Is it normal that i am afraid of belly buttons?

Maybe "afraid of" isn't the best phrase. I just really, really do not like belly buttons. I get unbelievably uncomfortable when I see someone touch their own belly button. And if someone were to touch my belly button, I'm betting I would flip out and cry. I don't even touch it. Belly button lint is like the worst thing ever sometimes. I actually took a day off of school, because I knew that we were learning about the function of belly buttons in advanced biology. I can't even stand looking at them. Is it normal?

Voting Results
22% Normal
Based on 142 votes (31 yes)
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Comments ( 17 )
  • gummy_jr

    I don't like looking at other people's feet

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  • loopoo

    I had a friend who had an actual belly button phobia. Whenever she used to be annoying I used to just get mine out, she soon dissapeared.

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  • oliviamohning

    Come to think of it, I really don't like looking at outties. And I hate touching my own belly button cause it's kind of painful for some reason.

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  • oliviamohning

    Well, nobody really LIKES belly buttons. They are like, really weird. If you think about it, an umbilical cord was attached to them. And when you're a newborn, they're all stumpy and burnt looking and gross. Blehk. But really, your reaction is a bit strong. I would either a) try to make peace with your belly button, b) ignore them. Learn to not fixate on them. This might take some time, cause it's a habit.
    And if you ever get a boyfriend/girlfriend, and they try to touch your belly button (dunno why they would, but just say they did for whatever reason) then just tell them "please don't do that, it really bothers me. I don't like belly buttons. They gross me out." And they should chill and understand. Like anybody who goes "omg you're so weird" who caaaaares about them. Ditch em. They're just close-minded. Everyone has things about them that make them different, and it's not a bad thing. Fitting in and being all the same is so overrated.

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  • Sacron1111

    Not normal, but so what? not hurting yourself or anyone else.

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    I'm not afraid of them but I absolutely can't stand mine touched even by myself. It's as if I wanted to throw up or something.

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  • InsaneSatire

    Some people have a weird thing that if you mess around with it it messes with your intestines. Try looking up belly button removal surgery, it's so dangerous and looks so weird but maybe you'll like it.

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  • disthing

    No it's not particularly normal.

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  • Pandabear16

    Mmm...this reminded me that i gotta clean my belly button.........

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  • hiddenhands

    I feel the same way as you about belly buttons when i read posts on this websites.

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  • ChaoticBunny

    Well, they are a bit weird when you think about it. But there's no need to be scared of them.

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  • Aub

    I don't got a belly button!

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  • Wh0Ar3YoU

    I remember this black girl at my elementary school that had her belly button sticking out. It looks like some sort of small fruit,like one of those cherry tomatoes or something. It was gross

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  • screwthestandard

    No, not normal. But I'm kind of the same way. I don't like seeing people touch their bellybuttons. And I get squeamish when someone touches my bellybutton and I hate how I tell people and they think I'm joking which causes them to touch it even more.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Which ones are more scary innies or outies.

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    • Energy

      Outies! Just saying.

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  • handsignals

    Is it because there insides could spill out of that tight little hole at any second.

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