Is it normal that i am afraid of conspiracies and mysteries

In English, we are reading a book about the 60's and our teacher put on music from the 60's on and asked us what we thought of it and why it would not b e accepted today. He told us about the Beatles and how famous they were and their secret for selling so many records. He said at the end of some songs, like Strawberry Fields, you could hear some members singing something about the death of Paul. John said, I buried Paul. In Revolution 9, he said, turn me on, dead man. I googled it at home, and I got freaked out by the audio. Also those Geico Strange Savings Ads freak me out. And Five Night's at Freddy's theories. Normal? Please tell me how to get over them. I am having nightmares and can't get them out of my head. I personally think it's because I am driven by logic and common-sense, and is afraid of instability. I don't know. Is this normal?

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56% Normal
Based on 27 votes (15 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • mysistersshadow

    I don't mean to be rude but if this stuff is making you afraid it doesn't sound like your driven by logic and common sense.

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  • Myghoul2099

    i used to be creeped out and afraid of this when i was 14. don't be afraid of the beatles played backwards, they put messages into the songs backwards in the studio as a prank to show how stupid fans are. (people were saying they were an anti christ band after lennon's comment about the beatles being more popular than jesus.) almost all of the back masking you hear is fake. the only one that seems legit satan speaking through something is stairway to heaven backwards. everything else is just a lie.

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  • Terrik1337

    There is a video game called Deus Ex that shows the twin towers missing from the New York sky line. The developers justified this by saying they were destroyed in a terrorist attack prior to the events of the game. Deus Ex was released in the year 2000.

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  • I don't know, but I am REALLY creeped out by it

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