" or "Mean Girls". I turn it really low so it sounds like ambient sound and then I go to bed. But I wake up frequently during the night so the same movie might have been replayed 4 times by the time morning comes along.

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