Is it normal that i am a muslim by birth yet an agnostic by choice?
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The funny thing about being smart is that you can get through most of life without ever having to do any work.
Sure it is. Religion isn't passed through blood, it's something personal.
That's very normal.
Its abnormal that any religious person wants to stay religious, in our more scientific world.
I was agnostic for many years myself.
I had the principle that I would 'believe' only if that new evidence would appear to me (by the way, still no evidence)
Anyway, I went on an atheist forum and they said, that they have a lack of belief in a deity (of which I presently did too) And all they asked is for someone, anyone, to provide even the slightest of evidence, at which time they'd be most happy to 'believe' (by the way the bible and qur'an is NOT evidence strangely!).
Anyway, it got me thinking.
Atheists are NOT against people who 'believe'. They just feel there is a lack of evidence, and generally the natural evolution of all life and matter DOES have stacks of evidence.
It was put to me (and I now put this to you) that instead of sitting on the fence, just honestly state that you don't believe (since you don't) and all seems to point to a natural occurrence happened (how strange! Lol) By the way, everything (everything) still happens naturally today (funny about that).
So I respect your present 'agnostic' standing. Since I was there too. But I have now grown up, and as you say use intelligence.
I think what really got me (to be awake) is confirming that all religious 'people' say they have souls (ie fly a plane into a building and then have ever lasting sex with virgins afterwards (LOL)) And note, that muslims who don't do these crazy acts STILL feel they are going to a better place, so why even live here? Plus I was annoyed that trees and animals (and all other life, including planets) don't go to heaven when they die. I have too much respect for ALL living creatures (and even to possible alien life, once we find it eventually - and probably just cell life at that). They they are not allowed to go to heaven. Even if they are more intelligent than some people out there? This is just NOT right.
Its obvious to me that Man Made God In His Own Image.
Unless of course you can prove to me otherwise.
Still agnostic?
i find you the most here in this category... and in detail criticizing Muslims (Islam) .... why do you represent Muslims by that typical 9/11 scene... thats all not like that..
Oh they're extremists then?
You know I read in the LATEST news today, that a CHILD had blasphemed against Allah (death be upon this religious idiocy)
ANYWAY, the courts over there (huh!) are deciding if they are going to CUT OFF HIS HEAD or not. By the way, further reading into this present case, it seems the law (religious law that governs the land) are MOST likely going to apply the death penalty in this case.
Now I do have a MILLION other barbaric examples of their NON peaceful (contradictory) religious belief. ie There can only be one god, and all others must have their blood spilt, or skin turned inside out! But I'm hoping you can plainly see that this religious belief is the WORST one in the world (excluding some cults).
Actually since on the subject: From absolutely WORST from top down.
Islamic belief being the most pathetic of them all with their pedo leader Muhammad.
Catholicism, being a money hungry power house that stands for all things evil
Christian, just being plain foolish worshiping a dead guy who told myths of miracles.
Scientology, which is just plain stupid and laughable (although they all are, but this is really funny)
And the list from here includes cults and MANY other religions (hundreds, if not thousands of others)
The ONLY one that I at least say, well at least you are believing in the best of the worst of these ridiculous beliefs, is Buddhism.
Why do I represent Muslims by this 'typical' 9/11 scene?
Since the introduction of the Internet, people now communicate globally. Information/news and even personal opinion is now everywhere. CONSTANTLY I see in the news Muslim/Islam (basically the Middle East) suicide bombing (yes it STILL happens often) and abuse to women and children, all in the name of their made up god.
'Muslims' of western culture may not be as fanatical, but they are still NOT open to any other belief. They clearly state Christianity is WRONG! Although all modern evidence points to BOTH being wrong anyway, they quite obviously have zero compassion or care for any other individual or group that intelligently thinks they are wrong!
Know this: Atheism does NOT feel that any of the religions are wrong.
Its just that all the evidence points to that presently.
From working from ONLY of what we know and is MOST likely the case, there is NO god, unless proved otherwise. So far there has not been the slightest tiniest ANY whatsoever proof or even a hint that a god exists. Whereas strangely NATURAL rational thinking clearly shows us that the chance of a god figure existing is SO far fetched that science does not even test this crazy theory any longer! On the contrary we pursue other life on other planets (even right this moment) The chances of finding other life in our universe (being 100% TOTALLY against all religious beliefs) is stated to be 100% MOST likely.
That is why :)
ok ok... as you go with it...!! you are quite deep into it i like that you have full knowledge of what you have as belief !! you leave me argument less .. i have no point to raise not cuz its all reality(because all Muslims aren't this way)because your evidences are very intellectual...!!
You're not agnostic by choice, your agnostic without a choice and there's nothing wrong with that
you are born muslim, you're just given a title, it does not govern the way you think as a person. It is alright to think deeper unlike other people who have blind faith for the sake of believing. No one can explain the afterlife, its up to you to interpret.
It is perfectly normal, it also means that you possess critical thinking rather than let yourself being tied by a background you had no choice to begin with.
You were'nt born Muslim. Your parents decided that for you.
Im glad you made up your own mind on what you believe. I think it's good not to be a sheep and follow what others say you should believe.
I had to break out of my families belief system. They still love me. Thank goodness!