Is it normal that i am a girl that plays xbox 360 live?
I was just wondering if it normal that I am a girl that likes bloody games and like playing Xbox 360 live.
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I was just wondering if it normal that I am a girl that likes bloody games and like playing Xbox 360 live.
ONLY MALES ARE ALLOWED TO PLAY VIDEO GAMES! It's so completely abnormal for a girl to play video games.
Please find help soon and go to a hospital.
This is a serious problem.
Ok, you play Xbox, and you are a girl. Do you want a medal or something?
This is what I dislike about a lot of 'gamer girls', is that they seem to prefer being seen as a girl that plays games than the actual games. It's irritating. Nobody cares. It does not make you special.
Yes, it's normal.
Girls aren't the only ones who do "girly" things, boys aren't the only ones who do "manly" things.
Knight Nigel Wellington XXI
I'm actually annoyed at this question. Its bad enough when I'm playing a MMO and the supposed girls just ACTIVELY throw around the fact that they are females just for the attention. Some might even be a G.(uy) I.(n) R.(eal) L.(ife) instead. Even if it isn't one's intention, its going to happen. Both genders can play video games as well as any other sport you can think of. Its normal but pointing out that you are female makes it seem like you are looking for attention. If you were merely curious then that is okay but still, why wouldn't it be normal?
Oh please, don't flatter yourself, any girl can do it. Although this does sound like you're being on of those "gamer girls". Why would you need to ask in the first place? Does it matter if a little girl dresses up as the hulk for Halloween? No. The definition of what should be feminine and masculine should mean nothing, do what you want.
It's extremely common. It might seem less common than it is, though. I have a lot of friends who hide the fact that they're women in various gaming oriented communities because of harassment.
What a silly question. Of course it's normal. Games aren't excluded to boys only.
are you fcking serious?! who ever said xbox was for guys. no one.
i'm a girl and i play live and minecraft everyday.
Although it might not be typical it's perfectly normal I'm sure, I have some friends that are girls that play
You should be aware that this is completely normal and encouraged. If not, you can always just make sandwiches for fun.
No; don't you know that it is illegal for the female gender to play any video game system other than Wii? Smh -.-
This isn't even a real question.