Is it normal that i am afraid of doors slamming in my face?

I can't go through doors because I am too afraid the door will slam in my face on its own. My face couldn't handle that kind of pressure. Is it normal?

Voting Results
28% Normal
Based on 25 votes (7 yes)
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Comments ( 3 )
  • NotStrangeBird

    I've seen someone knocked out by a door being opened too fast in their face, but closing in your face? Do you have hands? Hold the door open until you go through.

    So you don't have any doors and never use them? Life must be difficult.

    Maybe you could get a revolving door or become a hippie and get some beads instead.

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  • Seustewart

    Stay away from doors

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  • snowtail802

    so your scared of doors hmm... ˙slams door in face-

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