Is it normal that i am addicted to google?
I think I have a Google addiction. I cannot stop Googling. I spend hours a day Googling whatever random things pop into my mind. Each day, I go through an obsession with a new topic and cannot stop researching it. Yesterday, my obsession was Salt Lake City. Today, it's the University of Kentucky. The other day, it was avocados. Except for the avocados, none of these things have anything to do with my life. I don't intend on going to the University of Kentucky, nor do I have a deep interest in Salt Lake City--I just can't stop researching them. I have some Googling interests which are more long lasting, and which I repeatedly turn to when I have exhausted my daily obsessions--such as Chernobyl, American Idol, and North Korea. I don't understand why I can't just develop self-control and stay off Google except for academic research. I'm a college student, and it's interferring with my studies--I might start Googling the Scientific Revolution like I'm supposed to and pretty soon I'll be searching for all-natural gum. It's as if I must Google every thought which enters my mind. I can only hope that somewhere out there has experienced something similar to this and has advice on how to cope. I have some OCD/Asperger's tendencies, so that might explain this. But is it normal to be hopelessly addicted to Google?